Norbert Matthias Linke
Professor of Physics

- M.S. University of Ulm (Germany), 2008
- A.B. University of Ulm (Germany), 2008
- Ph.D. University of Oxford (United Kingdom), 2012
- Professor of Physics
- Member of the Duke Quantum Center
Courses Taught
- PHYSICS 493: Research Independent Study
- PHYSICS 142L9D: General Physics II (Discussion)
- PHYSICS 141D: General Physics I (DIS)
- PHYSICS 122DL: General Physics II - Electricity and Magnetism
- PHYSICS 121D: General Physics I-A (DIS)
- Li M, Nguyen NH, Green AM, Amini J, Linke NM, Nam Y. Realizing two-qubit gates through mode engineering on a trapped-ion quantum computer. Physical Review A. 2025 Feb 1;111(2).
- Zhu Y, Green AM, Nguyen NH, Huerta Alderete C, Mossman E, Linke NM. Pairwise-Parallel Entangling Gates on Orthogonal Modes in a Trapped-Ion Chain. Advanced Quantum Technologies. 2023 Nov 1;6(11).
- Linke NM. Let the ions sing. Nature Physics. 2023 Jun 1;19(6):776u20137.
- Vedaie SS, Pu00e1ez EJ, Nguyen NH, Linke NM, Sanders BC. Bespoke pulse design for robust rapid two-qubit gates with trapped ions. Physical Review Research. 2023 Apr 1;5(2).
- Zhu Y, Green AM, Nguyen NH, Alderete CH, Mossman E, Linke NM. Pairwise-parallel entangling gates on orthogonal modes in a trapped-ionn chain. 2023.
- Linke NM. Analog-Digital Hybrid Computations with Trapped Ions. In: 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023. 2023.
- Zhu Y, Zhang Z, Sundar B, Green AM, Huerta Alderete C, Nguyen NH, et al. Multi-round QAOA and advanced mixers on a trapped-ion quantum computer. Quantum Science and Technology. 2023 Jan 1;8(1).
- Linke NM. Analog-Digital Hybrid Computations with Trapped Ions. In: European Quantum Electronics Conference, EQEC 2023 in Proceedings Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe, CLEO/Europe 2023 and European Quantum Electronics Conference EQEC 2023, Part of Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe, CLEO/Europe 2023 and European Quantum Electroni. 2023.
- Green AM, Pandit T, Alderete CH, Linke NM, Uzdin R. Probing The Unitarity of Quantum Evolution Through Periodic Driving. 2022.
- Vedaie SS, Pu00e1ez EJ, Nguyen NH, Linke NM, Sanders BC. Bespoke Pulse Design for Robust Rapid Two-Qubit Gates with Trapped Ions. 2022.
- Zhu D, Cian ZP, Noel C, Risinger A, Biswas D, Egan L, et al. Cross-platform comparison of arbitrary quantum states. Nature communications. 2022 Nov;13(1):6620.
- Li M, Nguyen NH, Green AM, Amini J, Linke NM, Nam Y. Realizing two-qubit gates through mode engineering on a trapped-ionn quantum computer. 2022.
- Dreher P, Gustafson E, Zhu Y, Linke NM, Meurice Y. Real-time Quantum Calculations of Phase Shifts On NISQ Hardware Platforms Using Wavepacket Time Delay. In: Proceedings of Science. 2022.
- Alderete CH, Green AM, Nguyen NH, Zhu Y, Linke NM, Rodru00edguez-Lara BM. Para-particle oscillator simulations on a trapped ion quantum computer. 2022.
- Daniel AK, Zhu Y, Alderete CH, Buchemmavari V, Green AM, Nguyen NH, et al. Quantum computational advantage attested by nonlocal games with the cyclic cluster state. Physical Review Research. 2022 Jul 1;4(3).
- Schuster T, Kobrin B, Gao P, Cong I, Khabiboulline ET, Linke NM, et al. Many-Body Quantum Teleportation via Operator Spreading in the Traversable Wormhole Protocol. Physical Review X. 2022 Jul 1;12(3).
- Nguyen NH, Tran MC, Zhu Y, Green AM, Alderete CH, Davoudi Z, et al. Digital Quantum Simulation of the Schwinger Model and Symmetry Protection with Trapped Ions. PRX Quantum. 2022 Jun 1;3(2).
- Green AM, Elben A, Alderete CH, Joshi LK, Nguyen NH, Zache TV, et al. Experimental Measurement of Out-of-Time-Ordered Correlators at Finite Temperature. Physical review letters. 2022 Apr;128(14):140601.
- Rad A, Seif A, Linke NM. Surviving The Barren Plateau in Variational Quantum Circuits withn Bayesian Learning Initialization. 2022.
- Dhara P, Linke NM, Waks E, Guha S, Seshadreesan KP. Multiplexed quantum repeaters based on dual-species trapped-ion systems. Physical Review A. 2022 Feb 1;105(2).
- Pandit T, Green AM, Alderete CH, Linke NM, Uzdin R. Bounds on the recurrence probability in periodically -driven quantum systems. Quantum. 2022 Jan 1;6.
- Green AM, Elben A, Alderete CH, Joshi LK, Nguyen NH, Zache TV, et al. Experimental Measurement of Out-of-Time-Ordered Correlators at Finiten Temperature. 2021.
- Singh S, Alderete CH, Balu R, Monroe C, Linke NM, Chandrashekar CM. Quantum circuits for the realization of equivalent forms of one-dimensional discrete-time quantum walks on near-term quantum hardware. Physical Review A. 2021 Dec 1;104(6).
- Davoudi Z, Linke NM, Pagano G. Toward simulating quantum field theories with controlled phonon-ion dynamics: A hybrid analog-digital approach. Physical Review Research. 2021 Dec 1;3(4).
- Daniel AK, Zhu Y, Alderete CH, Buchemmavari V, Green AM, Nguyen NH, et al. Quantum computational advantage attested by nonlocal games with then cyclic cluster state. 2021.
- Gustafson E, Zhu Y, Dreher P, Linke NM, Meurice Y. Real-time quantum calculations of phase shifts using wave packet time delays. Physical Review D. 2021 Sep 1;104(5).
- Alderete CH, Green AM, Nguyen NH, Zhu Y, Rodru00edguez-Lara BM, Linke NM. Experimental realization of para-particle oscillators. 2021.
- Francis A, Zhu D, Huerta Alderete C, Johri S, Xiao X, Freericks JK, et al. Many-body thermodynamics on quantum computers via partition function zeros. Science advances. 2021 Aug;7(34):eabf2447.
- Nguyen NH, Li M, Green AM, Huerta Alderete C, Zhu Y, Zhu D, et al. Demonstration of Shor Encoding on a Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer. Physical Review Applied. 2021 Aug 1;16(2).
- Zhu D, Cian Z-P, Noel C, Risinger A, Biswas D, Egan L, et al. Cross-Platform Comparison of Arbitrary Quantum Computations. 2021.
- Blu00fcmel R, Grzesiak N, Nguyen NH, Green AM, Li M, Maksymov A, et al. Efficient Stabilized Two-Qubit Gates on a Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer. Physical review letters. 2021 Jun;126(22):220503.
- Monroe C, Campbell WC, Duan LM, Gong ZX, Gorshkov AV, Hess PW, et al. Programmable quantum simulations of spin systems with trapped ions. Reviews of Modern Physics. 2021 Apr 7;93(2).
- Zhu D, Johri S, Nguyen NH, Alderete CH, Landsman KA, Linke NM, et al. Probing many-body localization on a noisy quantum computer. Physical Review A. 2021 Mar 1;103(3).
- Diaz N, Juarez M, Cancrini C, Heeg M, Soler-Palacu00edn P, Payne A, et al. Seletalisib for Activated PI3Ku03b4 Syndromes: Open-Label Phase 1b and Extension Studies. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Mdu202f: 1950). 2020 Dec;205(11):2979u201387.
- Zhu D, Johri S, Linke NM, Landsman KA, Huerta Alderete C, Nguyen NH, et al. Generation of thermofield double states and critical ground states with a quantum computer. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2020 Oct;117(41):25402u20136.
- Huerta Alderete C, Singh S, Nguyen NH, Zhu D, Balu R, Monroe C, et al. Quantum walks and Dirac cellular automata on a programmable trapped-ion quantum computer. Nature communications. 2020 Jul;11(1):3720.
- Linke N, Mu00fcller M. Mit Ionen ist zu rechnen. Physik in unserer Zeit. 2020 Jul;51(4):168u201375.
- Murali P, Linke NM, Martonosi M, Abhari AJ, Nguyen NH, Alderete CH. Architecting Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum Computers: A Real-System Study. IEEE Micro. 2020 May 1;40(3):73u201380.
- Alderete CH, Singh S, Nguyen NH, Zhu D, Balu R, Monroe C, et al. Quantum walks and Dirac cellular automata on a programmable trapped-ionn quantum computer. 2020.
- Shehab O, Landsman K, Nam Y, Zhu D, Linke NM, Keesan M, et al. Toward convergence of effective-field-theory simulations on digital quantum computers. Physical Review A. 2019 Dec 16;100(6).
- Zhu D, Linke NM, Benedetti M, Landsman KA, Nguyen NH, Alderete CH, et al. Training of quantum circuits on a hybrid quantum computer. Science advances. 2019 Oct;5(10):eaaw9918.
- 2D Quantum Metamaterials. In WORLD SCIENTIFIC; 2019.
- Landsman KA, Wu Y, Leung PH, Zhu D, Linke NM, Brown KR, et al. Two-qubit entangling gates within arbitrarily long chains of trapped ions. Physical Review A. 2019 Aug 26;100(2).
- Figgatt C, Ostrander A, Linke NM, Landsman KA, Zhu D, Maslov D, et al. Parallel entangling operations on a universal ion-trap quantum computer. Nature. 2019 Aug;572(7769):368u201372.
- Murali P, Linke NM, Martonosi M, Abhari AJ, Nguyen NH, Alderete CH. Full-stack, real-system quantum computer studies: Architectural comparisons and design insights. In: Proceedings - International Symposium on Computer Architecture. 2019. p. 527u201340.
- Kalev A, Kyrillidis A, Linke NM. Validating and certifying stabilizer states. Physical Review A. 2019 Apr 30;99(4).
- Landsman KA, Figgatt C, Schuster T, Linke NM, Yoshida B, Yao NY, et al. Verified quantum information scrambling. Nature. 2019 Mar;567(7746):61u20135.
- Pagano G, Becker P, Carter A, Cetina M, Collins K, Crocker C, et al. Quantum computing and simulation with trapped atomic ions. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2019.
- Linke NM, Johri S, Figgatt C, Landsman KA, Matsuura AY, Monroe C. Measuring the Ru00e9nyi entropy of a two-site Fermi-Hubbard model on a trapped ion quantum computer. Physical Review A. 2018 Nov 26;98(5).
- Seif A, Landsman KA, Linke NM, Figgatt C, Monroe C, Hafezi M. Machine learning assisted readout of trapped-ion qubits. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 2018 Aug 17;51(17).
- Solmeyer N, Linke NM, Figgatt C, Landsman KA, Balu R, Siopsis G, et al. Demonstration of a Bayesian quantum game on an ion-trap quantum computer. Quantum Science and Technology. 2018 Jul 10;3(4).
- Debnath S, Linke NM, Wang S-T, Figgatt C, Landsman KA, Duan L-M, et al. Observation of Hopping and Blockade of Bosons in a Trapped Ion Spin Chain. Physical review letters. 2018 Feb;120(7):073001.
- Leung PH, Landsman KA, Figgatt C, Linke NM, Monroe C, Brown KR. Robust 2-Qubit Gates in a Linear Ion Crystal Using a Frequency-Modulated Driving Force. Physical review letters. 2018 Jan;120(2):020501.
- Linke NM, Johri S, Figgatt C, Landsman KA, Matsuura AY, Monroe C. Measuring the Renyi entropy of a two-site Fermi-Hubbard model on an trapped ion quantum computer. 2017.
- Figgatt C, Maslov D, Landsman KA, Linke NM, Debnath S, Monroe C. Complete 3-Qubit Grover search on a programmable quantum computer. Nature communications. 2017 Dec;8(1):1918.
- Debnath S, Linke NM, Wang S-T, Figgatt C, Landsman KA, Duan L-M, et al. Observation of Hopping and Blockade of Bosons in a Trapped Ion Spinn Chain. 2017.
- Linke NM, Gutierrez M, Landsman KA, Figgatt C, Debnath S, Brown KR, et al. Fault-tolerant quantum error detection. Science advances. 2017 Oct;3(10):e1701074.
- Linke NM, Maslov D, Roetteler M, Debnath S, Figgatt C, Landsman KA, et al. Experimental comparison of two quantum computing architectures. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2017 Mar;114(13):3305u201310.
- Aude Craik DPL, Linke NM, Sepiol MA, Harty TP, Goodwin JF, Ballance CJ, et al. High-fidelity spatial and polarization addressing of Ca + 43 qubits using near-field microwave control. Physical Review A. 2017 Feb 27;95(2).
- Linke NM, Maslov D, Roetteler M, Debnath S, Figgatt C, Landsman KA, et al. Experimental Comparison of Two Quantum Computing Architectures. 2017.
- Linke NM, Maslov D, Roetteler M, Debnath S, Figgatt C, Landsman KA, et al. Comparing the architectures of the first programmable quantum computers. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2017.
- Linke NM, Gutierrez M, Landsman KA, Figgatt C, Debnath S, Brown KR, et al. Fault-tolerant quantum error detection. 2016.
- Debnath S, Linke NM, Figgatt C, Landsman KA, Wright K, Monroe C. Demonstration of a small programmable quantum computer with atomic qubits. Nature. 2016 Aug;536(7614):63u20136.
- Ballance CJ, Harty TP, Linke NM, Sepiol MA, Lucas DM. High-Fidelity Quantum Logic Gates Using Trapped-Ion Hyperfine Qubits. Physical review letters. 2016 Aug;117(6):060504.
- Debnath S, Linke NM, Figgatt C, Landsman KA, Wright K, Monroe C. Demonstration of a small programmable quantum computer with atomicn qubits. 2016.
- Craik DPLA, Linke NM, Sepiol MA, Harty TP, Goodwin JF, Ballance CJ, et al. High-fidelity spatial and polarization addressing of Ca-43 qubits usingn near-field microwave control. 2016.
- Ballance CJ, Harty TP, Linke NM, Sepiol MA, Lucas DM. High-fidelity quantum logic gates using trapped-ion hyperfine qubits. 2015.
- Ballance CJ, Schu00e4fer VM, Home JP, Szwer DJ, Webster SC, Allcock DTC, et al. Hybrid quantum logic and a test of Bell's inequality using two different atomic isotopes. Nature. 2015 Dec;528(7582):384u20136.
- Ballance CJ, Schaefer VM, Home JP, Szwer DJ, Webster SC, Allcock DTC, et al. Hybrid quantum logic and a test of Bell's inequality using two differentn atomic isotopes. 2015.
- Harty TP, Allcock DTC, Ballance CJ, Guidoni L, Janacek HA, Linke NM, et al. High-Fidelity Preparation, Gates, Memory, and Readout of a Trapped-Ion Quantum Bit. Physical review letters. 2014 Nov;113(22):220501.
- Aude Craik DPL, Linke NM, Harty TP, Ballance CJ, Lucas DM, Steane AM, et al. Microwave control electrodes for scalable, parallel, single-qubit operations in a surface-electrode ion trap. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics. 2014 Jan 1;114(1u20132):3u201310.
- Linke NM, Ballance CJ, Lucas DM. Injection locking of two frequency-doubled lasers with 3.2 GHz offset for driving Raman transitions with low photon scattering in 43Ca+. Optics letters. 2013 Dec;38(23):5087u20139.
- Linke NM, Ballance CJ, Lucas DM. Injection locking of two frequency-doubled lasers with 3.2 GHz offsetn for driving Raman transitions with low photon scattering in $^{43}$Ca$^+$. 2013.
- Craik DPLA, Linke NM, Harty TP, Ballance CJ, Lucas DM, Steane AM, et al. Microwave control electrodes for scalable, parallel, single-qubitn operations in a surface-electrode ion trap. 2013.
- Allcock DTC, Harty TP, Ballance CJ, Keitch BC, Linke NM, Stacey DN, et al. A microfabricated ion trap with integrated microwave circuitry. Applied Physics Letters. 2013 Jan 28;102(4).
- Allcock DTC, Harty TP, Ballance CJ, Keitch BC, Linke NM, Stacey DN, et al. A microfabricated ion trap with integrated microwave circuitry. 2012.
- Linke NM, Allcock DTC, Szwer DJ, Ballance CJ, Harty TP, Janacek HA, et al. Background-free detection of trapped ions. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics. 2012 Jun 1;107(4):1175u201380.
- Allcock DTC, Harty TP, Janacek HA, Linke NM, Ballance CJ, Steane AM, et al. Heating rate and electrode charging measurements in a scalable, microfabricated, surface-electrode ion trap. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics. 2012 Jun 1;107(4):913u20139.
- Linke NM, Allcock DTC, Szwer DJ, Ballance CJ, Harty TP, Janacek HA, et al. Background-free detection of trapped ions. 2011.
- Allcock DTC, Sherman JA, Stacey DN, Burrell AH, Curtis MJ, Imreh G, et al. Implementation of a symmetric surface-electrode ion trap with field compensation using a modulated Raman effect. New Journal of Physics. 2010 May 17;12.
- Fickler R, Schnitzler W, Linke NM, Schmidt-Kaler F, Singer K. Optimised focusing ion optics for an ultracold deterministic single ion source targeting nm resolution. Journal of Modern Optics. 2009 Oct 1;56(18u201319):2061u201375.
- Schnitzler W, Linke NM, Fickler R, Meijer J, Schmidt-Kaler F, Singer K. Deterministic ultracold ion source targeting the Heisenberg limit. Physical review letters. 2009 Feb;102(7):070501.
In The News
- Celebrating Dukeu2019s New Full Professors (Feb 3, 2025 | Duke Faculty Advancement)
- Research & Innovation Seed Grants Total Nearly $2 Million (Dec 3, 2024 | Duke Today)
- Norbert Linke Is Improving Quantum Systems One Ion Trap at a Time (Oct 29, 2022 | Department of Physics)