Organizations & Clubs
Superpower Your Student Experience
At Duke Engineering, collaboration isn’t just a concept — it’s our way of life. Immerse yourself in a co-curricular adventure—whether it’s building a racecar, firing rockets, designing adaptive technologies for neighbors in need, or something else that speaks to your passion and sense of purpose.
Groups for Undergraduates
Our undergrads are uncommonly active—regularly sending hand-crafted rockets into the heavens, designing 3D-printed prosthetics for children in our neighborhood and setting the Guinness World Record for most efficient vehicle on the planet.
Combat Robotics
- sites.duke.edu/combatrobots/
- Faculty advisor: Tyler Bletsch
Duke Aviators / Duke Aviation Association
- dukegroups.com/aviation/home/
- Faculty advisor: Kenneth Hall
Duke Electric Vehicles (DEV)
- duke-ev.org
- Faculty advisor: Siobhan Oca
DukEngineer Magazine
- pratt.duke.edu/news/magazines
- Consulting editor: Ken Kingery
Duke Engineers for International Development (DEID)
- sites.duke.edu/deid
- Faculty advisor: David Schaad
Duke Hyperloop
- dukegroups.com/dukehyperloop
- Faculty advisor: Earl Dowell
Duke Motorsports
- dukefsae.com
- Faculty advisor: George Delagrammatikas
Duke Robotics
- duke-robotics.com
- Faculty advisor: Michael Zavlanos
Duke Students for the Exploration & Development of Space (SEDS)
- duke.campusgroups.com/dukeseds
- Faculty advisor: Dan Buckland
Duke Undergraduate Quantum Information Society (DUQIS)
- Faculty advisor: Ken Brown
- dukeenable.wordpress.com
- Advisor: Michael Faber
Females Excelling More in Math, Engineering & Science (FEMMES+)
- sites.duke.edu/femmes
- Faculty advisor: Heileen Hsu-Kim
- hackduke.org
- Advisor: Amy Linnane
- facebook.com/dukeinnoworks
- Advisor: Carmen Rawls
- sites.duke.edu/medesign
- Faculty advisor: Mark Palmeri
Project Tadpole
- duketadpole.org
- Faculty advisor: Sonia Bansal
Runway of Dreams at Duke
- Faculty advisor: Rebecca Simmons
Duke Smart Home
- smarthome.duke.edu
- Faculty advisors:
Faculty Advisors
American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics
- dukerocketry.com
- Faculty advisor: Greg Twiss
American Society of Civil Engineers
- dukeasce.wordpress.com
- Faculty advisor: Joe Nadeau
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- Faculty advisor: Rebecca Simmons
Biomedical Engineering Society
- Faculty advisor: Elizabeth Bucholz
Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
Materials Research Society
- sites.duke.edu/mrsduke
- Faculty advisor: David Mitzi
National Society of Black Engineers
- dukegroups.com/nsbe/home/
- Faculty advisor: Karis Boyd-Sinkler
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers
- dukeshpe.org
- Faculty advisor: Dina Requena
Society of Women Engineers
- sites.duke.edu/dukeswe/
- Faculty advisor: Rebecca Simmons
Tau Beta Pi
Chi Epsilon
- Duke chapter
- Advisor: Joseph Nadeau
Eta Kappa Nu
Pi Tau Sigma
- Contact: Linda Franzoni

Graduate Student Groups
Beyond the classroom and lab, there are expansive opportunities for master’s and PhD students to engage, build community and develop strong interpersonal, leadership and professional skills.
Engineering Graduate Student Council
A self-governing body for all engineering master’s and PhD students. It hosts “Pratt Chats,” the popular Friday afternoon socials on Harrington Engineering Quad. Discover more about EGSC.
Engineering Master’s Programs Student Advisory Board
Board members advise administrators and help plan professional, academic, networking and social events—and collaborate with graduate student groups university-wide. Meet the leadership team.
Master of Engineering Management Clubs
Mapped to this master’s program’s guiding principles and to career interests, MEM students form clubs focused on consulting, creative communications, data science, product management and more.
Biomedical Engineering PhD Student Association
Civil & Environmental Engineering Students Advocating for Graduate Education
Electrical & Computer Engineering Advocacy for Student Engagement
Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science Graduate Student Committee
American Society of Civil Engineers
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Biomedical Engineering Society
Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Materials Research Society
National Society of Black Engineers
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers
Society of Women Engineers
Women in Science & Engineering

Support for Student Groups
Our engaged alumni have got your back. Click to make a connection with the Engineering Alumni Council.
- Expert mentorship
- Project funding