Pre-Research Support

Beyond the Horizon Initiative

Duke Engineering makes substantial investments in interdisciplinary teams starting out on extremely high-risk, high-reward projects. In our inaugural class, six proposals were selected to shape Duke Engineering’s future research and teaching profile.

Last Day of Classes Spring 2022 (LDOC) student Chapel Climb

Taming AI’s Outsized Appetite

AI applications demand enormous amounts of energy and water. A new collaboration aims to make circuitry more compact and sustainable

Request for Proposals

Duke NetID required to access.

Streamlining Duke Engineering’s International Efforts to Maximize Impact

Duke Engineering’s Beyond the Horizon initiative is launching the Center for Sustainability and the Global Community

It Pays to Share

Big Data’s value lies in its secondary value, and Duke ECE’s Jian Pei aims to encourage model sharing among organizations

Scouring Nature for the Building Blocks of Biomedical Condensates

Cross-campus collaboration seeks to discover naturally occurring biological condensates, like drops of oil forming in water, to engineer new therapeutics

orange circles and blobs within a liquid

Unlocking the Future Potential of Living Materials

Researchers across campus aim to harness bacteria to engineer adaptive living materials

intricate structural details of a living leaf (left) and a bunch of 3D rectangles of various colors making a large structure

Wearable Tech to Capture Better Brain Images

Wearable imaging devices have a tough time penetrating a human skull. Check out why sound-generating lasers might be the key to fast, accurate and detailed 3D brain images.

A low-profile, wearable imaging tool will be able to provide physicians with accurate, detailed, 3D brain images

Contact Us

Sharon  Gerecht Profile Photo
Sharon Gerecht Profile Photo

Sharon Gerecht

Chair of Biomedical Engineering, Paul M. Gross Distinguished Professor