Donald Wright
Associate Professor Emeritus of the Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
Kevin Wright
kevin.wright@duke.eduAdjunct Professor in the Engineering Graduate and Professional Programs
Research Interests
Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Optimization, Reinforcement Learning, and High Dimensional Statistics
Research Interests
Photoacoustic tomography (PAT) technologies, and translating PAT advances into diagnostic and therapeutic applications, especially in functional brain imaging and early cancer theranostics.
Lingchong You
James L. Meriam Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Research Interests
Quantitative biology, synthetic biology, machine learning, antibiotic resistance, microbiome
Rabih Younes
rabih.younes@duke.eduAssociate Director of Undergraduate Studies, Associate Professor of the Practice in the Department of ECE
Research Interests
Wearable computing, activity recognition, context awareness, machine learning, artificial intelligence, engineering education, and Middle Eastern politics
Research Interests
Principles and mechanisms of delivery for drugs, genes, and vaccines; pharmacokinetics; electrotransfer or electroporation technology; and tumor pathophysiology.
Michael Rod Zalutsky
zalut001@mc.duke.eduJonathan Spicehandler, M.D. Distinguished Professor of Neuro Oncology, in the School of Medicine
Research Interests
Water resources planning and management, drought modeling and control, flexible climate change adaptation, conceptual and data-driven systems modeling, reinforcement learning for water systems, multi-objective control,…
Stefan Zauscher
zauscher@duke.eduAssociate Chair, Director of Graduate Studies and Professor in the Thomas Lord Department of MEMS
Research Interests
Nano-mechanical and nano-tribological characterization (elasticity, friction, adhesion) of materials including organic thin films; self-assembled monolayers, polymeric gels, and cellulosics; Fabrication of polymeric nanostructures by scanning…
Michael Zavlanos
michael.zavlanos@duke.eduProfessor in the Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
Research Interests
Control theory, optimization, and learning; in particular, robotics and autonomous systems, networked and distributed control systems, and cyber-physical systems.