Input/Output (I/O) Magazine
There’s an old adage that you get out of an endeavor whatever you put in. But just as important as the inputs and outputs is the slash between them—the planning, the infrastructure, the programs, the relationships. We hope the content within this magazine helps you not only discover a little more about Duke Engineering, but also ideas and inspiration that make your own slashes a bit bigger.

In this issue:
- Engineering robots that learn—and interact—like humans
- AI is the biggest question mark in cybersecurity—is it also the answer?
- Lessons learned from design-focused engineering curricula
- Keeping an eye on the benefits and perils of social media in the laboratory

In this issue:
- The secret to rainforest conservation could be inside this suitcase
- Leverage relationships to build the master’s program of tomorrow
- What today’s angel investors are looking for from university startups
- Embracing the conundrum of generative AI in the classroom
DukEngineer Magazine
Student-written annual—published since the 1940s—detailing undergraduate research, new faculty and more.
Duke Libraries has digitized historic issues.

In this issue:
- Reviving Duke Motorsports
- Shaping Climate Solutions
- Kicking Off Duke’s Centennial Celebration and more

In this issue:
- Drone-aided research on the high seas
- Getting Pratt-born products to market
- Keeping student shops safe and more

In this issue:
- A Conversation with New Duke Engineering Dean Jerome Lynch
- The Duke Quantum Center Launches a New Era of Computing
- Students and Faculty Alike Adapt to the “New Normal”
- How First-Year Design Affected Its Inaugural Class and more

BME Magazine
Learn more about Duke Biomedical Engineering—consistently ranked among the very top programs in the field.
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ECE Magazine
Describes the extraordinary work of faculty and students in Duke Electrical & Computer Engineering.
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