Ram Oren
Earth and Climate Sciences
Nicholas Distinguished Professor of Earth Systems Science

With his graduate students, Oren quantifies components of the water cycle in forest ecosystems, and their responses to biotic and abiotic factors. Relying on the strong links between the carbon and water cycles, he also studies the components of the carbon flux and their response to these factors. Climate variability, including variations in air temperature, vapor pressure deficit, incoming radiation and soil moisture, and environmental change, including elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide, affect the intra- and inter-annual dynamics, and amounts of water used by forest ecosystems, and their spatial distribution, as well as carbon uptake and sequestration. In turn, the variation of water flux influence the temporal and spatial partitioning of incoming radiation between latent and sensible heat. The flow of water from soil through plant leaves into the atmosphere, and the exchange of water for CO2 absorbed from the atmospheric, are among the processes theoretically best understood in plant and ecosystem physiology. Using these theories, local mass balance approaches, and detailed measurements of water and carbon flux and driving variables in the soil, plants, and the atmosphere, Oren has been attempting to predict the likely responses of forest ecosystems, from the equator to the arctic circle, to environmental change and management.
- B.S. Humboldt State University, 1978
- M.S. Oregon State University, 1980
- Ph.D. Oregon State University, 1984
- Nicholas Distinguished Professor of Earth Systems Science
- Professor in the Division of Earth and Climate Science
- Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Professor in Division of Earth and Ocean Sciences
Courses Taught
- WRITING 497: Communicating Research in Environmental Sciences and Policy
- WRITING 496: Advanced Research in Environmental Sciences and Policy
- ENVIRON 899: Master's Project
- ENVIRON 898: Program Area Seminar
- ENVIRON 503: Forest Ecosystems
- ENVIRON 497: Communicating Research in Environmental Sciences and Policy
- ENVIRON 496: Advanced Research in Environmental Sciences and Policy
- ENVIRON 393: Research Independent Study
- ECS 503: Forest Ecosystems
- ECS 497: Communicating Research in Environmental Sciences and Policy
- ECS 496: Advanced Research in Environmental Sciences and Policy
- Xie L, Palmroth S, Yin C, Oren R. Extramatrical mycelial biomass is mediated by fine root mass and ectomycorrhizal fungal community composition across tree species. The Science of the total environment. 2024 Nov;950:175175.
- Lim H, Medvigy D, Mu00e4kelu00e4 A, Kim D, Albaugh TJ, Knier A, et al. Overlooked branch turnover creates a widespread bias in forest carbon accounting. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2024 Oct;121(42):e2401035121.
- Tian M, Salmon Y, Lintunen A, Oren R, Hu00f6lttu00e4 T. Seasonal dynamics and punctuated carbon sink reduction suggest photosynthetic capacity of boreal silver birch is reduced by the accumulation of hexose. The New phytologist. 2024 Aug;243(3):894u2013908.
- Dukat P, Hu00f6lttu00e4 T, Oren R, Salmon Y, Urbaniak M, Vesala T, et al. Partitioning seasonal stem carbon dioxide efflux into stem respiration, bark photosynthesis, and transport-related flux in Scots pine. Journal of experimental botany. 2024 Aug;75(16):4944u201359.
- Palmroth S, Kim D, Maier CA, Medvigy D, Walker AP, Oren R. Increased leaf area index and efficiency drive enhanced production under elevated atmospheric [CO2 ] in a pine-dominated stand showing no progressive nitrogen limitation. Global change biology. 2024 Feb;30(2):e17190.
- Xu H, Zhang Z, Oren R, Wu X. Hyposensitive canopy conductance renders ecosystems vulnerable to meteorological droughts. Global change biology. 2023 Apr;29(7):1890u2013904.
- Ru00e4su00e4nen M, Aurela M, Vakkari V, Beukes JP, Tuovinen JP, Van Zyl PG, et al. The effect of rainfall amount and timing on annual transpiration in a grazed savanna grassland. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 2022 Nov 16;26(22):5773u201391.
- Pan Y, Jackson RB, Hollinger DY, Phillips OL, Nowak RS, Norby RJ, et al. Contrasting responses of woody and grassland ecosystems to increased CO2 as water supply varies. Nature ecology & evolution. 2022 Mar;6(3):315u201323.
- Lim H, Ju00e4mtgu00e5rd S, Oren R, Gruffman L, Kunz S, Nu00e4sholm T. Organic nitrogen enhances nitrogen nutrition and early growth of Pinus sylvestris seedlings. Tree physiology. 2022 Mar;42(3):513u201322.
- Maier CA, Johnsen KH, Anderson PH, Palmroth S, Kim D, McCarthy HR, et al. The response of coarse root biomass to long-term CO2 enrichment and nitrogen application in a maturing Pinus taeda stand with a large broadleaved component. Global change biology. 2022 Feb;28(4):1458u201376.
- Montaldo N, Oren R. Rhizosphere water content drives hydraulic redistribution: Implications of pore-scale heterogeneity to modeling diurnal transpiration in water-limited ecosystems. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2022 Jan 15;312.
- Lim H, Oren R, Nu00e4sholm T, Stru00f6mgren M, Lundmark T, Grip H, et al. Author Correction: Boreal forest biomass accumulation is not increased by two decades of soil warming (Nature Climate Change, (2019), 9, 1, (49-52), 10.1038/s41558-018-0373-9). Nature Climate Change. 2022 Jan 1;12(1):103.
- Xu H, Zhang Z, Oren R, Wu X. Hyposensitive canopy conductance renders ecosystems vulnerable to extreme droughts. 2021 Oct 6;
- Gutierrez Lopez J, Tor-Ngern P, Oren R, Kozii N, Laudon H, Hasselquist NJ. How tree species, tree size, and topographical location influenced tree transpiration in northern boreal forests during the historic 2018 drought. Global change biology. 2021 Jul;27(13):3066u201378.
- Poyatos R, Granda V, Flo V, Adams MA, Adorju00e1n B, Aguadu00e9 D, et al. Global transpiration data from sap flow measurements: The SAPFLUXNET database. Earth System Science Data. 2021 Jun 14;13(6):2607u201349.
- Montaldo N, Corona R, Curreli M, Sirigu S, Piroddi L, Oren R. Rock Water as a Key Resource for Patchy Ecosystems on Shallow Soils: Digging Deep Tree Clumps Subsidize Surrounding Surficial Grass. Earthu2019s Future. 2021 Feb 1;9(2).
- Tarvainen L, Wallin G, Linder S, Nu00e4sholm T, Oren R, Ottosson Lu00f6fvenius M, et al. Limited vertical CO2 transport in stems of mature boreal Pinus sylvestris trees. Tree physiology. 2021 Jan;41(1):63u201375.
- Vernay A, Tian X, Chi J, Linder S, Mu00e4kelu00e4 A, Oren R, et al. Estimating canopy gross primary production by combining phloem stable isotopes with canopy and mesophyll conductances. Plant, cell & environment. 2020 Sep;43(9):2124u201342.
- Kozii N, Haahti K, Tor-Ngern P, Chi J, Maher Hasselquist E, Laudon H, et al. Partitioning growing season water balance within a forested boreal catchment using sap flux, eddy covariance, and a process-based model. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 2020 Jun 8;24(6):2999u20133014.
- Mrad A, Manzoni S, Oren R, Vico G, Lindh M, Katul G. Recovering the Metabolic, Self-Thinning, and Constant Final Yield Rules in Mono-Specific Stands. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. 2020 May 27;3.
- Montaldo N, Curreli M, Corona R, Oren R. Fixed and variable components of evapotranspiration in a Mediterranean wild-olive - grass landscape mosaic. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2020 Jan 15;280.
- Domec J-C, Berghoff H, Way DA, Moshelion M, Palmroth S, Kets K, et al. Mechanisms for minimizing height-related stomatal conductance declines in tall vines. Plant, cell & environment. 2019 Nov;42(11):3121u201339.
- Kozii N, Haahti K, Tor-ngern P, Chi J, Hasselquist EM, Laudon H, et al. Partitioning the forest water balance within a boreal catchment using sapflux, eddy covariance and process-based model. Copernicus GmbH. 2019.
- Kozii N, Haahti K, Tor-ngern P, Chi J, Hasselquist EM, Laudon H, et al. Supplementary material to "Partitioning the forest water balance within a boreal catchment using sapflux, eddy covariance and process-based model". 2019.
- Wang N, Palmroth S, Maier CA, Domec J-C, Oren R. Anatomical changes with needle length are correlated with leaf structural and physiological traits across five Pinus species. Plant, cell & environment. 2019 May;42(5):1690u2013704.
- Lim H, Oren R, Nu00e4sholm T, Stru00f6mgren M, Lundmark T, Grip H, et al. Publisher Correction: Boreal forest biomass accumulation is not increased by two decades of soil warming (Nature Climate Change, (2019), 9, 1, (49-52), 10.1038/s41558-018-0373-9). Nature Climate Change. 2019 Mar 1;9(3):253.
- Walker AP, De Kauwe MG, Medlyn BE, Zaehle S, Iversen CM, Asao S, et al. Decadal biomass increment in early secondary succession woody ecosystems is increased by CO2 enrichment. Nature communications. 2019 Feb;10(1):454.
- Lim H, Oren R, Nu00e4sholm T, Stru00f6mgren M, Lundmark T, Grip H, et al. Boreal forest biomass accumulation is not increased by two decades of soil warming. Nature Climate Change. 2019 Jan 1;9(1):49u201352.
- Yin C, Palmroth S, Pang X, Tang B, Liu Q, Oren R. Differential responses of Picea asperata and Betula albosinensis to nitrogen supply imposed by water availability. Tree physiology. 2018 Nov;38(11):1694u2013705.
- Ward EJ, Oren R, Seok Kim H, Kim D, Tor-Ngern P, Ewers BE, et al. Evapotranspiration and water yield of a pine-broadleaf forest are not altered by long-term atmospheric [CO2 ] enrichment under native or enhanced soil fertility. Global change biology. 2018 Oct;24(10):4841u201356.
- Ryan MG, Oren R, Waring RH. Fruiting and sink competition. Tree physiology. 2018 Sep;38(9):1261u20136.
- Tor-ngern P, Oren R, Palmroth S, Novick K, Oishi A, Linder S, et al. Water balance of pine forests: Synthesis of new and published results. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2018 Sep;259:107u201317.
- Montaldo N, Oren R. Changing Seasonal Rainfall Distribution With Climate Directs Contrasting Impacts at Evapotranspiration and Water Yield in the Western Mediterranean Region. Earthu2019s Future. 2018 Jun 1;6(6):841u201356.
- Tarvainen L, Wallin G, Lim H, Linder S, Oren R, Ottosson Lu00f6fvenius M, et al. Photosynthetic refixation varies along the stem and reduces CO2 efflux in mature boreal Pinus sylvestris trees. Tree physiology. 2018 Apr;38(4):558u201369.
- Lim H, Oren R, Linder S, From F, Nordin A, Fahlvik N, et al. Annual climate variation modifies nitrogen induced carbon accumulation of Pinus sylvestris forests. Ecological applicationsu202f: a publication of the Ecological Society of America. 2017 Sep;27(6):1838u201351.
- Kim D, Oren R, Clark JS, Palmroth S, Oishi AC, McCarthy HR, et al. Dynamics of soil CO2 efflux under varying atmospheric CO2 concentrations reveal dominance of slow processes. Global change biology. 2017 Sep;23(9):3501u201312.
- Way DA, Stinziano JR, Berghoff H, Oren R. How well do growing season dynamics of photosynthetic capacity correlate with leaf biochemistry and climate fluctuations? Tree physiology. 2017 Jul;37(7):879u201388.
- Metcalfe DB, Ricciuto D, Palmroth S, Campbell C, Hurry V, Mao J, et al. Informing climate models with rapid chamber measurements of forest carbon uptake. Global change biology. 2017 May;23(5):2130u20139.
- Franklin O, Cambui CA, Gruffman L, Palmroth S, Oren R, Nu00e4sholm T. The carbon bonus of organic nitrogen enhances nitrogen use efficiency of plants. Plant, cell & environment. 2017 Jan;40(1):25u201335.
- Tor-Ngern P, Oren R, Oishi AC, Uebelherr JM, Palmroth S, Tarvainen L, et al. Ecophysiological variation of transpiration of pine forests: synthesis of new and published results. Ecological applicationsu202f: a publication of the Ecological Society of America. 2017 Jan;27(1):118u201333.
- Oishi AC, Hawthorne DA, Oren R. Baseliner: An open-source, interactive tool for processing sap flux data from thermal dissipation probes. SoftwareX. 2016 Jul 5;5:139u201343.
- Hasselquist NJ, Metcalfe DB, Inselsbacher E, Stangl Z, Oren R, Nu00e4sholm T, et al. Greater carbon allocation to mycorrhizal fungi reduces tree nitrogen uptake in a boreal forest. Ecology. 2016 Apr;97(4):1012u201322.
- Montaldo N, Oren R. The way the wind blows matters to ecosystem water use efficiency. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2016 Feb;217:1u20139.
- Kim D, Oren R, Qian SS. Response to CO2 enrichment of understory vegetation in the shade of forests. Global change biology. 2016 Feb;22(2):944u201356.
- Henriksson N, Tarvainen L, Lim H, Tor-Ngern P, Palmroth S, Oren R, et al. Stem compression reversibly reduces phloem transport in Pinus sylvestris trees. Tree physiology. 2015 Oct;35(10):1075u201385.
- Moshelion M, Halperin O, Wallach R, Oren R, Way DA. Role of aquaporins in determining transpiration and photosynthesis in water-stressed plants: crop water-use efficiency, growth and yield. Plant, cell & environment. 2015 Sep;38(9):1785u201393.
- Zhang Q, Katul GG, Oren R, Daly E, Manzoni S, Yang D. The hysteresis response of soil CO
2 concentration and soil respiration to soil temperature. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 2015 Aug 1;120(8):1605u201318. - Attia Z, Domec J-C, Oren R, Way DA, Moshelion M. Growth and physiological responses of isohydric and anisohydric poplars to drought. Journal of experimental botany. 2015 Jul;66(14):4373u201381.
- Bell DM, Ward EJ, Oishi AC, Oren R, Flikkema PG, Clark JS. A state-space modeling approach to estimating canopy conductance and associated uncertainties from sap flux density data. Tree physiology. 2015 Jul;35(7):792u2013802.
- Medlyn BE, Zaehle S, De Kauwe MG, Walker AP, Dietze MC, Hanson PJ, et al. Using ecosystem experiments to improve vegetation models. Nature Climate Change. 2015 Jun 26;5(6):528u201334.
- Way DA, Oren R, Kroner Y. The space-time continuum: the effects of elevated CO2 and temperature on trees and the importance of scaling. Plant, cell & environment. 2015 Jun;38(6):991u20131007.
- Xiong W, Oren R, Wang Y, Yu P, Liu H, Cao G, et al. Heterogeneity of competition at decameter scale: patches of high canopy leaf area in a shade-intolerant larch stand transpire less yet are more sensitive to drought. Tree physiology. 2015 May;35(5):470u201384.
- Tor-ngern P, Oren R, Ward EJ, Palmroth S, McCarthy HR, Domec J-C. Increases in atmospheric CO2 have little influence on transpiration of a temperate forest canopy. The New phytologist. 2015 Jan;205(2):518u201325.
- De Kauwe MG, Medlyn BE, Zaehle S, Walker AP, Dietze MC, Wang Y-P, et al. Where does the carbon go? A model-data intercomparison of vegetation carbon allocation and turnover processes at two temperate forest free-air CO2 enrichment sites. The New phytologist. 2014 Aug;203(3):883u201399.
- Kim D, Oren R, Oishi AC, Hsieh CI, Phillips N, Novick KA, et al. Erratum to "Sensitivity of stand transpiration to wind velocity in a mixed broadleaved deciduous forest" [Agric. Forest Meteorol. 187 (2014) 62-71]. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2014 Jul 15;192u2013193:41.
- Zaehle S, Medlyn BE, De Kauwe MG, Walker AP, Dietze MC, Hickler T, et al. Evaluation of 11 terrestrial carbon-nitrogen cycle models against observations from two temperate Free-Air CO2 Enrichment studies. The New phytologist. 2014 May;202(3):803u201322.
- Oishi AC, Palmroth S, Johnsen KH, McCarthy HR, Oren R. Sustained effects of atmospheric [CO2] and nitrogen availability on forest soil CO2 efflux. Glob Chang Biol. 2014 Apr;20(4):1146u201360.
- Kim D, Oren R, Oishi AC, Hsieh C-I, Phillips N, Novick KA, et al. Sensitivity of stand transpiration to wind velocity in a mixed broadleaved deciduous forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2014 Apr;187:62u201371.
- Nolan RH, Mitchell PJ, Bradstock RA, Lane PNJ. Structural adjustments in resprouting trees drive differences in post-fire transpiration. Tree physiology. 2014 Feb;34(2):123u201336.
- Zaehle S, Medlyn BE, De Kauwe MG, Walker AP, Dietze MC, Hickler T, et al. Evaluation of 11 terrestrial carbon-nitrogen cycle models against observations from two temperate Free-Air CO
2 Enrichment studies. New Phytologist. 2014 Jan 1;202(3):803u201322. - Walker AP, Hanson PJ, De Kauwe MG, Medlyn BE, Zaehle S, Asao S, et al. Comprehensive ecosystem model-data synthesis using multiple data sets at two temperate forest free-air CO
2 enrichment experiments: Model performance at ambient CO2 concentration. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 2014 Jan 1;119(5):937u201364. - Oishi AC, Palmroth S, Johnsen KH, Mccarthy HR, Oren R. Sustained effects of atmospheric [CO2] and nitrogen availability on forest soil CO2 efflux. Global Change Biology. 2014;20(4):1146u201360.
- De Kauwe MG, Medlyn BE, Zaehle S, Walker AP, Dietze MC, Hickler T, et al. Forest water use and water use efficiency at elevated CO2 : a model-data intercomparison at two contrasting temperate forest FACE sites. Global change biology. 2013 Jun;19(6):1759u201379.
- Oishi AC, Palmroth S, Butnor JR, Johnsen KH, Oren R. Spatial and temporal variability of soil CO2 efflux in three proximate temperate forest ecosystems. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2013 Apr;171-:256u201369.
- Drake JE, Oishi AC, Giasson M-A, Oren R, Johnsen KH, Finzi AC. Trenching reduces soil heterotrophic activity in a loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) forest exposed to elevated atmospheric [CO2] and N fertilization. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2012 Nov;165:43u201352.
- Katul GG, Oren R, Manzoni S, Higgins C, Parlange MB. Evapotranspiration: A process driving mass transport and energy exchange in the soil-plant-atmosphere-climate system. Reviews of Geophysics. 2012 Sep 1;50(3).
- Dieleman WIJ, Vicca S, Dijkstra FA, Hagedorn F, Hovenden MJ, Larsen KS, et al. Simple additive effects are rare: a quantitative review of plant biomass and soil process responses to combined manipulations of CO2 and temperature. Global change biology. 2012 Sep;18(9):2681u201393.
- Novick KA, Katul GG, McCarthy HR, Oren R. Increased resin flow in mature pine trees growing under elevated CO2 and moderate soil fertility. Tree physiology. 2012 Jun;32(6):752u201363.
- Bauerle WL, Oren R, Way DA, Qian SS, Stoy PC, Thornton PE, et al. Photoperiodic regulation of the seasonal pattern of photosynthetic capacity and the implications for carbon cycling. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2012 May;109(22):8612u20137.
- Long X, Chen C, Xu Z, Oren R, He J-Z. Abundance and community structure of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea in a temperate forest ecosystem under ten-years elevated COu2082. Soil biology & biochemistry. 2012 Mar;46:163u201371.
- Zhang Y, Oren R, Kang S. Spatiotemporal variation of crown-scale stomatal conductance in an arid Vitis vinifera L. cv. Merlot vineyard: direct effects of hydraulic properties and indirect effects of canopy leaf area. Tree physiology. 2012 Mar;32(3):262u201379.
- Oren R, Bird C. Message from the editor-in-chief. Tree physiology. 2012 Feb;32(2):i.
- Ward EJ, Bell DM, Clark JS, Oren R. Hydraulic time constants for transpiration of loblolly pine at a free-air carbon dioxide enrichment site. Tree Physiology. 2012;
- Ward EJ, Oren R, Bell DM, Clark JS, McCarthy HR, Kim HS, et al. The effects of elevated CO2 and nitrogen fertilization on stomatal conductance estimated from 11 years of scaled sap flux measurements at Duke FACE. Tree Physiology. 2012;
- Ellsworth DS, Thomas R, Crous KY, Palmroth S, Ward E, Maier C, et al. Elevated CO
2 affects photosynthetic responses in canopy pine and subcanopy deciduous trees over 10 years: A synthesis from Duke FACE. Global Change Biology. 2012 Jan 1;18(1):223u201342. - Lee X, Goulden ML, Hollinger DY, Barr A, Black TA, Bohrer G, et al. Observed increase in local cooling effect of deforestation at higher latitudes. Nature. 2011 Nov;479(7373):384u20137.
- Bertin S, Palmroth S, Kim HS, Perks MP, Mencuccini M, Oren R. Modelling understorey light for seedling regeneration in continuous cover forestry canopies. FORESTRY. 2011 Oct;84(4):397u2013409.
- Weng E, Luo Y, Gao C, Oren R. Uncertainty analysis of forest carbon sink forecast with varying measurement errors: A data assimilation approach. Journal of Plant Ecology. 2011 Sep 1;4(3):178u201391.
- Drake JE, Gallet-Budynek A, Hofmockel KS, Bernhardt ES, Billings SA, Jackson RB, et al. Increases in the flux of carbon belowground stimulate nitrogen uptake and sustain the long-term enhancement of forest productivity under elevated COu2082. Ecology letters. 2011 Apr;14(4):349u201357.
- Warren JM, Norby RJ, Wullschleger SD. Elevated COu2082 enhances leaf senescence during extreme drought in a temperate forest. Tree physiology. 2011 Feb;31(2):117u201330.
- Xiao J, Zhuang Q, Law BE, Baldocchi DD, Chen J, Richardson AD, et al. Assessing net ecosystem carbon exchange of U.S. terrestrial ecosystems by integrating eddy covariance flux measurements and satellite observations. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY. 2011 Jan;151(1):60u20139.
- Way D, Oren R, Kim HS, Katul G. How well do stomatal conductance models perform on closing plant carbon budgets? A test using seedlings grown under current and elevated air temperatures. Journal of Geophysical Researach. 2011;116:G04031,doi:10.1029/2011JG001808.
- Oren R, Kennedy C. Changes implemented in Tree Physiology. Tree physiology. 2011 Jan;31(1):i.
- Kim H-S, Palmroth S, Therezien M, Stenberg P, Oren R. Analysis of the sensitivity of absorbed light and incident light profile to various canopy architecture and stand conditions. TREE PHYSIOLOGY. 2011 Jan;31(1):30u201347.
- Ge Y, Chen C, Xu Z, Oren R, He J-Z. The Spatial Factor, Rather than Elevated CO(2), Controls the Soil Bacterial Community in a Temperate Forest Ecosystem. APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY. 2010 Nov;76(22):7429u201336.
- Palmroth S, Katul GG, Hui D, McCarthy HR, Jackson RB, Oren R. Estimation of long-term basin scale evapotranspiration from streamflow time series. Water Resources Research. 2010 Oct 29;46(10).
- Domec JC, Schu00e4fer K, Oren R, Kim HS, McCarthy HR. Variable conductivity and embolism in roots and branches of four contrasting tree species and their impacts on whole-plant hydraulic performance under future atmospheric COu2082 concentration. Tree physiology. 2010 Aug;30(8):1001u201315.
- Way DA, Oren R. Differential responses to changes in growth temperature between trees from different functional groups and biomes: a review and synthesis of data. Tree physiology. 2010 Jun;30(6):669u201388.
- Oishi AC, Oren R, Novick KA, Palmroth S, Katul GG. Interannual Invariability of Forest Evapotranspiration and Its Consequence to Water Flow Downstream. Ecosystems. 2010 Apr;13(3):421u201336.
- Katul G, Manzoni S, Palmroth S, Oren R. A stomatal optimization theory to describe the effects of atmospheric CO2 on leaf photosynthesis and transpiration. Annals of botany. 2010 Mar;105(3):431u201342.
- WAY DA, LaDeau SL, MCCARTHY HR, CLARK JS, Oren R, FINZI AC, et al. Greater seed production in elevated COu2082 is not accompanied by reduced seed quality in Pinus taeda L. Global Change Biology. 2010 Mar;16(3):1046u201356.
- Xiao JF, Zhuang QL, Law BE, Chen JQ, Baldocchi DD, Cook DR, et al. A continuous measure of gross primary production for the conterminous United States derived from MODIS and AmeriFlux data. Remote Sensing of Environment. 2010;114(3):576u201391.
- Yi CX, Ricciuto D, Li R, Wolbeck J, Xu XY, Nilsson M, et al. Climate control of terrestrial carbon exchange across biomes and continents. Environmental Research Letters. 2010;5(3).
- ESF-Forest FACE Group, Calfapietra C, Ainsworth EA, Beier C, De Angelis P, Ellsworth DS, et al. Challenges in elevated CO2 experiments on forests. Trends in plant science. 2010 Jan;15(1):5u201310.
- McCarthy HR, Oren R, Johnsen KH, Gallet-Budynek A, Pritchard SG, Cook CW, et al. Re-assessment of plant carbon dynamics at the Duke free-air CO(2) enrichment site: interactions of atmospheric [CO(2)] with nitrogen and water availability over stand development. The New phytologist. 2010 Jan;185(2):514u201328.
- Yuan W, Luo Y, Richardson AD, Oren R, Luyssaert S, Janssens IA, et al. Latitudinal patterns of magnitude and interannual variability in net ecosystem exchange regulated by biological and environmental variables. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY. 2009 Dec;15(12):2905u201320.
- Domec J-C, Palmroth S, Ward E, Maier CA, Thu00e9ru00e9zien M, Oren R. Acclimation of leaf hydraulic conductance and stomatal conductance of Pinus taeda (loblolly pine) to long-term growth in elevated CO(2) (free-air CO(2) enrichment) and N-fertilization. Plant, cell & environment. 2009 Nov;32(11):1500u201312.
- Novick KA, Oren R, Stoy PC, Siqueira MBS, Katul GG. Nocturnal evapotranspiration in eddy-covariance records from three co-located ecosystems in the Southeastern U.S.: Implications for annual fluxes. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2009 Sep;149(9):1491u2013504.
- Katul GG, Palmroth S, Oren R. Leaf stomatal responses to vapour pressure deficit under current and CO(2)-enriched atmosphere explained by the economics of gas exchange. Plant, cell & environment. 2009 Aug;32(8):968u201379.
- Daly E, Palmroth S, Stoy P, Siqueira M, Oishi AC, Juang J-Y, et al. The effects of elevated atmospheric COu2082 and nitrogen amendments on subsurface COu2082 production and concentration dynamics in a maturing pine forest. Biogeochemistry. 2009 Jul;94(3):271u201387.
- Novick K, Oren R, Stoy P, Juang JY, Siqueira M, Katul G. The relationship between reference canopy conductance and simplified hydraulic architecture. Advances in Water Resources. 2009 Jun 1;32(6):809u201319.
- FRANKLIN OSKAR, McMurtrie RE, IVERSEN CM, CROUS KY, FINZI AC, TISSUE DT, et al. Forest fine-root production and nitrogen use under elevated COu2082: contrasting responses in evergreen and deciduous trees explained by a common principle. Global Change Biology. 2009 Jan;15(1):132u201344.
- Song C, Katul G, Oren R, Band LE, Tague CL, Stoy PC, et al. Energy, water, and carbon fluxes in a loblolly pine stand: Results from uniform and gappy canopy models with comparisons to eddy flux data. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 2009 Jan 1;114(4).
- Oishi AC, Oren R, Stoy PC. Estimating components of forest evapotranspiration: A footprint approach for scaling sap flux measurements. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2008 Oct;148(11):1719u201332.
- STOY PC, KATUL GG, SIQUEIRA MBS, JUANG JEHN-YIH, NOVICK KA, McCARTHY HR, et al. Role of vegetation in determining carbon sequestration along ecological succession in the southeastern United States. Global Change Biology. 2008 Jun;14(6):1409u201327.
- PRITCHARD SG, STRAND AE, McCORMACK ML, DAVIS MA, OREN R. Mycorrhizal and rhizomorph dynamics in a loblolly pine forest during 5 years of free-air-COu2082-enrichment. Global Change Biology. 2008 Jun;14(6):1252u201364.
- Ward EJ, Oren R, Sigurdsson BD, Jarvis PG, Linder S. Fertilization effects on mean stomatal conductance are mediated through changes in the hydraulic attributes of mature Norway spruce trees. TREE PHYSIOLOGY. 2008 Apr;28(4):579u201396.
- Kim H-S, Oren R, Hinckley TM. Actual and potential transpiration and carbon assimilation in an irrigated poplar plantation. TREE PHYSIOLOGY. 2008 Apr;28(4):559u201377.
- Oren R, Kull K, Noormets A. Olevi Kull's lifetime contribution to ecology. Tree physiology. 2008 Apr;28(4):483u201390.
- Pritchard SG, Strand AE, McCormack ML, Davis MA, Finzi AC, Jackson RB, et al. Fine root dynamics in a loblolly pine forest are influenced by free-air-COu2082-enrichment: a six-year-minirhizotron study. Global Change Biology. 2008 Mar;14(3):588u2013602.
- Strand AE, Pritchard SG, McCormack ML, Davis MA, Oren R. Irreconcilable differences: fine-root life spans and soil carbon persistence. Science (New York, NY). 2008 Jan;319(5862):456u20138.
- Xiao J, Zhuang Q, Baldocchi DD, Law BE, Richardson AD, Chen J, et al. Estimation of net ecosystem carbon exchange for the conterminous United States by combining MODIS and AmeriFlux data. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY. 2008;148(11):1827u201347.
- Ollinger SV, Richardson AD, Martin ME, Hollinger DY, Frolking SE, Reich PB, et al. Canopy nitrogen, carbon assimilation, and albedo in temperate and boreal forests: Functional relations and potential climate feedbacks. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 2008;105(49):19336u201341.
- Katul G, Porporato A, Oren R. Stochastic dynamics of plant-water interactions. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics. 2007 Dec 1;38:767u201391.
- Mccarthy HR, Oren R, Finzi AC, Ellsworth DS, Kim H-S, Johnsen KH, et al. Temporal dynamics and spatial variability in the enhancement of canopy leaf area under elevated atmospheric CO2. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY. 2007 Dec;13(12):2479u201397.
- Thu00e9ru00e9zien M, Palmroth S, Brady R, Oren R. Estimation of light interception properties of conifer shoots by an improved photographic method and a 3D model of shoot structure. Tree physiology. 2007 Oct;27(10):1375u201387.
- Finzi AC, Norby RJ, Calfapietra C, Gallet-Budynek A, Gielen B, Holmes WE, et al. Increases in nitrogen uptake rather than nitrogen-use efficiency support higher rates of temperate forest productivity under elevated CO2. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2007 Aug;104(35):14014u20139.
- Ewers BE, Oren R, Kim H-S, Bohrer G, Lai C-T. Effects of hydraulic architecture and spatial variation in light on mean stomatal conductance of tree branches and crowns. Plant, cell & environment. 2007 Apr;30(4):483u201396.
- Stoy PC, Palmroth S, Oishi AC, Siqueira MBS, Juang JY, Novick KA, et al. Are ecosystem carbon inputs andoutputs coupled at short time scales? A case study from adjacent pine and hardwood forests using impulse-response analysis. Plant, Cell and Environment. 2007;30:700u201310.
- Hyvu00f6nen R, u00c5gren GI, Linder S, Persson T, Cotrufo MF, Ekblad A, et al. The likely impact of elevated [CO2], nitrogen deposition, increased temperature and management on carbon sequestration in temperate and boreal forest ecosystems: a literature review. The New phytologist. 2007 Jan;173(3):463u201380.
- Juang J-Y, Katul GG, Porporato A, Stoy PC, Siqueira MS, Detto M, et al. Eco-hydrological controls on summertime convective rainfall triggers. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY. 2007;13(4):887u201396.
- Palmroth S, Oren R, McCarthy HR, Johnsen KH, Finzi AC, Butnor JR, et al. Aboveground sink strength in forests controls the allocation of carbon below ground and its [CO2]-induced enhancement. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2006 Dec;103(51):19362u20137.
- McCarthy HR, Oren R, Finzi AC, Johnsen KH. Canopy leaf area constrains [CO2]-induced enhancement of productivity and partitioning among aboveground carbon pools. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2006 Dec;103(51):19356u201361.
- Stoy PC, Katul GG, Siqueira MBS, Juang JY, Novick KA, Uebelherr JM, et al. An evaluation of models for partitioning eddy covariance-measured net ecosystem exchange into photosynthesis and respiration. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2006 Dec;141(1):2u201318.
- Jaksic V, Kiely G, Albertson J, Oren R, Katul G, Leahy P, et al. Net ecosystem exchange of grassland in contrasting wet and dry years. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2006 Oct;139(3u20134):323u201334.
- McCarthy HR, Oren R, Kim H-S, Johnsen KH, Maier C, Pritchard SG, et al. Interaction of ice storms and management practices on current carbon sequestration in forests with potential mitigation under future CO(2) atmosphere. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES. 2006 Aug;111(D15).
- SIQUEIRA MB, KATUL GG, SAMPSON DA, STOY PC, JUANG J-Y, MCCARTHY HR, et al. Multiscale model intercomparisons of COu2082 and Hu2082O exchange rates in a maturing southeastern US pine forest. Global Change Biology. 2006 Jul;12(7):1189u2013207.
- Oren R, HSIEH CHENG-I, STOY PAUL, Albertson J, MCCARTHY HR, HARRELL PETER, et al. Estimating the uncertainty in annual net ecosystem carbon exchange: spatial variation in turbulent fluxes and sampling errors in eddy-covariance measurements. Global Change Biology. 2006 May;12(5):883u201396.
- Juang JY, Katul GG, Siqueira MBS, Stoy PC, Palmroth S, McCarthy HR, et al. Modeling nighttime ecosystem respiration from measured CO
2 concentration and air temperature profiles using inverse methods. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 2006 Apr 27;111(8). - Addington RN, Donovan LA, Mitchell RJ, Vose JM, Pecot SD, Jack SB, et al. Adjustments in hydraulic architecture of Pinus palustris maintain similar stomatal conductance in xeric and mesic habitats. Plant, cell & environment. 2006 Apr;29(4):535u201345.
- Chuang YL, Oren R, Bertozzi AL, Phillips N, Katul GG. The porous media model for the hydraulic system of a conifer tree: Linking sap flux data to transpiration rate. Ecological Modelling. 2006 Feb 5;191(3u20134):447u201368.
- Williams CG, LaDeau SL, Oren R, Katul GG. Modeling seed dispersal distances: implications for transgenic Pinus taeda. Ecological applicationsu202f: a publication of the Ecological Society of America. 2006 Feb;16(1):117u201324.
- Finzi, AC, Moore DJP, DeLucia EH, Lichter J, Hofmockel KS, et al. Progressive nitrogen limitation of ecosystem processes under elevated CO2 in a warm-temperate forest. Ecology. 2006;87:15u201325.
- Stoy PC, Katul GG, Siqueira MBS, Juang J-Y, Novick KA, McCarthy HR, et al. Separating the effects of climate and vegetation on evapotranspiration along a successional chronosequence in the southeastern US. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY. 2006;12(11):2115u201335.
- Norby RJ, Delucia EH, Gielen B, Calfapietra C, Giardina CP, King JS, et al. Forest response to elevated CO2 is conserved across a broad range of productivity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2005 Dec;102(50):18052u20136.
- Bohrer G, Mourad H, Laursen TA, Drewry D, Avissar R, Poggi D, et al. Finite element tree crown hydrodynamics model (FETCH) using porous media flow within branching elements: A new representation of tree hydrodynamics. Water Resources Research. 2005 Nov 1;41(11):1u201317.
- Stoy PC, Katul GG, Siqueira MBS, Juang JY, McCarthy HR, Kim HS, et al. Variability in net ecosystem exchange from hourly to inter-annual time scales at adjacent pine and hardwood forests: a wavelet analysis. TREE PHYSIOLOGY. 2005;25(7):887u2013902.
- Palmroth S, Maier CA, McCarthy HR, Oishi AC, Kim HS, Johnsen K, et al. Contrasting responses to drought of forest floor CO2 efflux in a loblolly pine plantation anda nearby oak-hickory forest. Global Change Biology. 2005;(11):421u201334.
- Mortazavi B, Chanton JP, Prater JL, Oishi AC, Oren R, Katul G. Temporal variability in (13)C of respired CO(2) in a pine and a hardwood forest subject to similar climatic conditions. Oecologia. 2005 Jan;142(1):57u201369.
- Phillips NG, Oren R, Licata J, Linder S. Time series diagnosis of tree hydraulic characteristics. Tree physiology. 2004 Aug;24(8):879u201390.
- Suwa M, Katul GG, Oren R, Andrews J, Pippen J, Mace A, et al. Impact of elevated atmospheric CO
2 on forest floor respiration in a temperate pine forest. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 2004 Jun 1;18(2). - Addington RN, Mitchell RJ, Oren R, Donovan LA. Stomatal sensitivity to vapor pressure deficit and its relationship to hydraulic conductance in Pinus palustris. Tree physiology. 2004 May;24(5):561u20139.
- Novick KA, Stoy PC, Katul GG, Ellsworth DS, Siqueira MBS, Juang J, et al. Carbon dioxide and water vapor exchange in a warm temperate grassland. Oecologia. 2004 Jan;138(2):259u201374.
- Luo Y, Su B, Currie WS, Dukes JS, Finzi A, Hartwig U, et al. Progressive nitrogen limitation of ecosystem responses to rising atmospheric carbon dioxide. BioScience. 2004 Jan 1;54(8):731u20139.
- Schu00e4fer KVR, Oren R, Ellsworth DS, Lai CT, Herrick JD, Finzi AC, et al. Exposure to an enriched CO
2 atmosphere alters carbon assimilation and allocation in a pine forest ecosystem. Global Change Biology. 2003 Oct 1;9(10):1378u2013400. - Butnor JR, Johnsen KH, Oren R, Katul GG. Reduction of forest floor respiration by fertilization on both carbon dioxide-enriched and reference 17-year-old loblolly pine stands. Global Change Biology. 2003 Jun 1;9(6):849u201361.
- Katul G, Leuning R, Oren R. Relationship between plant hydraulic and biochemical properties derived from a steady-state coupled water and carbon transport model. Plant, Cell and Environment. 2003 Mar 1;26(3):339u201350.
- Pataki DE, Oren R. Species differences in stomatal control of water loss at the canopy scale in a mature bottomland deciduous forest. Advances in Water Resources. 2003 Jan 1;26(12):1267u201378.
- Schafer KVR, Oren R, Lai CT, Katul GG. Hydrologic balance in an intact temperate forest ecosystem under ambient and elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration. Global Change Biology. 2002 Sep;8(9):895u2013911.
- Nathan R, Katul GG, Horn HS, Thomas SM, Oren R, Avissar R, et al. Mechanisms of long-distance dispersal of seeds by wind. Nature. 2002 Jul;418(6896):409u201313.
- Sperry JS, Hacke UG, Oren R, Comstock JP. Water deficits and hydraulic limits to leaf water supply. Plant, cell & environment. 2002 Feb;25(2):251u201363.
- Lai CT, Katul G, Butnor J, Ellsworth D, Oren R. Modelling night-time ecosystem respiration by a constrained source optimization method. Global Change Biology. 2002 Feb;8(2):124u201341.
- Lai CT, Katul G, Butnor J, Siqueira M, Ellsworth D, Maier C, et al. Modelling the limits on the response of net carbon exchange to fertilization in a south-eastern pine forest. Plant, Cell and Environment. 2002 Jan 1;25(9):1095u2013120.
- Katul G, Lai CT, Schu00e4fer K, Vidakovic B, Albertson J, Ellsworth D, et al. Multiscale analysis of vegetation surface fluxes: From seconds to years. Advances in Water Resources. 2001 Nov 1;24(9u201310):1119u201332.
- Ewers BE, Oren R, Phillips N, Stru00f6mgren M, Linder S. Mean canopy stomatal conductance responses to water and nutrient availabilities in Picea abies and Pinus taeda. Tree physiology. 2001 Aug;21(12u201313):841u201350.
- Phillips N, Bergh J, Oren R, Linder S. Effects of nutrition and soil water availability on water use in a Norway spruce stand. Tree physiology. 2001 Aug;21(12u201313):851u201360.
- Oren R, Ellsworth DS, Johnsen KH, Phillips N, Ewers BE, Maier C, et al. Soil fertility limits carbon sequestration by forest ecosystems in a CO2-enriched atmosphere. Nature. 2001 May;411(6836):469u201372.
- Oren R, Pataki DE. Transpiration in response to variation in microclimate and soil moisture in southeastern deciduous forests. Oecologia. 2001 May;127(4):549u201359.
- Schulze W, Schulze ED, Schulze I, Oren R. Quantification of insect nitrogen utilization by the venus fly trap Dionaea muscipula catching prey with highly variable isotope signatures. Journal of experimental botany. 2001 May;52(358):1041u20139.
- Ewers BE, Oren R, Johnsen KH, Landsberg JJ. Estimating maximum mean canopy stomatal conductance for use in models. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 2001 Apr 17;31(2):198u2013207.
- Phillips N, Oren R. Intra- and Inter-Annual Variation in Transpiration of a Pine Forest. Ecological Applications. 2001 Apr;11(2):385u2013385.
- Johnsen KH, Wear D, Oren R, Teskey RO, Sanchez F, Will R, et al. Carbon sequestration and southern pine forests. JOURNAL OF FORESTRY. 2001 Apr 1;99(4):14u201321.
- Johnsen KH, Wear D, Oren R, Teskey RO, Sanchez F, Will R, et al. Meeting Global Policy Commitments: Carbon Sequestration and Southern Pine Forests. Journal of Forestry. 2001 Apr 1;99(4):14u201321.
- Katul GG, Lai CT, Albertson JD, Vidakovic B, Schu00e4fer KVR, Hsieh CI, et al. Quantifying the complexity in mapping energy inputs and hydrologic state variables into land-surface fluxes. Geophysical Research Letters. 2001 Jan 1;28(17):3305u20137.
- Oren R, Sperry JS, Ewers BE, Pataki DE, Phillips N, Megonigal JP. Sensitivity of mean canopy stomatal conductance to vapor pressure deficit in a flooded Taxodium distichum L. forest: hydraulic and non-hydraulic effects. Oecologia. 2001 Jan;126(1):21u20139.
- Metzger JM, Oren R. The effect of crown dimensions on transparency and the assessment of tree health. Ecological Applications. 2001 Jan 1;11(6):1634u201340.
- Johnsen KH, Wear D, Oren R, Teskey RO, Sanchez F, Will R, et al. Carbon sequestration and southern pine forests (vol 99, pg 14, 2001). JOURNAL OF FORESTRY. 2001;99(6):56.
- Phillips N, Oren R. Intra- and inter-annual variation in transpiration of a pine forest. Ecological Applications. 2001 Jan 1;11(2):385u201396.
- Lai CT, Katul G, Oren R, Ellsworth D, Schu00e4fer K. Modeling CO
2 and water vapor turbulent flux distributions within a forest canopy. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 2000 Nov 16;105(D21):26333u201351. - Ewers BE, Oren R, Sperry JS. Influence of nutrient versus water supply on hydraulic architecture and water balance in Pinus taeda. Plant, Cell and Environment. 2000 Oct 21;23(10):1055u201366.
- Pataki DE, Oren R, Smith WK. Sap Flux of Co-Occurring Species in a Western Subalpine Forest during Seasonal Soil Drought. Ecology. 2000 Sep;81(9):2557u20132557.
- Hacke UG, Sperry JS, Ewers BE, Ellsworth DS, Schu00e4fer KVR, Oren R. Influence of soil porosity on water use in Pinus taeda. Oecologia. 2000 Sep;124(4):495u2013505.
- Ewers BE, Oren R. Analyses of assumptions and errors in the calculation of stomatal conductance from sap flux measurements. Tree physiology. 2000 May;20(9):579u201389.
- Schu00e4fer KVR, Oren R, Tenhunen JD. The effect of tree height on crown level stomatal conductance. Plant, Cell and Environment. 2000 Jan 1;23(4):365u201375.
- Pataki DE, Oren R, Smith WK. Sap flux of co-occurring species in a western subalpine forest during seasonal soil drought. Ecology. 2000 Jan 1;81(9):2557u201366.
- Lai CT, Katul G, Ellsworth D, Oren R. Modelling vegetation-atmosphere CO
2 exchange by a coupled Eulerian-Langrangian approach. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2000 Jan 1;95(1):91u2013122. - Oren R, Sperry JS, Katul GG, Pataki DE, Ewers BE, Phillips N, et al. Survey and synthesis of intra- and interspecific variation in stomatal sensitivity to vapour pressure deficit. Plant, Cell and Environment. 1999 Dec 1;22(12):1515u201326.
- Katul G, Hsieh CI, Bowling D, Clark K, Shurpali N, Turnipseed A, et al. Spatial variability of turbulent fluxes in the roughness sublayer of an even-aged pine forest. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 1999 Dec 1;93(1):1u201328.
- Phillips N, Oren R, Zimmermann R, Wright SJ. Temporal patterns of water flux in trees and lianas in a Panamanian moist forest. Trees (Berlin, Germanyu202f: West). 1999 Nov;14(3):116u201323.
- Ewers BE, Oren R, Albaugh TJ, Dougherty PM. Carry-Over Effects of Water and Nutrient Supply on Water Use of Pinus taeda. Ecological Applications. 1999 May;9(2):513u2013513.
- Oren R, Phillips N, Ewers BE, Pataki DE, Megonigal JP. Sap-flux-scaled transpiration responses to light, vapor pressure deficit, and leaf area reduction in a flooded Taxodium distichum forest. Tree physiology. 1999 May;19(6):337u201347.
- Ewers BE, Oren R, Albaugh TJ, Dougherty PM. Carry-over effects of water and nutrient supply on water use of Pinus taeda. Ecological Applications. 1999 Jan 1;9(2):513u201325.
- Oren R, Ewers BE, Todd P, Phillips N, Katul G. Water Balance Delineates the Soil Layer in Which Moisture Affects Canopy Conductance. Ecological Applications. 1998 Nov;8(4):990u2013990.
- Pataki DE, Oren R, Tissue DT. Elevated carbon dioxide does not affect average canopy stomatal conductance of Pinus taeda L. Oecologia. 1998 Nov;117(1u20132):47u201352.
- Pataki DE, Oren R, Katul G, Sigmon J. Canopy conductance of Pinus taeda, Liquidambar styraciflua and Quercus phellos under varying atmospheric and soil water conditions. Tree physiology. 1998 May;18(5):307u201315.
- Pataki D. Responses of sap flux and stomatal conductance of Pinus taeda L. trees to stepwise reductions in leaf area. Journal of Experimental Botany. 1998 May 1;49(322):871u20138.
- Oren R, Phillips N, Katul G, Ewers BE, Pataki DE. Scaling xylem sap flux and soil water balance and calculating variance: A method for partitioning water flux in forests. Annales des Sciences Forestieres. 1998 Jan 1;55(1u20132):191u2013216.
- Pataki DE, Oren R, Phillips N. Responses of sap flux and stomatal conductance of Pinus taeda L. trees to stepwise reductions in leaf area. Journal of Experimental Botany. 1998 Jan 1;49(322):871u20138.
- Oren R, Ewers BE, Todd P, Phillips N, Katul G. Water balance delineates the soil layer in which moisture affects canopy conductance. Ecological Applications. 1998 Jan 1;8(4):990u20131002.
- Phillips N, Oren R. A comparison of daily representations of canopy conductance based on two conditional time-averaging methods and the dependence of daily conductance on environmental factors. Annales des Sciences Forestieres. 1998 Jan 1;55(1u20132):217u201335.
- Hogg EH, Black TA, Den Hartog G, Neumann HH, Zimmermann R, Hurdle PA, et al. A comparison of sap flow and eddy fluxes of water vapor from a boreal deciduous forest. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 1997 Dec 26;102(24):28929u201337.
- Way JB, Zimmermann R, Rignot E, McDonald K, Oren R. Winter and spring thaw as observed with imaging radar at BOREAS. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 1997 Dec 26;102(24):29673u201384.
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