Robert A. Malkin
Biomedical Engineering
Professor of the Practice Emeritus in the Department of Biomedical Engineering

- B.S. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1984
- M.S. Duke University, 1990
- Ph.D. Duke University, 1993
- Professor of the Practice Emeritus in the Department of Biomedical Engineering
- Professor of the Practice of Global Health
- Affiliate of the Duke Initiative for Science & Society
Awards, Honors, and Distinctions
- Save The Children. GSK Foundation. 2016
- Engineering Hero. IEEE Spectrum. 2015
- Imhoff Distinguished Teaching Award. Pratt School of Engineering. 2010
- Shreeya Prabu, Hana Catherine Zwick, Robert Allen Malkin. Teenagersu2019 future diabetes risk perception. World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences. 2024 Apr 30;18(1):233u20139.
- Malkin R, Zhou J, Parshley I. Barriers and Facilitators Associated with the History of Colonization on the Vaccination Process of COVID-19 among Indigenous Peoples in Canada. Canadian Journal of Medicine. 2024 Apr 1;6(1):5u201314.
- Bhatt E, Malkin RA. Errors in Metered Dose Inhaler Use Amongst Pediatric Asthma Patients. Journal of asthma and allergy. 2023 Jan;16:1259u201365.
- Arora A, Malkin R. HANDLINK: A Dexterous Robotic Hand Exoskeleton controlled by Motor Imagery (MI). Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research. 2022 Dec 1;427u201336.
- Anand S, Wilkerson M, Malkin R. The Effect of Vaping and Nicotine-containing Liquids to Suppress the Immune System: A Pilot Study. Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research. 2021 Dec 19;284u201391.
- Bitarakwate E, Ashburn K, Kazooba P, Khamasi R, Natumanya E, Herrera N, et al. Effects of the Pratt pouch model of dispensing nevirapine prophylaxis on HIV exposed infant completion of 6 weeks of prophylaxis in Uganda. PloS one. 2021 Jan;16(3):e0247507.
- Bucholz EK, Malkin RA. Creating a biomedical engineering summer study abroad program in Costa Rica. In: ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. 2019.
- Malkin R, Teninty B. Medical imaging in global public health: Donation, procurement, installation, and maintenance. In: Radiology in Global Health: Strategies, Implementation, and Applications. 2018. p. 77u201383.
- Emmerling D, Sholar PW, Malkin RA. A sustainability evaluation of a biomedical technician training program in Honduras. Health and Technology. 2018 Sep 1;8(4):291u2013300.
- Emmerling D, Dahinten A, Malkin RA. Problems with systems of medical equipment provision: an evaluation in Honduras, Rwanda and Cambodia identifies opportunities to strengthen healthcare systems. Health and Technology. 2018 May 1;8(1u20132):129u201335.
- Ploss B, Douglas TS, Glucksberg M, Kaufmann EE, Malkin RA, McGrath J, et al. Part II: U.S.-Sub-Saharan Africa Educational Partnerships for Medical Device Design. Annals of biomedical engineering. 2017 Nov;45(11):2489u201393.
- Dahinten AP, Dow DE, Cunningham CK, Msuya LJ, Mmbaga BT, Malkin RA. Providing Safe and Effective Preventative Antiretroviral Prophylaxis to HIV-exposed Newborns via a Novel Drug Delivery System in Tanzania. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2016 Sep;35(9):987u201391.
- Dahinten AP, Malkin RA. The Pratt Pouch Provides a Three-Fold Access Increase to Antiretroviral Medication for Births outside Health Facilities in Southern Zambia. The open biomedical engineering journal. 2016 Jan;10:12u20138.
- Choy A, Ortiz M, Malkin R. Accurate Dosing of Antiretrovirals at Home Using a Foilized, Polyethylene Pouch to Prevent the Transmission of HIV From Mother to Child. Medicine. 2015 Jun;94(25):e1030.
- Malkin R, Teninty B. Medical imaging in the global public health: Donation, procurement, installation, and maintenance. 2014 Oct 1;33u20139.
- Whittle C, Malkin R. Capacity building for medical equipment technicians improves healthcare. Journal of Clinical Engineering. 2014 Jan 1;39(3):142u20137.
- Emmerling DA, Sridhara R, Malkin RA. An open-source BMET library: Results on access and value. In: IET Conference Publications. 2014.
- Malkin RA, Whittle C. Biomedical equipment technician capacity building using a unique evidence-based curriculum improves healthcare. Journal of Clinical Engineering. 2014 Jan 1;39(1):37u201344.
- Malkin R, von Oldenburg Beer K. Diffusion of novel healthcare technologies to resource poor settings. Annals of biomedical engineering. 2013 Sep;41(9):1841u201350.
- Malkin RA, Perry L. Evaluation of the impact of a new biomedical equipment technician curriculum in Rwanda. IET Conference Publications. 2012 Dec 1;2012(608 CP).
- Malkin RA, Gu L, Teninty B. Provision of biomedical equipment reference texts and manuals on e-readers in resource-poor settings. IET Conference Publications. 2012 Dec 1;2012(608 CP).
- Howitt P, Darzi A, Yang G-Z, Ashrafian H, Atun R, Barlow J, et al. Technologies for global health. Lancet (London, England). 2012 Aug;380(9840):507u201335.
- Davis R, Malkin R. Simultaneous comparison of many triphasic defibrillation waveforms. The open biomedical engineering journal. 2012 Jan;6:1u20134.
- Malkin R, Howard C. A Foilized Polyethylene Pouch for the Prevention of Transmission of HIV from Mother to Child. The open biomedical engineering journal. 2012 Jan;6:92u20137.
- Sanders WE, Malkin RA, Ideker RE. To the Editor:. Pacing and clinical electrophysiologyu202f: PACE. 2011 Nov;34(11):1582u20133.
- Gimm JA, Goldberg R, Caves K, Malkin R. Use of simple hands-on design challenges for practicing engineering design principles. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. 2011 Aug 25;
- Perry L, Malkin R. Effectiveness of medical equipment donations to improve health systems: how much medical equipment is broken in the developing world? Medical & biological engineering & computing. 2011 Jul;49(7):719u201322.
- Criscuolo JA, Rust MJ, Malkin RA. An affordable neonatal CPAP nasal interface for the developing world. 2011 IEEE 37th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference, NEBEC 2011. 2011 Jun 16;
- Sanders WE, Malkin RA, Richey MW, Masson SC, Ransbury TJ, Urtz MW, et al. Implantable intravascular defibrillator: evaluation of defibrillation waveforms with inferior vena cava electrode system. Pacing and clinical electrophysiologyu202f: PACE. 2011 May;34(5):577u201383.
- Sanders WE, Richey MW, Malkin RA, Masson SC, Ransbury TJ, Urtz MW, et al. Novel intravascular defibrillator: defibrillation thresholds of intravascular cardioverter-defibrillator compared to conventional implantable cardioverter-defibrillator in a canine model. Heart rhythm. 2011 Feb;8(2):288u201392.
- Gimm JA, Goldberg R, Caves K, Malkin R. Use of simple hands-on design challenges for practicing engineering design principles. In: ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. 2011.
- Malkin R, Keane A. Evidence-based approach to the maintenance of laboratory and medical equipment in resource-poor settings. Medical & biological engineering & computing. 2010 Jul;48(7):721u20136.
- Malkin R, Anand V. A novel phototherapy device: the design community approach for the developing world. IEEE engineering in medicine and biology magazineu202f: the quarterly magazine of the Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society. 2010 Mar;29(2):37u201343.
- Malkin RA, Anand V. Design and Testing of a Novel Phototherapy for the Developing World. IEEE EMB Magazine. 2010;29(2):37u201343.
- Sanders WE, Richey M, Masson SC, Ransbury T, Urtz M, Ideker RE, et al. Novel intravascular defibrillator (InnerPulse PICD): defibrillation thresholds of PICD compared to Medtronic ICD in a canine model. EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL. 2009 Sep 1;30:276u2013276.
- Malkin RA. Duke University-Engineering World Health CUREs program: Developing: Developing new medical equipment. IET Seminar Digest. 2008 Dec 1;2008(12213).
- Malkin R. Engineering world health: Lessons learned from six years of undergraduate service-learning in the developing world. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. 2008 Dec 1;
- Malkin R. Engineering world health: Lessons learned from six years of undergraduate service-learning in the developing world. In: ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. 2008.
- Olson LE, Glucksberg MR, Malkin RA, Poluta M. Special session - Biomedical engineering ethics and standards in the developing world. Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE. 2007 Dec 1;
- Huettel LG, Forbes J, Franzoni L, Malkin R, Nadeau J, Nightingale K, et al. Transcending the traditional: Using tablet PCs to enhance engineering and computer science instruction. In: Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE. 2007.
- Malkin RA. Barriers for medical devices for the developing world. Expert review of medical devices. 2007 Nov;4(6):759u201363.
- Patel SG, Malkin RA. Effect of electrode surface area on thresholds for AC stimulation and ventricular fibrillation. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2007 Oct;54(10):1829u201336.
- Malkin RA. Technologies for clinically relevant physiological measurements in developing countries. Physiological measurement. 2007 Aug;28(8):R57u201363.
- Potts ARJ, Testa DM, Malkin RA. The design of a low cost scintillating detector for a radiation meter. Proceedings of the IEEE Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference, NEBEC. 2007 Jan 1;269u201370.
- Olson LE, Glucksberg MR, Malkin RA, Poluta M. Special session - Biomedical engineering ethics and standards in the developing world. In: 2007 37TH ANNUAL FRONTIERS IN EDUCATION CONFERENCE, GLOBAL ENGINEERINGu202f: KNOWLEDGE WITHOUT BORDERS - OPPORTUNITIES WITHOUT PASSPORTS, VOLS 1- 4. IEEE; 2007. p. 1498-+.
- Malkin RA. Design of health care technologies for the developing world. Annual review of biomedical engineering. 2007 Jan;9:567u201387.
- Malkin RA, Guan D, Wikswo JP. Experimental evidence of improved transthoracic defibrillation with electroporation-enhancing pulses. IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering. 2006 Oct;53(10):1901u201310.
- Malkin RA, Jackson SR, Nguyen J, Yang Z, Guan D. Experimental verification of theoretical predictions concerning the optimum defibrillation waveform. IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering. 2006 Aug;53(8):1492u20138.
- Malkin RA, Jackson SR, Nguyen J, Yang Z, Guan D. Reply to "on the optimal defibrillation waveform - How to reconcile theory and experiment?". IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 2006 Aug 1;53(8):1726u20137.
- Hoffmeister BK, Shores AR, Banerjee S, Malkin RA. Effect of electrically insulating materials on magnetically induced electrical currents in a tissue-like medium. American Journal of Physics. 2006 Apr 1;74(4):260u20136.
- Malkin R. The humanitarian efforts of biomedical engineers: An overview from the guest editor. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine. 2006 Jan 1;25(3).
- Dolan JM, Testa DM, Malkin RA. Design of a bilirubin light intensity tester for developing world hospitals. Proceedings of the IEEE Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference, NEBEC. 2006 Jan 1;2006:47u20138.
- Malkin RA, Kramer N, Schnitz B, Gopalakrishnan M, Curry AL. Advances in electrical and mechanical cardiac mapping. Physiological measurement. 2005 Feb;26(1):R1-14.
- Guan D, Malkin R. Analysis of the defibrillation efficacy for 5-ms waveforms. Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology. 2004 Apr;15(4):447u201354.
- Schnitz BA, Guan DX, Malkin RA. Design of an integrated sensor for in vivo simultaneous electrocontractile cardiac mapping. IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering. 2004 Feb;51(2):355u201361.
- Malkin R. Engineering world health: A novel approach to teaching a global viewpoint. ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings. 2003 Dec 1;4095u20138.
- Raphisak P, De Jongh Curry A, Malkin RA, Schuckers SAC. Heart Rate Variability in Rats with Aldosterone-Induced Chronic Heart Failure. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings. 2003 Dec 1;1:228u201331.
- Malkin RA, de Jongh Curry A. Frequency dependence of the cardiac threshold to alternating current between 10 Hz and 160 Hz. Medical & biological engineering & computing. 2003 Nov;41(6):640u20135.
- Exil VJ, Roberts RL, Sims H, McLaughlin JE, Malkin RA, Gardner CD, et al. Very-long-chain acyl-coenzyme a dehydrogenase deficiency in mice. Circulation research. 2003 Sep;93(5):448u201355.
- Sylvester E, Johnson E, Hess P, Malkin R. Defibrillation causes immediate cardiac dilation in humans. Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology. 2003 Aug;14(8):832u20136.
- Gopalakrishnan M, Malkin RA. Two-dimensional analysis of ventricular fibrillation in the guinea pig. Journal of electrocardiology. 2003 Apr;36(2):147u201353.
- De Jongh AL, Ramanathan V, Hoffmeister BK, Malkin RA. Left ventricular geometry immediately following defibrillation: shock-induced relaxation. American journal of physiology Heart and circulatory physiology. 2003 Mar;284(3):H815u20139.
- Roberts SJ, Guan D, Malkin R. The defibrillation efficacy of high frequency alternating current sinusoidal waveforms in guinea pigs. Pacing and clinical electrophysiologyu202f: PACE. 2003 Feb;26(2 Pt 1):599u2013604.
- Harvey M, Malkin R. T wave alternans: a marker of myocardial instability. Progress in cardiovascular nursing. 2003 Jan;18(2):99u2013111.
- Malik M, Gopalakrishnan M, Malkin RA. Effect of 2,3 butanedione monoxime(BDM) on ventricular fibrillation. Computers in Cardiology. 2002 Dec 1;29:733u20134.
- De Jongh AL, Sheals BS, Chau DK, Hoffmeister BK, Malkin RA. Left ventricular volume changes after defibrillation. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings. 2002 Dec 1;2:1438.
- Hoffmeister BK, Sexton JA, Sheals BS, De Jongh AL, Malkin RA. Mechanical response of the left ventricle during AC induced hemodynamic collapse. Computers in Cardiology. 2002 Dec 1;29:701u20133.
- Patel S, Malkin RA. The response of intact guinea pigs to AC leakage currents. Computers in Cardiology. 2002 Dec 1;29:729u201331.
- Kramer NR, Schnitz BA, Malkin RA. Design of an integrated sensor for in-vivo simultaneous electrocontractile cardiac mapping. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings. 2002 Dec 1;2:1724u20135.
- Hoffmeister BK, Sheals BS, De Jongh AL, Malkin RA. Ventricular wall thickness and volume during hemodynamic collapse produced by AC leakage current. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings. 2002 Dec 1;2:1461.
- Eason J, Gades NM, Malkin RA. A novel ultrasound technique to estimate right ventricular geometry during fibrillation. Physiological measurement. 2002 May;23(2):269u201378.
- Malkin RA. Large sample test of defibrillation waveform sensitivity. Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology. 2002 Apr;13(4):361u201370.
- Malkin RA. An unconditional exact test for small samples matched binary pairs. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods. 2002 Jan 1;1(1):69u201373.
- Malkin RA, Kiani M. The engineering world health summer institute: A new educational opportunity. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings. 2002 Jan 1;3:2636.
- Malkin RA. Can an RC membrane model predict the efficacy of a defibrillation waveform: An analysis of defibrillation mechanisms in 140 defibrillation waveforms. Computers in Cardiology. 2001 Dec 1;243u20134.
- Malkin RA, Hoffmeister BK. Mechanisms by which AC leakage currents cause complete hemodynamic collapse without inducing fibrillation. Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology. 2001 Oct;12(10):1154u201361.
- Vigmond EJ, Trayanova NA, Malkin RA. Excitation of a cardiac muscle fiber by extracellularly applied sinusoidal current. Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology. 2001 Oct;12(10):1145u201353.
- Malkin RA, Smith SR, Hoffmeister BK. Defibrillation and the geometry of the heart: a novel measurement with implications for defibrillation mechanisms. Physiological measurement. 2001 May;22(2):309u201321.
- Barros AK, McLaughlin JE, Ohnishi N, Malkin RA. Analysis of mice heart rate variability obtained through plethysmograph power spectrum. Computers in Cardiology. 2001 Jan 1;661u20132.
- Malkin R, Hoffmeister B. 60 Hz leakage currents cause complete hemodynamic collapse below VF threshold. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings. 2000 Dec 1;1:789u201390.
- Guan D, Powell C, Malkin R. Defibrillation impedance: including an inductive element. Computers in Cardiology. 2000 Dec 1;549u201352.
- Malkin RA, Guinn RR, Mandrell TD. Water soluble propofol anesthesia: an effective and inexpensive alternative. Lab animal. 2000 Oct;29(9):45u20137.
- Malkin RA, Pendley BD. Construction of a very high-density extracellular electrode array. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2000 Jul;279(1):H437u201342.
- Malkin RA, Hoffmeister BK. Hemodynamic collapse, geometry, and the rapidly paced upper limit of ventricular vulnerability to fibrillation by T-wave stimulation. Journal of electrocardiology. 2000 Jul;33(3):279u201386.
- Malkin RA, Pendley BD. Construction of a very high-density extracellular electrode array. American journal of physiology Heart and circulatory physiology. 2000 Jul;279(1):H437u201342.
- Eason JC, Malkin RA. A simulation study evaluating the performance of high-density electrode arrays on myocardial tissue. IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering. 2000 Jul;47(7):893u2013901.
- Malkin RA, Hoffmeister BK. Mechanism by which pacing rate affects the upper limit of ventricular vulnerability to fibrillation by T-wave stimulation. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings. 1999 Dec 1;1:284.
- Malkin RA, Hoffmeister BK. AC leakage currents cause complete hemodynamic collapse below the ventricular fibrillation threshold. Computers in Cardiology. 1999 Dec 1;351u20133.
- Eynard JN, Malkin RA. Open-thorax guinea pig model for defibrillation. Laboratory animal science. 1999 Dec;49(6):628u201333.
- Malkin RA, Herre JM, McGowen L, Tenzer MM, Onufer JR, Stamato NJ, et al. A four-shock Bayesian up-down estimator of the 80% effective defibrillation dose. Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology. 1999 Jul;10(7):973u201380.
- Swerdlow CD, Olson WH, Ou2019Connor ME, Gallik DM, Malkin RA, Laks M. Cardiovascular collapse caused by electrocardiographically silent 60-Hz intracardiac leakage current. Implications for electrical safety. Circulation. 1999 May;99(19):2559u201364.
- Li H, Malkin RA. Defibrillation and the upper limit of vulnerability to fibrillation in a transthoracic guinea pig model. Journal of electrocardiology. 1999 Apr;32(2):159u201366.
- Decker JA, Malkin R, Kiefer M. Exposures to lead-based paint dust in an inner-city high school. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal. 1999 Mar 1;60(2):191u20134.
- Malkin RA. Experimental cardiac tachyarrhythmias in guinea pigs. Journal of electrocardiology. 1999 Jan;32 Suppl:84u20136.
- Rowan CA, Malkin RA, Entcheve EG. The effect of critical point location and membrane kinetics on VF induction by T-wave stimulation. Computers in Cardiology. 1998 Dec 1;0(0):189u201392.
- LoSicco T, Malkin RA. Optical measurement of transmembrane potential in intact cardiac tissues using fluorescent resonance energy transfer. Computers in Cardiology. 1998 Dec 1;0(0):573u20136.
- Entcheva E, Eason J, Efimov IR, Cheng Y, Malkin R, Claydon F. Virtual electrode effects in transvenous defibrillation-modulation by structure and interface: evidence from bidomain simulations and optical mapping. Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology. 1998 Sep;9(9):949u201361.
- Malkin RA, Johnson EE. The effect of inducing ventricular fibrillation with 50-Hz pacing versus T wave stimulation on the ability to defibrillate. Pacing and clinical electrophysiologyu202f: PACE. 1998 May;21(5):1093u20137.
- Malkin RA, Eynard JN, Pergola NF. Improved guinea pig model of cardiac tachyarrhythmias. Laboratory animal science. 1998 Feb;48(1):55u201360.
- Malkin RA. Constructing a multichannel electrocardiography system from a few standardized, high-level components. IEEE engineering in medicine and biology magazineu202f: the quarterly magazine of the Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society. 1998 Jan;17(1):34u20138.
- Li H, Malkin RA. Scalable and shiftable Bayesian defibrillation efficacy estimator. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings. 1997 Dec 1;1:371u20133.
- Eason J, Malkin R, Gerber B. In vivo measurement of ventricular geometry during fibrillation. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings. 1997 Dec 1;1:129u201332.
- Entcheva E, Eason J, Claydon F, Malkin R. Spatial effects from bipolar current injection in 3D myocardium: Implications for conductivity measurements. Computers in Cardiology. 1997 Dec 1;717u201320.
- Malkin RA, Eynard JN, Pergola NF. Extended cardiac tachyarrhythmias in guinea pigs. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings. 1997 Dec 1;1:387u20138.
- Malkin RA, Li H. Bayesian estimator of the minimum stimulus strength to induce ventricular fibrillation. Computers in Cardiology. 1997 Dec 1;81u20133.
- Aguel F, Trayanova NA, Eason JC, Siekas G, Fishler MG, Malkin RA. Impact of endocardial lead position on transvenous defibrillation efficacy: A simulation study. Computers in Cardiology. 1997 Dec 1;85u20138.
- Malkin RA, Penzotti JE, Juhlin SP, Pilkington TC, Plonsey R. Statistical analysis of signals from an intracavitary probe in a diseased heart. Medical & biological engineering & computing. 1997 Sep;35(5):462u20136.
- Malkin RA, Souza JJ, Ideker RE. The ventricular defibrillation and upper limit of vulnerability dose-response curves. Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology. 1997 Aug;8(8):895u2013903.
- Compos AT, Malkin RA, Ideker RE. An up-down Bayesian, defibrillation efficacy estimator. Pacing and clinical electrophysiologyu202f: PACE. 1997 May;20(5 Pt 1):1292u2013300.
- Li H, Malkin RA. Estimating myocardial activation times by maximum likelihood estimation. Computers in Cardiology. 1996 Dec 1;0(0):729u201332.
- Malkin RA, Entcheva E. The mechanism of the ULV dose-response curve: A model study. Computers in Cardiology. 1996 Dec 1;0(0):213u20136.
- Malkin RA, Pilkington TC, Ideker RE. Estimating defibrillation efficacy using combined upper limit of vulnerability and defibrillation testing. IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering. 1996 Jan;43(1):69u201378.
- Malkin RA. Integration of student presentations into advanced classes. Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference. 1995 Dec 1;2:713u20135.
- Malkin RA. Matched-pairs defibrillation efficacy hypothesis test. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings. 1995 Dec 1;17(1):263u20134.
- Malkin RA, Idriss SF, Walker RG, Ideker RE. Effect of rapid pacing and T-wave scanning on the relation between the defibrillation and upper-limit-of-vulnerability dose-response curves. Circulation. 1995 Sep 1;92(5):1291u20139.
- Souza JJ, Malkin RA, Ideker RE. Comparison of upper limit of vulnerability and defibrillation probability of success curves using a nonthoracotomy lead system. Circulation. 1995 Feb;91(4):1247u201352.
- Malkin RA, Compos AT, Raymond LJ, Bernstein RC. Bayesian up-down estimator of the 80% effective defibrillation dose. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings. 1994 Dec 1;16(pt 1):23u20134.
- Juhlin SP, Malkin RA, Penzotti JE, Pilkington TC, Plonsey R. Generalized electrocardiographic spherical shells model with emphasis on the paced infarcted heart. Computers in Cardiology. 1993 Dec 1;659u201362.
- Malkin RA, Juhlin SP, Penzotti JE, Pilkington TC, Plonsey R. Optimum detection of myocardial infarctions with an intracavitary probe. Computers in Cardiology. 1993 Dec 1;5u20138.
- Malkin RA, Pilkington TC. Defibrillation efficacy estimation using Bayesian estimation theory. Proceedings - ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. 1993 Jan 1;1.
- Malkin RA, Alexandrou D. Acoustic Classification of Abyssopelagic Animals. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering. 1993 Jan 1;18(1):63u201372.
- Malkin RA, Burdick DS, Johnson EE, Pilkington TC, Swanson DK, Ideker RE. Estimating the 95% effective defibrillation dose. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng (USA). 1993;40(3):256u201365.
- Malkin R, Brandt-Rauf P, Graziano J, Parides M. Blood lead levels in incinerator workers. Environmental research. 1992 Oct;59(1):265u201370.
- Penzotti JE, Malkin RA, Pilkington TC. A new high performance designer of optimal defibrillation experiments. In: Proceedings - Computers in Cardiology, CIC 1992. 1992. p. 487u201390.
- Malkin RA, Pilkington TC, Johnson EE, Ideker RE. Optimum estimation of the 95 percent effective defibrillation dose. Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology. 1991 Dec 1;13(pt 2):758u20139.
- Schecter AJ, Malkin R, Papke O, Ball M, Brandt-Rauf PW. Dioxin levels in blood of municipal incinerator workers. Medical Science Research. 1991 Jun 24;19(11):331u20132.
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In The News
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- Tar Heel of the Week: Duke engineer turns mind to global health problems (Mar 16, 2015 | The News & Observer)
- Robert Malkin: MacGyvering medical gear (Mar 3, 2015 | Spectrum)
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- Duke students create pouch to help deliver HIV drugs to infants (Jun 25, 2014 | WRAL)
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- Using the McDonald's ketchup pouch model to deliver HIV drugs in the developing world (Aug 28, 2013 | Fast Company)