Pei Zhong, Ph.D.
Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
Professor in the Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science

Research Interests
Mechanistic investigation and technology development in shock wave and laser lithotripsy; Ultrasound-elicited mechanotransduction, neuromodulation and sonogenetics; HIFU and immunotherapy for cancer treatment; Acoustic and optical cavitation.
My research focuses on engineering and technology development with applications in the non-invasive or minimally invasive treatment of kidney stone disease via shock wave and laser lithotripsy, high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) and immunotherapy for cancer treatment, acoustic and optical cavitation, and ultrasound neuromodulation via sonogenetics.
We are taking an integrated and translational approach that combines fundamental research with engineering and applied technology development to devise novel and enabling ultrasonic, optical, and mechanical tools for a variety of clinical applications. We are interested in shock wave/laser-fluid-bubble-solid interaction, and resultant mechanical and thermal fields that lead to material damage and removal. We also investigate the stress response of biological cell and tissue induced by cavitation and ultrasound exposure, mediated through mechanosensitive ion channels, such as Piezo 1. Our research activities are primarily supported by NIH and through collaborations with the medical device industry.
- M.Sc. University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Medical School, 1988
- Ph.D. University of Texas, Arlington, 1992
- Professor in the Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
- Professor of Biomedical Engineering
- Bass Fellow
Awards, Honors, and Distinctions
- Fellows. Acoustical Society of America. 2021
- Fellows. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 2011
- MERIT Award. National Institutes of Health. 2010
- Searle New Investigator Research Award. American Foundation for Urological Disease. 1994
Courses Taught
- ME 592: Research Independent Study in Mechanical Engineering or Material Science
- ME 555: Advanced Topics in Mechanical Engineering
- ME 336L: Fluid Mechanics
- Li D, Wang N, Li M, Mishra A, Tang Y, Vu T, et al. Three-Dimensional Super-Resolution Passive Cavitation Mapping in Laser Lithotripsy. IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control. 2024 Dec;71(12: Breaking the Resolution Barrier in Ultrasound):1690u2013700.
- Zhao X, Ma W, Chen J, Xiang G, Zhong P, Wang K. Vapour bubbles produced by long-pulsed laser: A race between advection and phase transition. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2024 Nov 21;999.
- Zhong P, Lipkin ME, Preminger GM. Editorial Comment. J Urol. 2024 Oct;212(4):588u20139.
- Liu Y, Zhong P, Lopez-Pamies O, Dolbow JE. A model-based simulation framework for coupled acoustics, elastodynamics, and damage with application to nano-pulse lithotripsy. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2024 Mar 1;289.
- Mishra A, Medairos R, Chen J, Soto-Palou F, Wu Y, Antonelli J, et al. Exploring optimal settings for safe and effective thulium fibre laser lithotripsy in a kidney model. BJU Int. 2024 Feb;133(2):223u201330.
- Xiang G, Chen J, Ho D, Sankin G, Zhao X, Liu Y, et al. Shock waves generated by toroidal bubble collapse are imperative for kidney stone dusting during Holmium:YAG laser lithotripsy. Ultrasonics sonochemistry. 2023 Dec;101:106649.
- Chen J, Mishra A, Medairos R, Antonelli J, Preminger GM, Lipkin ME, et al. In vitro investigation of stone ablation efficiency, char formation, spark generation, and damage mechanism produced by thulium fiber laser. Urolithiasis. 2023 Nov 2;51(1):124.
- Soto-Palou F, Chen J, Medairos R, Zhong P, Antonelli J, Preminger GM, et al. In Pursuit of the Optimal Dusting Settings with the Thulium Fiber Laser: An In Vitro Assessment. J Endourol. 2023 Aug;37(8):914u201320.
- Tran S, Chen J, Kozel G, Chang ET, Phung T, Peng Y, et al. Development of an optically transparent kidney model for laser lithotripsy research. BJU Int. 2023 Jul;132(1):36u20139.
- Liu Y, Claus S, Kerfriden P, Chen J, Zhong P, Dolbow JE. Model-based simulations of pulsed laser ablation using an embedded finite element method. International journal of heat and mass transfer. 2023 May;204:123843.
- Hsiao M-Y, Liao D, Xiang G, Zhong P. Intercellular Calcium Waves and Permeability Change Induced by Vertically Deployed Surface Acoustic Waves in a Human Cerebral Microvascular Endothelial Cell Line (hCMEC/D3) Monolayer. Ultrasound in medicine & biology. 2023 May;49(5):1153u201363.
- Xiang G, Li D, Chen J, Mishra A, Sankin G, Zhao X, et al. Dissimilar cavitation dynamics and damage patterns produced by parallel fiber alignment to the stone surface in holmium:yttrium aluminum garnet laser lithotripsy. Physics of fluids (Woodbury, NYu202f: 1994). 2023 Mar;35(3):033303.
- Sankin GN, Fang Z, Gu J, Jing Y, Zhong P. A Multi-Spark Electrohydraulic Shock Wave Generator with Adjustable Pressure Field Distribution and Beam Steering Capability. Frontiers in urology. 2023 Jan;3:1057723.
- Osada T, Jiang X, Zhao Y, Chen M, Kreager BC, Wu H, et al. The use of histotripsy as intratumoral immunotherapy beyond tissue ablation-the rationale for exploring the immune effects of histotripsy. Int J Hyperthermia. 2023;40(1):2263672.
- Chen J, Li D, Yu W, Ma Z, Li C, Xiang G, et al. The Effects of Scanning Speed and Standoff Distance of the Fiber on Dusting Efficiency during Short Pulse Holmium: YAG Laser Lithotripsy. J Clin Med. 2022 Aug 28;11(17).
- Chen J, Ho DS, Xiang G, Sankin G, Preminger GM, Lipkin ME, et al. Cavitation Plays a Vital Role in Stone Dusting During Short Pulse Holmium:YAG Laser Lithotripsy. J Endourol. 2022 May;36(5):674u201383.
- Zhong P, Lipkin ME, Preminger GM. Editorial Comment:Elucidating the Mechanism of Stone Dusting Requires a Fresh and Rigorous Approach in the New Era of Laser Lithotripsy. J Endourol. 2022 May;36(5):686u20137.
- Terry RS, Ho DS, Scialabba DM, Whelan PS, Qi R, Ketterman BT, et al. Comparison of Different Pulse Modulation Modes for Holmium:Yttrium-Aluminum-Garnet Laser Lithotripsy Ablation in a Benchtop Model. J Endourol. 2022 Jan;36(1):29u201337.
- Abe S, Nagata H, Crosby EJ, Inoue Y, Kaneko K, Liu C-X, et al. Combination of ultrasound-based mechanical disruption of tumor with immune checkpoint blockade modifies tumor microenvironment and augments systemic antitumor immunity. J Immunother Cancer. 2022 Jan;10(1).
- Vu T, Tang Y, Li M, Sankin G, Tang S, Chen S, et al. Photoacoustic computed tomography of mechanical HIFU-induced vascular injury. Biomedical optics express. 2021 Sep;12(9):5489u201398.
- Xiang G, Ma X, Liang C, Yu H, Liao D, Sankin G, et al. Variations of stress field and stone fracture produced at different lateral locations in a shockwave lithotripter field. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2021 Aug;150(2):1013.
- Li M, Gu J, Vu T, Sankin G, Zhong P, Yao J, et al. Time-Resolved Passive Cavitation Mapping Using the Transient Angular Spectrum Approach. IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control. 2021 Jul;68(7):2361u20139.
- Ho DS, Scialabba D, Terry RS, Ma X, Chen J, Sankin GN, et al. The Role of Cavitation in Energy Delivery and Stone Damage During Laser Lithotripsy. J Endourol. 2021 Jun;35(6):860u201370.
- Li M, Sankin G, Vu T, Yao J, Zhong P. Tri-modality cavitation mapping in shock wave lithotripsy. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2021 Feb;149(2):1258.
- Li M, Vu T, Sankin G, Winship B, Boydston K, Terry R, et al. Internal-Illumination Photoacoustic Tomography Enhanced by a Graded-Scattering Fiber Diffuser. IEEE transactions on medical imaging. 2021 Jan;40(1):346u201356.
- Li F, Park TH, Sankin G, Gilchrist C, Liao D, Chan CU, et al. Mechanically induced integrin ligation mediates intracellular calcium signaling with single pulsating cavitation bubbles. Theranostics. 2021 Jan;11(12):6090u2013104.
- Liao D, Hsiao M-Y, Xiang G, Zhong P. Optimal pulse length of insonification for Piezo1 activation and intracellular calcium response. Scientific reports. 2021 Jan;11(1):709.
- Zhong P. Editorial Comment on: "In Vitro Evaluation of Urinary Stone Comminution with a Clinical Burst Wave Lithotripsy System" by Ramesh et al. Journal of endourology. 2020 Nov;34(11):1173u20134.
- Kim H, Wu H, Cho N, Zhong P, Mahmood K, Lyerly HK, et al. Miniaturized Intracavitary Forward-Looking Ultrasound Transducer for Tissue Ablation. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2020 Jul;67(7):2084u201393.
- Li M, Lan B, Sankin G, Zhou Y, Liu W, Xia J, et al. Simultaneous Photoacoustic Imaging and Cavitation Mapping in Shockwave Lithotripsy. IEEE transactions on medical imaging. 2020 Feb;39(2):468u201377.
- Zhang Y, Yang C, Qiang H, Zhong P. Nanosecond shock wave-induced surface acoustic waves and dynamic fracture at fluid-solid boundaries. Physical review research. 2019 Nov;1(3):033068.
- Liao D, Li F, Lu D, Zhong P. Activation of Piezo1 mechanosensitive ion channel in HEK293T cells by 30u202fMHz vertically deployed surface acoustic waves. Biochemical and biophysical research communications. 2019 Oct;518(3):541u20137.
- Kim H, Wu H, Zhong P, Mahmood K, Lyerly HK, Jiang X. Small Aperture Ultrasound Transducers for Intracavitary Tissue Ablation. In: IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, IUS. 2019. p. 1842u20135.
- Cao S, Zhang Y, Liao D, Zhong P, Wang KG. Shock-Induced Damage and Dynamic Fracture in Cylindrical Bodies Submerged in Liquid. International journal of solids and structures. 2019 Sep;169:55u201371.
- Zhong P. Editorial Comment on: The Impact of Dust and Confinement on Fragmentation of Kidney Stones by Shockwave Lithotripsy in Tissue Phantoms by Randad et al. (From: Randad A, Ahn J, Bailey MR, et al. J Endourol 2019;33:400-406; DOI: 10.1089/end.2018.0516). Journal of endourology. 2019 May;33(5):407.
- Zhou Y, Li M, Liu W, Sankin G, Luo J, Zhong P, et al. Thermal Memory Based Photoacoustic Imaging of Temperature. Optica. 2019 Feb;6(2):198u2013205.
- Carlos EC, Wollin DA, Winship BB, Jiang R, Radvak D, Chew BH, et al. In Vitro Comparison of a Novel Single Probe Dual-Energy Lithotripter to Current Devices. J Endourol. 2018 Jun;32(6):534u201340.
- Fovargue D, Mitran S, Sankin G, Zhang Y, Zhong P. An experimentally-calibrated damage mechanics model for stone fracture in shock wave lithotripsy. International journal of fracture. 2018 May;211(1u20132):203u201316.
- Li F, Yang C, Yuan F, Liao D, Li T, Guilak F, et al. Dynamics and mechanisms of intracellular calcium waves elicited by tandem bubble-induced jetting flow. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2018 Jan;115(3):E353u201362.
- Xing Y, Chen TT, Simmons WN, Sankin G, Cocks FH, Lipkin ME, et al. Comparison of Broad vs Narrow Focal Width Lithotripter Fields. J Endourol. 2017 May;31(5):502u20139.
- Sankin GN, Lautz JM, Simmons WN, Zhong P, Frank ST, Szeri AJ. Elimination of cavitation-related attenuation in shock wave lithotripsy. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. 2017.
- Zhang Y, Concha D, Zhong P. The effect of stone size on comminution efficiency in shock wave lithotripsy. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. 2017.
- Yang C, Koff AS, Yuan F, Zhong P, Hsiao CT, Chahine GL. Characterization of jet formation and flow field produced by tandem bubbles. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. 2017.
- Routh JC. Editorial Comment. Vol. 197, J Urol. 2017. p. 869u201370.
- Li F, Yuan F, Sankin G, Yang C, Zhong P. A Microfluidic System with Surface Patterning for Investigating Cavitation Bubble(s)-Cell Interaction and the Resultant Bioeffects at the Single-cell Level. Journal of visualized experimentsu202f: JoVE. 2017 Jan;(119).
- Kaplan AG, Chen TT, Sankin G, Yang C, Dale JA, Simmons WN, et al. Comparison of the Nanopulse Lithotripter to the Holmium Laser: Stone Fragmentation Efficiency and Impact on Flexible Ureteroscope Deflection and Flow. J Endourol. 2016 Nov;30(11):1150u20134.
- Zhang Y, Nault I, Mitran S, Iversen ES, Zhong P. Effects of Stone Size on the Comminution Process and Efficiency in Shock Wave Lithotripsy. Ultrasound in medicine & biology. 2016 Nov;42(11):2662u201375.
- Yuan F, Yang C, Zhong P. Cell membrane deformation and bioeffects produced by tandem bubble-induced jetting flow. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2015 Dec;112(51):E7039u201347.
- Yang T, Lautz J, Sankin G, Zhong P. Respiration gating beam steering to precisely target a movable stone in shock wave lithotripsy. In: 2015 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Technology in Automation, Control and Intelligent Systems, IEEE-CYBER 2015. 2015. p. 1174u20139.
- Frank S, Lautz J, Sankin GN, Szeri AJ, Zhong P. Bubble Proliferation or Dissolution of Cavitation Nuclei in the Beam Path of a Shock-Wave Lithotripter. Physical Review Applied. 2015 Mar 3;3(3).
- Neisius A, Lipkin ME, Rassweiler JJ, Zhong P, Preminger GM, Knoll T. Shock wave lithotripsy: the new phoenix? World J Urol. 2015 Feb;33(2):213u201321.
- Neisius A, Smith NB, Sankin G, Kuntz NJ, Madden JF, Fovargue DE, et al. Improving the lens design and performance of a contemporary electromagnetic shock wave lithotripter. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014 Apr 1;111(13):E1167u201375.
- Yuan F, Sankin G, Yang C, Zhong P. Probing the bioeffects of cavitation at the single-cell level. J Acoust Soc Am. 2013 Nov;134(5):3992.
- Mancini JG, Neisius A, Smith N, Sankin G, Astroza GM, Lipkin ME, et al. Assessment of a modified acoustic lens for electromagnetic shock wave lithotripters in a swine model. J Urol. 2013 Sep;190(3):1096u2013101.
- Fovargue DE, Mitran S, Smith NB, Sankin GN, Simmons WN, Zhong P. Experimentally validated multiphysics computational model of focusing and shock wave formation in an electromagnetic lithotripter. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2013 Aug;134(2):1598u2013609.
- Smith NB, Zhong P. A heuristic model of stone comminution in shock wave lithotripsy. J Acoust Soc Am. 2013 Aug;134(2):1548u201358.
- Lautz J, Sankin G, Zhong P. Turbulent water coupling in shock wave lithotripsy. Phys Med Biol. 2013 Feb 7;58(3):735u201348.
- Zhong P. Shock wave lithotripsy. In: Bubble Dynamics and Shock Waves. 2013. p. 291u2013338.
- Hsiao C-T, Choi J-K, Singh S, Chahine GL, Hay TA, Ilinskii YA, et al. Modelling single- and tandem-bubble dynamics between two parallel plates for biomedical applications. JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS. 2013;716:137u201370.
- Wang AJ, Baldwin GT, Gabriel JC, Cocks FH, Goldsmith ZG, Iqbal MW, et al. In-vitro assessment of a new portable ballistic lithotripter with percutaneous and ureteroscopic models. J Endourol. 2012 Nov;26(11):1500u20135.
- Smith N, Zhong P. Stone comminution correlates with the average peak pressure incident on a stone during shock wave lithotripsy. J Biomech. 2012 Oct 11;45(15):2520u20135.
- Sankin GN, Piech D, Zhong P. Stereoscopic high-speed imaging using additive colors. Rev Sci Instrum. 2012 Apr;83(4):043701.
- Huang X, Yuan F, Liang M, Lo H-W, Shinohara ML, Robertson C, et al. M-HIFU inhibits tumor growth, suppresses STAT3 activity and enhances tumor specific immunity in a transplant tumor model of prostate cancer. PLoS One. 2012;7(7):e41632.
- Xing Y, Pua EC, Neal Simmons W, Hadley Cocks F, Ferrandino M, Preminger GM, et al. Biological effects produced by high-energy shock waves. In: Urinary Tract Stone Disease. 2011. p. 279u201391.
- Yuan F, Sankin G, Zhong P. Dynamics of tandem bubble interaction in a microfluidic channel. J Acoust Soc Am. 2011 Nov;130(5):3339u201346.
- Yong DZ, Lipkin ME, Simmons WN, Sankin G, Albala DM, Zhong P, et al. Optimization of treatment strategy used during shockwave lithotripsy to maximize stone fragmentation efficiency. J Endourol. 2011 Sep;25(9):1507u201311.
- Zilberman DE, Lipkin ME, Ferrandino MN, Simmons WN, Mancini JG, Raymundo ME, et al. The digital flexible ureteroscope: In vitro assessment of optical characteristics. International Braz J Urol. 2011 May 1;37(3):398.
- Zilberman DE, Lipkin ME, Ferrandino MN, Simmons WN, Mancini JG, Raymundo ME, et al. The digital flexible ureteroscope: in vitro assessment of optical characteristics. J Endourol. 2011 Mar;25(3):519u201322.
- Lautz J, Sankin G, Yuan F, Zhong P. Displacement of particles in microfluidics by laser-generated tandem bubbles. Appl Phys Lett. 2010 Nov 1;97(18):183701.
- Sankin GN, Yuan F, Zhong P. Pulsating tandem microbubble for localized and directional single-cell membrane poration. Physical review letters. 2010 Aug;105(7):078101.
- Esch E, Simmons WN, Sankin G, Cocks HF, Preminger GM, Zhong P. A simple method for fabricating artificial kidney stones of different physical properties. Urol Res. 2010 Aug;38(4):315u20139.
- Qin J, Simmons WN, Sankin G, Zhong P. Effect of lithotripter focal width on stone comminution in shock wave lithotripsy. J Acoust Soc Am. 2010 Apr;127(4):2635u201345.
- Simmons WN, Cocks FH, Zhong P, Preminger G. A composite kidney stone phantom with mechanical properties controllable over the range of human kidney stones. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. 2010 Jan;3(1):130u20133.
- Liu F, Hu Z, Qiu L, Hui C, Li C, Zhong P, et al. Boosting high-intensity focused ultrasound-induced anti-tumor immunity using a sparse-scan strategy that can more effectively promote dendritic cell maturation. Journal of translational medicine. 2010 Jan;8:7.
- Xing Y, Pua EC, Lu X, Zhong P. Low-amplitude ultrasound enhances hydrodynamic-based gene delivery to rat kidney. Biochemical and biophysical research communications. 2009 Aug;386(1):217u201322.
- Pierre SA, Ferrandino MN, Simmons WN, Fernandez C, Zhong P, Albala DM, et al. High definition laparoscopy: objective assessment of performance characteristics and comparison with standard laparoscopy. J Endourol. 2009 Mar;23(3):523u20138.
- Lu X, Sankin G, Pua EC, Madden J, Zhong P. Activation of transgene expression in skeletal muscle by focused ultrasound. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2009 Feb 6;379(2):428u201333.
- Pua EC, Zhong P. Ultrasound-mediated drug delivery. IEEE engineering in medicine and biology magazineu202f: the quarterly magazine of the Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society. 2009 Jan;28(1):64u201375.
- Xing Y, Lu X, Pua EC, Zhong P. The effect of high intensity focused ultrasound treatment on metastases in a murine melanoma model. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2009;1113:30u20134.
- Barthel J, Konkar S, Sankin G, Darling E, Guilak F, Zhong P, et al. Effect of shockwaves on the biomechanical and biochemical function of cells. Society for Experimental Mechanics - 11th International Congress and Exhibition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics 2008. 2008 Dec 1;3:1315u20139.
- Xing Y, Lu X, Pua EC, Zhong P. The effect of high intensity focused ultrasound treatment on metastases in a murine melanoma model. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2008 Oct 31;375(4):645u201350.
- Sankin GN, Zhou Y, Zhong P. Focusing of shock waves induced by optical breakdown in water. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2008 Jun;123(6):4071u201381.
- Hu Z, Yang XY, Liu Y, Sankin GN, Pua EC, Morse MA, et al. Investigation of HIFU-induced anti-tumor immunity in a murine tumor model. J Transl Med. 2007 Jul 11;5:34.
- Fuh E, Haleblian GE, Norris RD, Albala WDM, Simmons N, Zhong P, et al. The effect of frequency doubled double pulse Nd:YAG laser fiber proximity to the target stone on transient cavitation and acoustic emission. J Urol. 2007 Apr;177(4):1542u20135.
- Iloreta JI, Zhou Y, Sankin GN, Zhong P, Szeri AJ. Assessment of shock wave lithotripters via cavitation potential. Phys Fluids (1994). 2007;19(8):86103.
- Klaseboer E, Fong SW, Turangan CK, Khoo BC, Szeri AJ, Calvisi ML, et al. Interaction of lithotripter shockwaves with single inertial cavitation bubbles. J Fluid Mech. 2007;593:33u201356.
- Liu Y, Kon T, Li C, Zhong P. High intensity focused ultrasound-induced gene activation in solid tumors. J Acoust Soc Am. 2006 Jul;120(1):492u2013501.
- Zhou YF, Zhong P. The effect of reflector geometry on the acoustic field and bubble dynamics produced by an electrohydraulic shock wave lithotripter. Journal Of The Acoustical Society Of America. 2006 Jun;119(6):3625u201336.
- Sankin GN, Zhong P. Interaction between shock wave and single inertial bubbles near an elastic boundary. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 2006;74(4).
- Delvecchio FC, Brizuela RM, Khan SR, Byer K, Li Z, Zhong P, et al. Citrate and vitamin E blunt the shock wave-induced free radical surge in an in vitro cell culture model. Urol Res. 2005 Dec;33(6):448u201352.
- Liu Y, Kon T, Li C, Zhong P. High intensity focused ultrasound-induced gene activation in sublethally injured tumor cells in vitro. J Acoust Soc Am. 2005 Nov;118(5):3328u201336.
- Weizer AZ, Zhong P, Preminger GM. Twenty-five years of shockwave lithotripsy: back to the future? Vol. 19, J Endourol. 2005. p. 929u201330.
- Hu Z, Yang XY, Liu Y, Morse MA, Lyerly HK, Clay TM, et al. Release of endogenous danger signals from HIFU-treated tumor cells and their stimulatory effects on APCs. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2005 Sep 16;335(1):124u201331.
- Sankin GN, Simmons WN, Zhu SL, Zhong P. Shock wave interaction with laser-generated single bubbles. Physical review letters. 2005 Jul;95(3):034501.
- Marguet CG, Sung JC, Springhart WP, Lu2019Esperance JO, Zhou S, Zhong P, et al. In vitro comparison of stone retropulsion and fragmentation of the frequency doubled, double pulse nd:yag laser and the holmium:yag laser. J Urol. 2005 May;173(5):1797u2013800.
- Lu X, Zhong P. Ultrasound-induced cell detachment and gene transfection in adherent cells. Acoustic Research Letters Online. 2005;6(3):195u2013200.
- Zhou Y, Cocks FH, Preminger GM, Zhong P. Innovations in shock wave lithotripsy technology: updates in experimental studies. J Urol. 2004 Nov;172(5 Pt 1):1892u20138.
- Auge BK, Sekula JJ, Springhart WP, Zhu S, Zhong P, Preminger GM. In vitro comparison of fragmentation efficiency of flexible pneumatic lithotripsy using 2 flexible ureteroscopes. J Urol. 2004 Sep;172(3):967u201370.
- Zhou Y, Cocks FH, Preminger GM, Zhong P. The effect of treatment strategy on stone comminution efficiency in shock wave lithotripsy. J Urol. 2004 Jul;172(1):349u201354.
- Zhu S, Dreyer T, Liebler M, Riedlinger R, Preminger GM, Zhong P. Reduction of tissue injury in shock-wave lithotripsy by using an acoustic diode. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2004 May;30(5):675u201382.
- Heimbach D, Kourambas J, Zhong P, Jacobs J, Hesse A, Mueller SC, et al. The use of chemical treatments for improved comminution of artificial stones. J Urol. 2004 May;171(5):1797u2013801.
- Delvecchio FC, Brizuela RM, Byer KJ, Springhart WP, Khan SR, Preminger GM. 1120: Citrate and Vitamin E Blunt the SWL-Induced Free Radical Surge in an In-Vitro MDCK Cell Culture Model. In: Journal of Urology. Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health); 2004. p. 295u2013295.
- Zhong P. Evaluation of a Bifocal Reflector on a Clinical Lithotripter: Editorial Comment. Journal of Endourology. 2004 Feb 1;18(1):15u20136.
- Chen WS, Lu XC, Liu YB, Zhong P. The effect of surface agitation on ultrasound-mediated gene transfer in vitro. JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA. 2004;116(4):2440u201350.
- Sheir KZ, Zabihi N, Lee D, Teichman JM, Rehman J, Sundaram CP, et al. Evaluation of synchronous twin pulse technique for shock wave lithotripsy: determination of optimal parameters for in vitro stone fragmentation. J Urol. 2003 Dec;170(6 Pt 1):2190u20134.
- Delvecchio FC, Auge BK, Brizuela RM, Weizer AZ, Zhong P, Preminger GM. In vitro analysis of stone fragmentation ability of the FREDDY laser. J Endourol. 2003 Apr;17(3):177u20139.
- Auge BK, Tan YH, Zhu SL, Cocks FH, Preminger GM, Zhong P. The role of stress waves and cavitation in stone comminution in shock wave lithotripsy. In: JOURNAL OF UROLOGY. LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS; 2003. p. 472u2013472.
- Delvecchio F, Auge BK, Munver R, Brown SA, Brizuela R, Zhong P, et al. Shock wave lithotripsy causes ipsilateral renal injury remote from the focal point: the role of regional vasoconstriction. J Urol. 2003 Apr;169(4):1526u20139.
- Pietrow PK, Auge BK, Zhong P, Preminger GM. Clinical efficacy of a combination pneumatic and ultrasonic lithotrite. J Urol. 2003 Apr;169(4):1247u20139.
- Zhou YF, Zhong P. Suppression of large intraluminal bubble expansion in shock wave lithotripsy without compromising stone comminution: Refinement of reflector geometry. Journal Of The Acoustical Society Of America. 2003 Jan;113(1):586u201397.
- Zhou YF, Zhong P. Optimization of lithotripter waveform to reduce tissue injury without compromising stone comminution. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings. 2002 Dec 1;3:1795u20136.
- Liu YB, Zhong P. BegoStone - a new stone phantom for shock wave lithotripsy research (L). Journal Of The Acoustical Society Of America. 2002 Oct;112(4):1265u20138.
- Auge BK, Lallas CD, Pietrow PK, Zhong P, Preminger GM. In vitro comparison of standard ultrasound and pneumatic lithotrites with a new combination intracorporeal lithotripsy device. Urology. 2002 Jul;60(1):28u201332.
- Zhu S, Cocks FH, Preminger GM, Zhong P. The role of stress waves and cavitation in stone comminution in shock wave lithotripsy. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2002 May;28(5):661u201371.
- Munver R, Delvecchio FC, Kuo RL, Brown SA, Zhong P, Preminger GM. In vivo assessment of free radical activity during shock wave lithotripsy using a microdialysis system: the renoprotective action of allopurinol. J Urol. 2002 Jan;167(1):327u201334.
- Zhong P, Zhou Y. Suppression of large intraluminal bubble expansion in shock wave lithotripsy without compromising stone comminution: methodology and in vitro experiments. J Acoust Soc Am. 2001 Dec;110(6):3283u201391.
- Zhong P. Measurement of sound emission by endoscopic lithotripters: An in vitro study and theoretical estimation of risk of hearing loss in a fetus - Editorial comment. JOURNAL OF ENDOUROLOGY. 2001 Oct 1;15(8):826u2013826.
- Xi X, Zhong P. Dynamic photoelastic study of the transient stress field in solids during shock wave lithotripsy. J Acoust Soc Am. 2001 Mar;109(3):1226u201339.
- Zhong P, Zhou Y, Zhu S. Dynamics of bubble oscillation in constrained media and mechanisms of vessel rupture in SWL. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2001 Jan;27(1):119u201334.
- Zhu S, Kourambas J, Munver R, Preminger GM, Zhong P. Quantification of the tip movement of lithotripsy flexible pneumatic probes. J Urol. 2000 Nov;164(5):1735u20139.
- Brown SA, Munver R, Delvecchio FC, Kuo RL, Zhong P, Preminger GM. Microdialysis assessment of shock wave lithotripsy-induced renal injury. Urology. 2000 Sep 1;56(3):364u20138.
- Heimbach D, Munver R, Zhong P, Jacobs J, Hesse A, Mu00fcller SC, et al. Acoustic and mechanical properties of artificial stones in comparison to natural kidney stones. J Urol. 2000 Aug;164(2):537u201344.
- Heimbach D, Jacobs J, Hesse A, Muller SC, Zhong P, Preminger GM. Physical properties of artificial stones made of natural materials (BON(N)-STONES) in comparison to natural and other artificial stones. Journal fur Urologie und Urogynakologie. 2000 Mar 23;7(1):14u201324.
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