
Toastmasters: Public Open House

BUILD a BETTER YOU! Learn how Toastmasters can help improve your public speaking and build leadership skills. Join Blue Devil Toastmasters for a free public open house - noon, Friday, April 4. In-person or Zoom. Light refreshments. Details and registration:

Coffee Monday for Engineering Master’s Programs Students

Kick-start your week with Coffee Monday for Engineering Master's Programs Students! Join us every Monday from 11:30 AM to 3:30 PM at the Teer 102 Student Lounge. Enjoy a cup of coffee and connect with fellow students as you gear up for a brand new week. ☕️ Will you be stopping by for a coffee […]

CEE Seminar – The Plastic We Breathe

Wilkinson Building, room 021 auditorium

Since the term "microscopic plastic" or "microplastics" first appeared in the scientific literature two decades ago, these tiny plastic particles have been detected in virtually every environmental compartment, as well as in various human and animal organs. The discovery of micro- and nanoplastics (MNPs) deposited in remote regions around the world and even in human […]

CANCELED — MEMS Seminar: Terry Bristol (ISEPP)

Fitzpatrick Center Schiciano Auditorium Side B, room 1466

THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELED -- Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science, Spring 2025 Seminar Series, welcomes Terry Bristol (ISEPP).

MEMS Seminar: Terry Bristol (ISEPP)

Fitzpatrick Center Schiciano Auditorium Side B, room 1466

Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science, Spring 2025 Seminar Series, welcomes Terry Bristol (ISEPP), , who will be giving a talk (title TBA).

The Investigational New Drug (IND) Workshop

Define an investigational drug, including off-label use of FDA approved drugs Provide guidance on determining when the IND regulations apply to research studies Discuss the preparation and submission of IND applications to FDA Review maintenance and safety reporting requirements Encourage participant discussion of case scenarios