Joseph C. Nadeau
Civil and Environmental Engineering
CEE Director of Undergraduate Studies, Professor of the Practice

Research Interests
Theoretical and applied mechanics, micromechanics, composite materials, and probabilistic methods
Joe Nadeau earned his B.S. in Civil Engineering from Lehigh University in 1989, and then continued his education and earned a S.M. in Civil Engineering in 1991 from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He then matriculated to the University of California at Berkeley where he earned his Ph.D., in Civil and Environmental Engineering in 1996.nn
Dr. Nadeauu2019s primary research focus is in the areas of theoretical and applied mechanics, micromechanics, composite materials, and probabilistic methods.
- B.S.C.E. Lehigh University, 1989
- M.Sc. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1991
- Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley, 1996
- Professor of the Practice in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Awards, Honors, and Distinctions
- Earl I. Brown II Outstanding Civil Engineering Faculty Award. Civil & Environmental Engineering. 2016
- Earl I. Brown II Outstanding Civil Engineering Faculty Award. Civil and Environmental Engineering. 2015
- Earl I. Brown II Outstanding Civil Engineering Faculty Award. Civil and Environmental Engineering. 2014
- Earl I. Brown II Outstanding Civil Engineering Faculty Award. Civil and Environmental Engineering. 2012
- Klein Family Distinguished Teaching Award. Pratt School of Engineering. 2010
- Earl I. Brown II Outstanding Civil Engineering Faculty Award. Civil and Environmental Engineering. 2009
- James M. Robbins Excellence in Teaching Award. National Chi Epsilon. 2009
- Earl I. Brown II Outstanding Civil Engineering Faculty Award. Civil and Environmental Engineering. 2008
- Lois and John L. Imhoff Distinguished Teaching Award. Duke University Pratt School of Engineering. 2007
- Earl I. Brown II Outstanding Civil Engineering Faculty Award. Civil and Environmental Engineering. 2004
- Earl I. Brown II Outstanding Civil Engineering Faculty Award. Civil and Environmental Engineering. 2003
- Earl I. Brown II Outstanding Civil Engineering Faculty Award. Civil and Environmental Engineering. 2002
- ASCE Faculty Advisor Reward. ASCE Committee on Student Activities. 2000
- Earl I. Brown II Outstanding Civil Engineering Faculty Award. Civil and Environmental Engineering. 2000
- Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award. Oak Ridge Associated Universities. 1999
- Earl I. Brown II Outstanding Civil Engineering Faculty Award. Civil and Environmental Engineering. 1999
Courses Taught
- EGR 201L: Mechanics of Solids
- CEE 429: Integrated Structural Design
- CEE 423L: Metallic Structures
- CEE 422L: Concrete and Composite Structures
- Huettel L, Gustafson MR, Nadeau JC, Schaad D, Barger MM, Linnenbrink-Garcia L. A grand challenge-based framework for contextual learning in engineering: Impact on student outcomes and motivation. In: ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. 2015.
- Huettel L, Gustafson MR, Nadeau JC, Schaad DE, Barger MM, Linnenbrink-Garcia L. Evidence for the effectiveness of a grand challenge-based framework for contextual learning. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. 2014 Jan 1;
- Huettel LG, Gustafson MR, Nadeau JC, Schaad D, Barger MM, Linnenbrink-Garcia L. A grand challenge-based framework for contextual learning in engineering. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. 2013 Sep 24;
- Huettel LG, Forbes J, Franzoni L, Malkin R, Nadeau J, Nightingale K, et al. Transcending the traditional: Using tablet PCs to enhance engineering and computer science instruction. In: Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE. 2007.
- Nadeau JC, Ferrari M. Effective thermal expansion of heterogeneous materials with application to low temperature environments. Mechanics of Materials. 2004 Mar 1;36(3):201u201314.
- Nadeau JC, Ferrari M. Bounds on texture coefficients. Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions ASME. 2003 Mar 1;70(2):200u20133.
- Nadeau JC. A multiscale model for effective moduli of concrete incorporating ITZ water-cement ratio gradients, aggregate size distributions, and entrapped voids. Cement and Concrete Research. 2003 Jan 1;33(1):103u201313.
- Dolbow JE, Nadeau JC. On the use of effective properties for the fracture analysis of microstructured materials. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2002 Sep 1;69(14u201316):1607u201334.
- Nadeau JC. Water-cement ratio gradients in mortars and corresponding effective elastic properties. Cement and Concrete Research. 2002 Mar 1;32(3):481u201390.
- Nadeau JC, Ferrari M. On optimal zeroth-order bounds with application to Hashin-Shtrikman bounds and anisotropy parameters. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2001 Oct 12;38(44u201345):7945u201365.
- Mcafee BJ, Gould WD, Nadeau JC, Costa ACAD. Biosorption of metal ions using chitosan, chitin, and biomass of Rhizopus oryzae. Separation Science and Technology. 2001;36(14):3207u201322.
- Nadeau JC, Meng XN. On the response sensitivity of an optimally designed functionally graded layer. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2000 Jan 1;31(4):285u201397.
- Ferrari M, Rooney F, Nadeau JC. Optimal FGMs, and plain awful composites. Materials Science Forum. 1999 Jan 1;308u2013311:989u201394.
- Nadeau JC. A note on the effective lamu00e9 constants of a polycrystalline aggregate of cubic crystals. Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions ASME. 1999 Jan 1;66(2):577.
- Nadeau JC, Ferrari M. Microstructural optimization of a functionally graded transversely isotropic layer. Mechanics of Materials. 1999 Jan 1;31(10):637u201351.
- Nadeau JC, Ferrari M. Invariant Tensor-to-Matrix Mappings for Evaluation of Tensorial Expressions. Journal of Elasticity. 1998 Jan 1;52(1):43u201361.
- Nadeau JC, Ferrari M. Microstructural optimization of a functionally gradient layer. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Materials Division (Publication) MD. 1997 Dec 1;80:3u201310.
- Nadeau JC, Ferrari M. MICROSTRUCTURAL OPTIMIZATION OF A FUNCTIONALLY GRADIENT LAYER. In: ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE). 1997. p. 3u201310.
- Nadeau JC, Ferrari M. Second-rank equilibrium and transport properties of fibrous composites: Effective predictions and bounds. Composites Engineering. 1995 Jan 1;5(7):821u201338.
- Ferrari M, Nadeau J, Zargaryan SS. Singular boundary integral equation formulation for the non-dilute equivalent eigenstrain problem. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Petroleum Division (Publication) PD. 1993 Dec 1;53:213u20136.