Amanda Randles
Biomedical Engineering
Alfred Winborne and Victoria Stover Mordecai Associate Professor of Biomedical Sciences

Research Interests
Biomedical simulation and high-performance computing
My research in biomedical simulation and high-performance computing focuses on the development of new computational tools that we use to provide insight into the localization and development of human diseases ranging from atherosclerosis to cancer.
- Ph.D. Harvard University, 2013
- Alfred Winborne and Victoria Stover Mordecai Associate Professor of Biomedical Sciences
- Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering
- Assistant Professor in the Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
- Assistant Professor of Computer Science
- Member of the Duke Cancer Institute
Awards, Honors, and Distinctions
- Stansell Family Distinguished Research Award. Pratt School of Engineering. 2023
- Pioneer Award. NIH. 2022
- Fellow (NAI). National Academy of Inventors. 2021
- Senior Member. National Academy of Inventors. 2019
- IEEE-CS Technical Consortium on High Performance Computing (TCHPC) Award for Excellence for Early Career Researchers in High Performance Computing. IEEE. 2017
- MIT TR35 Visionary. MIT TR35. 2017
- Grace Murray Hopper Award. ACM. 2017
- Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award. Oak Ridge Associated Universities. 2016
- Best Paper, IEEE International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS) 2015. IEEE. 2015
- Gordon Bell Finalist. ACM. 2015
- Early Independence Award. NIH. 2014
- U.S. Delegate . Heidelberg Laureate Forum. 2013
- Lawrence Fellowship. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. 2013
- Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship. Google. 2012
- U.S. Delegate . Lindau Nobel Laureates and Students Meeting Dedicated to Physics. 2012
- George Michael Memorial High Performance Computing Fellowship. ACM/IEEE. 2012
- George Michael Memorial High Performance Computing Fellowship. ACM/IEEE. 2010
- Computational Science Graduate Fellowship. Department of Energy. 2010
- Gordon Bell Finalist. ACM. 2010
- Graduate Research Fellowship. National Science Foundation. 2009
Courses Taught
- EGR 393: Research Projects in Engineering
- BME 792: Continuation of Graduate Independent Study
- BME 791: Graduate Independent Study
- BME 520L: Computational Foundations of Biomedical Simulation (GE, BB, MC)
- BME 493: Projects in Biomedical Engineering (GE)
- BME 307: Transport Phenomena in Biological Systems (AC or GE, BB)
- Martin A, Nezdyur M, Tanade C, Randles A. Establishing a massively parallel computational model of the adaptive immune response (Accepted). Journal of Computational Science. 2025 May;87:102555u2013102555.
- Tanade C, Randles A. Real-time virtual intervention for simple and serial coronary artery disease using the HarVI framework. Journal of Computational Science. 2025 Mar;102570u2013102570.
- Deelman E, Dongarra J, Hendrickson B, Randles A, Reed D, Seidel E, et al. High-performance computing at a crossroads. Science (New York, NY). 2025 Feb;387(6736):829u201331.
- Feiger B, Jensen CW, Bryner BS, Segars WP, Randles A. Modeling the effect of patient size on cerebral perfusion during veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Perfusion. 2024 Oct;39(7):1295u2013303.
- Tanade C, Khan NS, Rakestraw E, Ladd WD, Draeger EW, Randles A. Establishing the longitudinal hemodynamic mapping framework for wearable-driven coronary digital twins. NPJ digital medicine. 2024 Sep;7(1):236.
- Chidyagwai SG, Kaplan MS, Jensen CW, Chen JS, Chamberlain RC, Hill KD, et al. Surgical Modulation of Pulmonary Artery Shear Stress: A Patient-Specific CFD Analysis of the Norwood Procedure. Cardiovasc Eng Technol. 2024 Aug;15(4):431u201342.
- Geddes J, Randles A, Tanade C, Ladd W, Khan NS. Velocity Temporal Shape Affects Simulated Flow in Left Coronary Arteries (Accepted). In 2024.
- Vardhan M, Tanade C, Chen SJ, Mahmood O, Chakravartti J, Jones WS, et al. Diagnostic Performance of Coronary Angiography Derived Computational Fractional Flow Reserve. J Am Heart Assoc. 2024 Jul 2;13(13):e029941.
- Vemulapalli S, Adebiyi A, Jensen C, Weissler EH, Inohara T, Chen SJ, et al. Leveraging Computational Fluid Dynamics for Next-Generation Preoperative Planning in Vascular Surgery. In: Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2024. p. 1u20134.
- Wu R, Kabir MS, Truskey GA, Randles A. Investigating the impact of sickle cell disease on red blood cell transport in complex capillary networks. In: Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Annual International Conference. 2024. p. 1u20134.
- Seidel E, Randles A, Arthur R, Bergman K, Carlson B, Deelman E, et al. 2024 Advanced Scientific Computing Advisory Committee (ASCR) Facilities Subcommittee Recommendations. USDOE Office of Science (SC); 2024 May.
- Geddes JR, Randles A. Optimizing Temporal Waveform Analysis: A Novel Pipeline for Efficient Characterization of Left Coronary Artery Velocity Profiles. ArXiv. 2024 Feb 15;
- Martin A, Liu G, Joo B, Wu R, Kabir MS, Draeger EW, et al. Designing a GPU-Accelerated Communication Layer for Efficient Fluid-Structure Interaction Computations on Heterogeneous Systems. In: International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, SC. 2024.
- Mavi JK, Tanade C, Ladd W, Geddes J, Khan NS, Randles A. Hemodynamics comparison of an hour-long rest and activity state data in a human coronary digital twin. In: Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS. 2024.
- Huber M, Jiang J, Tanade C, Randles A. Identifying When Steady-State Flow Simulations In Patient-Specific Coronaries Recapitulate Pulsatile Flow Dynamics. In: Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS. 2024.
- Ghorbannia A, Randles A. Systematic characterization and automated alignment of coronary tree geometries. In: Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS. 2024.
- Nan J, Roychowdhury S, Randles A. Investigating the Influence of Heterogeneity Within Cell Types on Microvessel Network Transport. Cellular and molecular bioengineering. 2023 Dec;16(5u20136):497u2013507.
- Valero-Lara P, Vetter J, Gounley J, Randles A. Moment Representation of Regularized Lattice Boltzmann Methods on NVIDIA and AMD GPUs. In: ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. 2023. p. 1697u2013704.
- Yousef A, Randles A. Enabling In Situ Visualization of Large-Scale Cellular Simulations. In 2023.
- Martin A, Liu G, Ladd W, Lee S, Gounley J, Vetter J, et al. Performance Evaluation of Heterogeneous GPU Programming Frameworks for Hemodynamic Simulations. In: ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. 2023. p. 1126u201337.
- Tanade C, Rakestraw E, Ladd W, Draeger E, Randles A. Cloud Computing to Enable Wearable-Driven Longitudinal Hemodynamic Maps. In: International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysisu202f: [proceedings] SC (Conferenceu202f: Supercomputing). 2023. p. 82.
- Roychowdhury S, Balogh P, Mahmud ST, Puleri DF, Martin A, Gounley J, et al. Enhancing Adaptive Physics Refinement Simulations Through the Addition of Realistic Red Blood Cell Counts. In: International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysisu202f: [proceedings] SC (Conferenceu202f: Supercomputing). 2023. p. 41.
- Randles A, Draeger E, Yousef A. Low-Cost Post Hoc Reconstruction of HPC Simulations at Full Resolution. 2023 IEEE 13th Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV). 2023 Oct 23;17u201321.
- Roychowdhury S, Draeger EW, Randles A. Establishing metrics to quantify spatial similarity in spherical and red blood cell distributions. Journal of Computational Science. 2023 Jul 1;71.
- Tanade C, Putney S, Randles A. Establishing massively parallel models to examine the influence of cell heterogeneity on tumor growth. Journal of Computational Science. 2023 Jul 1;71.
- Shi H, Vardhan M, Randles A. The Role of Immersion for Improving Extended Reality Analysis of Personalized Flow Simulations. Cardiovascular engineering and technology. 2023 Apr;14(2):194u2013203.
- Pepona M, Gounley J, Randles A. Effect of constitutive law on the erythrocyte membrane response to large strains. Computers & mathematics with applications (Oxford, Englandu202f: 1987). 2023 Feb;132:145u201360.
- Yousef A, Draeger E, Randles A. Low-Cost Post Hoc Reconstruction of HPC Simulations at Full Resolution. In IEEE; 2023.
- Ladd W, Jensen C, Vardhan M, Ames J, Hammond JR, Draeger EW, et al. Optimizing Cloud Computing Resource Usage for Hemodynamic Simulation. In: Proceedings - 2023 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2023. 2023. p. 568u201378.
- Puleri DF, Roychowdhury S, Balogh P, Gounley J, Draeger EW, Ames J, et al. High Performance Adaptive Physics Refinement to Enable Large-Scale Tracking of Cancer Cell Trajectory. In: Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing. 2022. p. 230u201342.
- Puleri DF, Martin AX, Randles A. Distributed Acceleration of Adhesive Dynamics Simulations. In: Proceedings of 2022 29th European MPI Usersu2019 Group Meeting (EuroMPI/USAu20192022)u202f: September 26-28, 2022, Chattanooga, TN European MPI Usersu2019 Group Meeting (29thu202f: 2022u202f: Chattanooga, Tenn). 2022. p. 37u201345.
- Puleri DF, Randles A. The role of adhesive receptor patterns on cell transport in complex microvessels. Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology. 2022 Aug;21(4):1079u201398.
- Gounley J, Vardhan M, Draeger EW, Valero-Lara P, Moore SV, Randles A. Propagation pattern for moment representation of the lattice Boltzmann method. IEEE transactions on parallel and distributed systemsu202f: a publication of the IEEE Computer Society. 2022 Mar;33(3):642u201353.
- Chidyagwai SG, Vardhan M, Kaplan M, Chamberlain R, Barker P, Randles A. Characterization of hemodynamics in anomalous aortic origin of coronary arteries using patient-specific modeling. J Biomech. 2022 Feb;132:110919.
- Vardhan M, Shi H, Urick D, Patel M, Leopold JA, Randles A. The role of extended reality for planning coronary artery bypass graft surgery. In: Proceedings - 2022 IEEE Visualization Conference - Short Papers, VIS 2022. 2022. p. 115u20139.
- Tanade C, Chen SJ, Leopold JA, Randles A. Analysis identifying minimal governing parameters for clinically accurate in silico fractional flow reserve. Frontiers in medical technology. 2022 Jan;4:1034801.
- Roychowdhury S, Draeger EW, Randles A. Establishing Metrics tou00a0Quantify Underlying Structure inu00a0Vascular Red Blood Cell Distributions. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 2022. p. 89u2013102.
- Feiger B, Lorenzana-Saldivar E, Cooke C, Horstmeyer R, Bishawi M, Doberne J, et al. Evaluation of U-Net Based Architectures for Automatic Aortic Dissection Segmentation. ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare. 2022 Jan 1;3(1).
- Bishawi M, Kaplan M, Chidyagwai S, Cappiello J, Cherry A, MacLeod D, et al. Patient- and Ventilator-Specific Modeling tou00a0Drive theu00a0Use andu00a0Development ofu00a03D Printed Devices foru00a0Rapid Ventilator Splitting During theu00a0COVID-19 Pandemic. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 2022. p. 137u201349.
- Roychowdhury S, Mahmud ST, Puleri DF, Lai A, Rex R, Li B, et al. DEVELOPING A DIGITAL TWIN FOR SINGLE-CELL MECHANICAL PHENOTYPING MICROFLUIDIC DEVICES. In: MicroTAS 2022 - 26th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences. 2022. p. 831u20132.
- Vardhan M, Gounley J, Chen SJ, Nair P, Wei W, Hegele L, et al. Evaluation of intracoronary hemodynamics identifies perturbations in vorticity. Frontiers in Systems Biology. 2022 Jan 1;2.
- Tanade C, Putney S, Randles A. Developing au00a0Scalable Cellular Automaton Model ofu00a03D Tumor Growth. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 2022. p. 3u201316.
- Bazarin RLM, Philippi PC, Randles A, Hegele LA. Moments-based method for boundary conditions in the lattice Boltzmann framework: A comparative analysis for the lid driven cavity flow. Computers and Fluids. 2021 Nov 15;230.
- Liu X, Vardhan M, Wen Q, Das A, Randles A, Chi EC. An Interpretable Machine Learning Model to Classify Coronary Bifurcation Lesions. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Annual International Conference. 2021 Nov;2021:4432u20135.
- Tanade C, Feiger B, Vardhan M, Chen SJ, Leopold JA, Randles A. Global Sensitivity Analysis For Clinically Validated 1D Models of Fractional Flow Reserve. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Annual International Conference. 2021 Nov;2021:4395u20138.
- Herschlag G, Lee S, Vetter JS, Randles A. Analysis of GPU Data Access Patterns on Complex Geometries for the D3Q19 Lattice Boltzmann Algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. 2021 Oct 1;32(10):2400u201314.
- Puleri DF, Balogh P, Randles A. Computational models of cancer cell transport through the microcirculation. Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology. 2021 Aug;20(4):1209u201330.
- Balogh P, Gounley J, Roychowdhury S, Randles A. A data-driven approach to modeling cancer cell mechanics during microcirculatory transport. Scientific reports. 2021 Jul;11(1):15232.
- Randles A, Wirsching H-G, Dean JA, Cheng Y-K, Emerson S, Pattwell SS, et al. Computational modelling of perivascular-niche dynamics for the optimization of treatment schedules for glioblastoma. Nature biomedical engineering. 2021 Apr;5(4):346u201359.
- Vardhan M, Gounley J, Chen SJ, Chi EC, Kahn AM, Leopold JA, et al. Non-invasive characterization of complex coronary lesions. Scientific reports. 2021 Apr;11(1):8145.
- Vardhan M, Randles A. Application of physics-based flow models in cardiovascular medicine: Current practices and challenges. Biophysics reviews. 2021 Mar;2(1):011302.
- Feiger B, Adebiyi A, Randles A. Multiscale modeling of blood flow to assess neurological complications in patients supported by venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Computers in biology and medicine. 2021 Feb;129:104155.
- Feiger B, Lorenzana E, Ranney D, Bishawi M, Doberne J, Vekstein A, et al. Predicting aneurysmal degeneration of type B aortic dissection with computational fluid dynamics. In: Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics, BCB 2021. 2021.
- Bardhan J, Leung MA, Martin E, Randles A. DOE Computational Science Graduate Fellowship Research Showcase. Computing in Science and Engineering. 2021 Jan 1;23(6):5u20138.
- Kaplan M, Kneifel C, Orlikowski V, Dorff J, Newton M, Howard A, et al. Cloud Computing for COVID-19: Lessons Learned From Massively Parallel Models of Ventilator Splitting. Computing in science & engineering. 2020 Nov;22(6):37u201347.
- Jang LK, Alvarado JA, Pepona M, Wasson EM, Nash LD, Ortega JM, et al. Three-dimensional bioprinting of aneurysm-bearing tissue structure for endovascular deployment of embolization coils. Biofabrication. 2020 Oct;13(1).
- Pepona M, Balogh P, Puleri DF, Hynes WF, Robertson C, Dubbin K, et al. Investigating the Interaction Between Circulating Tumor Cells and Local Hydrodynamics via Experiment and Simulations. Cellular and molecular bioengineering. 2020 Oct;13(5):527u201340.
- Bishawi M, Kaplan M, Chidyagwai S, Cappiello J, Cherry A, MacLeod D, et al. Rapid Ventilator Splitting During COVID-19 Pandemic Using 3D Printed Devices and Numerical Modeling of 200 Million Patient Specific Air Flow Scenarios. Res Sq. 2020 Aug 12;
- Hynes WF, Pepona M, Robertson C, Alvarado J, Dubbin K, Triplett M, et al. Examining metastatic behavior within 3D bioprinted vasculature for the validation of a 3D computational flow model. Science advances. 2020 Aug;6(35):eabb3308.
- Puleri DF, Roychowdhury S, Ames J, Randles A. Computational Framework to Evaluate the Hydrodynamics of Cell Scaffold Geometries. In: Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Annual International Conference. 2020. p. 2299u2013302.
- Cherian J, Dabagh M, Srinivasan VM, Chen S, Johnson J, Wakhloo A, et al. Balloon-Mounted Stents for Treatment of Refractory Flow Diverting Device Wall Malapposition. Operative neurosurgery (Hagerstown, Md). 2020 Jul;19(1):37u201342.
- Ames J, Puleri DF, Balogh P, Gounley J, Draeger EW, Randles A. Multi-GPU Immersed Boundary Method Hemodynamics Simulations. Journal of computational science. 2020 Jul;44:101153.
- Roychowdhury S, Gounley J, Randles A. Evaluating the Influence of Hemorheological Parameters on Circulating Tumor Cell Trajectory and Simulation Time. In: Proceedings of the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference, PASC 2020. 2020.
- Feiger B, Gounley J, Adler D, Leopold JA, Draeger EW, Chaudhury R, et al. Accelerating massively parallel hemodynamic models of coarctation of the aorta using neural networks. Scientific reports. 2020 Jun;10(1):9508.
- Shi H, Ames J, Randles A. Harvis: an interactive virtual reality tool for hemodynamic modification and simulation. Journal of Computational Science. 2020 May 1;43.
- Feiger B, Kochar A, Gounley J, Bonadonna D, Daneshmand M, Randles A. Determining the impacts of venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation on cerebral oxygenation using a one-dimensional blood flow simulator. Journal of biomechanics. 2020 May;104:109707.
- Dabagh M, Gounley J, Randles A. Localization of Rolling and Firm-Adhesive Interactions Between Circulating Tumor Cells and the Microvasculature Wall. Cellular and molecular bioengineering. 2020 Apr;13(2):141u201354.
- Vardhan M, Gounley J, Hegele L, Draeger EW, Randles A. Moment representation in the lattice Boltzmann method on massively parallel hardware. In: International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, SC. 2019.
- Ames J, Rizzi S, Insley J, Patel S, Hernu00e1ndez B, Draeger EW, et al. Low-Overhead in Situ Visualization Using Halo Replay. In: 2019 IEEE 9th Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization, LDAV 2019. 2019. p. 16u201326.
- Herschlag G, Gounley J, Roychowdhury S, Draeger EW, Randles A. Multi-physics simulations of particle tracking in arterial geometries with a scalable moving window algorithm. In: Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, ICCC. 2019.
- Chen K, Breitner S, Wolf K, Rai M, Meisinger C, Heier M, et al. Projection of Temperature-Related Myocardial Infarction in Augsburg, Germany: Moving on From the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. Deutsches Arzteblatt international. 2019 Aug;116(31u201332):521u20137.
- Lee S, Gounley J, Randles A, Vetter JS. Performance portability study for massively parallel computational fluid dynamics application on scalable heterogeneous architectures. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 2019 Jul 1;129:1u201313.
- Dabagh M, Nair P, Gounley J, Frakes D, Gonzalez LF, Randles A. Hemodynamic and morphological characteristics of a growing cerebral aneurysm. Neurosurg Focus. 2019 Jul 1;47(1):E13.
- Vardhan M, Gounley J, Chen SJ, Kahn AM, Leopold JA, Randles A. The importance of side branches in modeling 3D hemodynamics from angiograms for patients with coronary artery disease. Scientific reports. 2019 Jun;9(1):8854.
- Feiger B, Vardhan M, Gounley J, Mortensen M, Nair P, Chaudhury R, et al. Suitability of lattice Boltzmann inlet and outlet boundary conditions for simulating flow in image-derived vasculature. International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering. 2019 Jun;35(6):e3198.
- Chen K, Breitner S, Wolf K, Hampel R, Meisinger C, Heier M, et al. Temporal variations in the triggering of myocardial infarction by air temperature in Augsburg, Germany, 1987-2014. European heart journal. 2019 May;40(20):1600u20138.
- Grigoryan B, Paulsen SJ, Corbett DC, Sazer DW, Fortin CL, Zaita AJ, et al. Multivascular networks and functional intravascular topologies within biocompatible hydrogels. Science (New York, NY). 2019 May;364(6439):458u201364.
- Gounley J, Vardhan M, Randles A. A Framework for Comparing Vascular Hemodynamics at Different Points in Time. Computer physics communications. 2019 Feb;235:1u20138.
- Gounley J, Draeger EW, Randles A. Immersed Boundary Method Halo Exchange in a Hemodynamics Application. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 2019. p. 441u201355.
- Gounley J, Draeger EW, Oppelstrup T, Krauss WD, Gunnels JA, Chaudhury R, et al. Computing the ankle-brachial index with parallel computational fluid dynamics. Journal of biomechanics. 2019 Jan;82:28u201337.
- Vardhan M, Shi H, Gounley J, Chen SJ, Kahn A, Leopold J, et al. Correction to: Investigating the Role of VR in a Simulation-Based Medical Planning System for Coronary Interventions (Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention u2013 MICCAI 2019, LNCS 11768, 10.1007/978-3-030-32254-0_41). Vol. 11768 LNCS. 2019.
- Dabagh M, Randles A. Role of deformable cancer cells on wall shear stress-associated-VEGF secretion by endothelium in microvasculature. PloS one. 2019 Jan;14(2):e0211418.
- Hegele LA, Scagliarini A, Sbragaglia M, Mattila KK, Philippi PC, Puleri DF, et al. High-Reynolds-number turbulent cavity flow using the lattice Boltzmann method. Physical Review E. 2018 Oct 4;98(4).
- Herschlag G, Lee S, Vetter JS, Randles A. GPU data access on complex geometries for D3Q19 lattice boltzmann method. In: Proceedings - 2018 IEEE 32nd International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2018. 2018. p. 825u201334.
- Vardhan M, Das A, Gouruev J, Randles A. Computational fluid modeling to understand the role of anatomy in bifurcation lesion disease. In: Proceedings - 25th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing Workshops, HiPCW 2018. 2018. p. 56u201364.
- Rafat M, Stone HA, Auguste DT, Dabagh M, Randles A, Heller M, et al. Impact of diversity of morphological characteristics and Reynolds number on local hemodynamics in basilar aneurysms. AIChE Journal. 2018 Jul 1;64(7):2792u2013802.
- Randles A, Frakes DH, Leopold JA. Computational Fluid Dynamics and Additive Manufacturing to Diagnose and Treat Cardiovascular Disease. Trends in biotechnology. 2017 Nov;35(11):1049u201361.
- Gounley J, Vardhan M, Randles A. A computational framework to assess the influence of changes in vascular geometry on blood flow. In: PASC 2017 - Proceedings of the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference. 2017.
- Dabagh M, Jalali P, Butler PJ, Randles A, Tarbell JM. Mechanotransmission in endothelial cells subjected to oscillatory and multi-directional shear flow. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface. 2017 May;14(130):20170185.
- Gounley J, Draeger EW, Randles A. Numerical simulation of a compound capsule in a constricted microchannel. In: Procedia computer science. 2017. p. 175u201384.
- Laurence TA, Ly S, Fong E, Shusteff M, Randles A, Gounley J, et al. Using stroboscopic flow imaging to validate large-scale computational fluid dynamics simulations. In: Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. 2017.
- Gounley J, Chaudhury R, Vardhan M, Driscoll M, Pathangey G, Winarta K, et al. Does the degree of coarctation of the aorta influence wall shear stress focalnheterogeneity? In IEEE; 2016. p. 3429u201332.
- Randles A, Draeger EW, Oppelstrup T, Krauss L, Gunnels J. Massively Parallel Models of the Human Circulatory System. In: ACM; 2015.
- Randles A, Draeger EW, Bailey PE. Massively parallel simulations of hemodynamics in the primary large arteries of the human vasculature. Journal of computational science. 2015 Jul;9:70u20135.
- Whitley HD, Scullard CR, Benedict LX, Castor JI, Randles A, Glosli JN, et al. Lenard-Balescu calculations and classical molecular dynamics simulations of electrical and thermal conductivities of hydrogen plasmas. Contributions to Plasma Physics. 2015 Feb 1;55(2u20133):192u2013202.
- You Y, Fu H, Song SL, Randles A, Kerbyson D, Marquez A, et al. Scaling Support Vector Machines on modern HPC platforms. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 2015 Jan 1;76:16u201331.
- Randles A, Draeger EW, Michor F. Analysis of pressure gradient across aortic stenosis with massively parallel computational simulations. In: 2014.
- Kale V, Randles A, Gropp WD. Locality-optimized mixed static/dynamic scheduling for improving load balancing on SMPs. In: ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. 2014. p. 115u20136.
- Randles A, Kaxiras E. Parallel in time approximation of the lattice Boltzmann method for laminar flows. Journal of Computational Physics. 2014 Aug 1;270:577u201386.
- Randles A, Rand D, Lee C, Morrisett G, Pfister H. Massively Parallel Model of Extended Memory Use In Evolutionary Game Dynamics. In IEEE; 2014.
- Randles A, Kale V, Hammond JR, Gropp W, Kaxiras E. Performance analysis of the lattice Boltzmann model beyond Navier-Stokes. In IEEE; 2014.
- Almendro V, Cheng Y-K, Randles A, Itzkovitz S, Marusyk A, Ametller E, et al. Inference of tumor evolution during chemotherapy by computational modeling and in situ analysis of genetic and phenotypic cellular diversity. Cell reports. 2014 Feb;6(3):514u201327.
- Randles A. MIC-SVM: Designing A Highly Efficient Support Vector Machine for Advanced Modern Multi-Core and Many-Core Architectures. In: 2014.
- Randles A, Kaxiras E. A spatio-temporal coupling method to reduce the time-to-solution of cardiovascular simulations. Proceedings of the International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS. 2014. p. 593u2013602.
- Randles A, Draeger E, Michor F. Analysis of pressure gradient across aortic stenosis with massively parallel computational simulations. Computing in Cardiology. 2014 Jan 1;41(January):217u201320.
- Keyes DE, McInnes LC, Woodward C, Gropp W, Myra E, Pernice M, et al. Multiphysics simulations: Challenges and opportunities. International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications. 2013 Feb 1;27(1):4u201383.
- Randles AP. Massively parallel model of evolutionary game dynamics. Proceedings - 2012 SC Companion: High Performance Computing, Networking Storage and Analysis, SCC 2012. 2012 Dec 1;1531.
- Keyes D, McInnes LC, Woodward C, Gropp W, Myra E, Pernice M, et al. Multiphysics simulations: challenges and opportunities. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI); 2012 Nov.
- Randles A, Baecher M, Pfister H, Kaxiras EK. A Lattice Boltzmann Simulation ofnHemodynamics in a Patient-Speci c Aortic Coarctation Model. Camara O, Pop M, Mansi T, Sermesant M, Young A, editors. Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart: Imaging and Modelling Challenges: 2012 Oct 5;7746:17u201325.
- Borkin MA, Gajos KZ, Peters A, Mitsouras D, Melchionna S, Rybicki FJ, et al. Evaluation of artery visualizations for heart disease diagnosis. IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics. 2011 Dec;17(12):2479u201388.
- Peters A, Zeger L. Efficient methods for broadcasting multi-slot messages with random access with capture. In: 2011 - MILCOM 2011 Military Communications Conference. IEEE; 2011. p. 1838u201344.
- Randles A, Zeger L. Efficient Resource Allocation for Broadcasting Multi-Slot Messages With Random Access with Capture. In IEEE; 2011.
- Robson B, Li J, Dettinger R, Peters A, Boyer SK. Drug discovery using very large numbers of patents: general strategy with extensive use of match and edit operations. Journal of computer-aided molecular design. 2011 May;25(5):427u201341.
- Randles A, Melchionna S, Kaxiras E, Latt J, Sircar J, Bernaschi M, et al. Multiscale simulation of cardiovascular flows on the IBM Bluegene/P: full heart-circulation system at red-blood cell resolution. In ACM IEEE; 2010.
- Pang Y-P, Mullins TJ, Swartz BA, McAllister JS, Smith BE, Archer CJ, et al. EUDOC on the IBM Blue Gene/L system: Accelerating the transfer of drug discoveries from laboratory to patient. IBM Journal of Research and Development. 2008 Jan;52(1.2):69u201381.
- Jiang K, Thorsen O, Peters A, Smith B, Sosa CP. An Efficient Parallel Implementation of the Hidden Markov Methods for Genomic Sequence-Search on a Massively Parallel System. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. 2008 Jan;19(1):15u201323.
- Randles A. Parallel Genomic Sequence-Search on a Massively Parallel System. In: Thorsen O, Jiang K, Smith B, Lin H, Feng W, Sosa CP, editors. ACM; 2007.
- Pang Y-P, Swartz B, Smith B, Mullins T, Peters A, Musselman R. Poster reception---Optimizing EUDOC for the IBM eServer Blue Gene supercomputer. In: Proceedings of the 2006 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing - SC u201906. ACM Press; 2006. p. 174u2013174.
- Tanade C, Randles A. HarVI: Real-time intervention planning for coronary artery disease using machine learning (Accepted). In.
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- New Method Using Smartwatch Data May Predict Heart Attack (Nov 29, 2023 | Pratt School of Engineering)
- Building a Community in Computational Medicine (Nov 17, 2023 | Pratt School of Engineering)
- Two Duke Faculty Have Won the NIHu2019s Prestigious Pioneer Award (Oct 3, 2022 | Duke Today)
- Randles Elected Fellow of National Academy of Inventors (Dec 8, 2021 | Pratt School of Engineering)
- The Race to Split a Ventilator (Dec 9, 2020 | )
- Virtual Reality Blood Flow Simulation To Improve Cardiovascular Interventions (May 14, 2020 | Pratt School of Engineering)
- Randles' Cancer Simulations Aims to Be Critical Step Toward Understanding Cancer Metastasis (Sep 11, 2019 | Duke Cancer Institute)
- Duke University Models How and Where Blood Flow Impacts Health (Nov 7, 2017 | Research & Development World)
- Plumbing Virtual Vessels (Sep 21, 2017 | )
- Supercomputer copies whole-body blood flow (Mar 17, 2016 | BBC News)
- New Collaborative Seed Grant Program Gives Eight Awards (Mar 16, 2016 | )
- NIH Features Randles Research on Fighting Cancer With Supercomputers (Nov 19, 2015 | Duke Today)
- Experts put health issues firmly in the spotlight (Sep 14, 2015 | China Daily)