
Pratt Story Circles Mondays

As we move forward into the fall semester and onwards to winter we would like to highlight an engaging and community-building activity called Story Circles. The United Nations Educational, Scientific, […]

Pratt Story Circles Mondays

Fitzpatrick CIEMAS 3121

As we move forward into the fall semester and onwards to winter we would like to highlight an engaging and community-building activity called Story Circles. The United Nations Educational, Scientific, […]

Duke MEMS State Fair!

Fitzpatrick CIEMAS Atrium

Duke community invited. Come, see -- and play -- new twists on classic boardwalk and carnival games designed by seniors in Mechanical Engineering. Through hands-on application of all they have […]

Fall Engineering Faculty Meeting

Rubenstein Library Holsti-Anderson Family Assembly Room 153

All members of the Pratt School of Engineering's faculty are invited to the Fall Meeting. Presenters will include Dean Jerry Lynch. Hosted by the Engineering Faculty Council. 11:30 am to […]

Duke Summit on AI Innovation in Health

JB Duke Hotel

Duke AI Health and the Pratt School of Engineering are partnering to host the Duke Summit on AI for Health Innovation with the goal of fostering a community of practice […]

Pratt Pickleball

All skill levels are welcome! We play to have fun. Space is limited to 12. RSVP by October 8th.