A New Platform to Build Stronger Community Partnerships
Duke Engineering was the beta tester for Duke's Partnership Platform, which looks to streamline and enhance Duke's work with community partners
Duke Engineering was the beta tester for Duke's Partnership Platform, which looks to streamline and enhance Duke's work with community partners
Through the InventHERs Institute, Drs. Whitney McCoy and Shaundra Daily are revolutionizing how girls and women see themselves in STEM fields
A group of students in Duke Engineers for International Development spent their summer improving the lives of the residents of a small Bolivian town
Duke Engineering students and faculty work with local high school students to compete in a national robotics competition
Adam Davidson recently led an outreach program that taught fourth grade students the fundamentals of coding through defining each step needed to build a classic peanut butter and jelly sandwich
The Outreach Design Education program’s recent hackathon helped engage students from Lowe’s Grove Middle School with the world of engineering and offered hands-on opportunities to tackle real world problems.
Duke's Shared Materials Instrumentation Facility (SMIF) is an integral part of RTNN and its outreach efforts
Two emerging programs at Duke provide valuable lessons on how to build experiences for a diverse set of local students to help expand the STEM pipeline.
Students constructing a 122-meter footbridge in Eswatini benefit from the work just as much as those who will use it on a daily basis.
STEM educators and fashion entrepreneurs team up to change perceptions of computing and engineering through ‘TechArts and Crafts’ workshops
Duke’s Pre-College engineering summer program builds opportunities for creativity and innovation through introductory audio engineering
Modeled after Duke Engineering’s First-Year Design program, Duke’s arm of Engineering for US All is working with students at Oxford Preparatory School