Morton Friedman
Biomedical Engineering
Professor Emeritus of Biomedical Engineering

- B.S.CH.E. Cornell University, 1957
- M.S. Ch.E. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1958
- Ph.D. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1961
- Professor Emeritus of Biomedical Engineering
- Ateshian GA, Friedman MH. Integrative biomechanics: A paradigm for clinical applications of fundamental mechanics. Journal Of Biomechanics. 2009 Jul;42(10):1444u201351.
- Zhu H, Ding Z, Piana RN, Gehrig TR, Friedman MH. Cataloguing the geometry of the human coronary arteries: a potential tool for predicting risk of coronary artery disease. International journal of cardiology. 2009 Jun;135(1):43u201352.
- Friedman MH. Variability of arterial wall shear stress, its dependence on vessel diameter and implications for Murray's Law. Atherosclerosis. 2009 May;204(1):18u20139.
- Friedman MH. Variability of arterial wall shear stress, its dependence on vessel diameter and implications for Murray's Law. Atherosclerosis. 2009 Mar;203(1):47u20138.
- Liang Y, Zhu H, Friedman MH. Estimation of the transverse strain tensor in the arterial wall using ivus image registration. Ultrasound In Medicine And Biology. 2008 Nov;34(11):1832u201345.
- Zhang J, Burridge KA, Friedman MH. In vivo differences between endothelial transcriptional profiles of coronary and iliac arteries revealed by microarray analysis. American Journal Of Physiology-heart And Circulatory Physiology. 2008 Oct;295(4):H1556u201361.
- Liang Y, Zhu H, Gehrig T, Friedman MH. Measurement of the transverse strain tensor in the coronary arterial wall from clinical intravascular ultrasound images. Journal of biomechanics. 2008 Oct;41(14):2906u201311.
- Lamack JA, Friedman MH. Individual and combined effects of shear stress magnitude and spatial gradient on endothelial cell gene expression. American Journal Of Physiology-heart And Circulatory Physiology. 2007 Nov;293(5):H2853u20139.
- Himburg HA, Dowd SE, Friedman MH. Frequency-dependent response of the vascular endothelium to pulsatile shear stress. American journal of physiology Heart and circulatory physiology. 2007 Jul;293(1):H645u201353.
- Friedman MH, Himburg HA, LaMack JA. Statistical hemodynamics: a tool for evaluating the effect of fluid dynamic forces on vascular biology in vivo. Journal of biomechanical engineering. 2006 Dec;128(6):965u20138.
- Himburg HA, Friedman MH. Correspondence of low mean shear and high harmonic content in the porcine iliac arteries. Journal of biomechanical engineering. 2006 Dec;128(6):852u20136.
- Himburg HA, Friedman MH. The frequency dependent response of the vascular endothelium to pulsatile shear stress. Faseb Journal. 2006 Mar;20(5):A1073u2013A1073.
- Lamack JA, Himburg HA, Friedman MH. Unique endothelial gene expression profiles in hyperpermeable regions of the porcine aortic arch and thoracic aorta. Faseb Journal. 2006 Mar;20(4):A205u2013A205.
- Himburg HA, Lamack JA, Friedman MH. A statistical method to evaluate the effect of shear stress on endothelial gene expression in vivo. Faseb Journal. 2006 Mar;20(4):A632u2013A632.
- Lamack JA, Himburg HA, Friedman MH. Alignment of endothelial cells in the direction of flow in porcine coronary arteries. Faseb Journal. 2006 Mar;20(4):A652u2013A652.
- Lamack JA, Friedman MH. The effect of spatial shear stress gradient on endothelial elongation and eNOS expression. Faseb Journal. 2006 Mar;20(5):A1076u2013A1076.
- Lamack JA, Himburg HA, Friedman MH. Effect of hypercholesterolemia on transendothelial EBD-albumin permeability and lipid accumulation in porcine iliac arteries. Atherosclerosis. 2006 Feb;184(2):255u201363.
- LaMack JA, Himburg HA, Li XM, Friedman MH. Interaction of wall shear stress magnitude and gradient in the prediction of arterial macromolecular permeability. Ann Biomed Eng (USA). 2005;33(4):457u201364.
- Friedman MH, Giddens DP. Blood flow in major blood vessels-modeling and experiments. Ann Biomed Eng (USA). 2005;33(12):1710u20133.
- Oakeson KD, Zhu H, Friedman MH. Quantification of cross-sectional artery wall motion with IVUS image registration. Proc SPIE - Int Soc Opt Eng (USA). 2004;5373(1):119u201330.
- Prosi M, Perktold K, Ding Z, Friedman MH. Influence of curvature dynamics on pulsatile coronary artery flow in a realistic bifurcation model. J Biomech (UK). 2004;37(11):1767u201375.
- Zhu H, Warner JJ, Gehrig TR, Friedman MH. Comparison of coronary artery dynamics pre- and post-stenting. Journal of biomechanics. 2003 May;36(5):689u201397.
- Zeng D, Ding Z, Friedman MH, Ethier CR. Effects of cardiac motion on right coronary artery hemodynamics. Ann Biomed Eng (USA). 2003;31(4):420u20139.
- Hazel AL, Grzybowski DM, Friedman MH. Modeling the adaptive permeability response of porcine iliac arteries to acute changes in mural shear. Ann Biomed Eng (USA). 2003;31(4):412u20139.
- LaMack JA, Himburg HA, Li X-M, Friedman MH. Model-based shear stress gradient in realistic vascular flows and its relation to arterial macromolecular permeability. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division (Publication) BED. 2003;55:89u201390.
- Zhu H, Oakeson KD, Friedman MH. Retrieval of cardiac phase from IVUS sequences. Proc SPIE - Int Soc Opt Eng (USA). 2003;5035:135u201346.
- Friedman MH. Variability of 3D arterial geometry and dynamics, and its pathologic implications. Biorheology (Netherlands). 2002;39(3u20134):513u20137.
- Zhu H, Liang Y, Friedman MH. IVUS image segmentation based on contrast. Proc SPIE - Int Soc Opt Eng (USA). 2002;4684:1727u201333.
- Friedman Morton H. Biomechanical approaches to atherosclerosis. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 2002;30(4):417u20138.
- Maurer T, Driggers RG, Vollmerhausen RH, Friedman MH. 2002 NVTherm improvements. Proc SPIE - Int Soc Opt Eng (USA). 2002;4719:15u201323.
- Ding Z, Zhu H, Friedman MH. Coronary artery dynamics in vivo. Ann Biomed Eng (USA). 2002;30(4):419u201329.
- Perktold K, Prosi M, Leuprecht A, Ding Z, Friedman MH. Curvature effects on bifurcating coronary artery flow. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division (Publication) BED. 2001;50:69u201370.
- Zhu H, Friedman, H M. Vessel tracking by template string in angiography. Proc SPIE - Int Soc Opt Eng (USA). 2001;4549:29u201333.
- Friedman MH. Traditional engineering in the biological century: the biotraditional engineer. Trans ASME, J Biomech Eng (USA). 2001;123(6):525u20137.
- Hazel AL, Friedman MH. Method for assessing the need for case-specific hemodynamics: application to the distribution of vascular permeability. Ann Biomed Eng (USA). 2000;28(11):1300u20136.
- Ding Z, Friedman, H M. Quantification of 3-D coronary arterial motion using clinical biplane cineangiograms. Int J Card Imaging (Netherlands). 2000;16(5):331u201346.
- Grzybowski Deborah M, Brodkey Robert S, Friedman Morton H. 3-dimensional particle tracking velocimetry measurements of near-wall shear in human left coronary arteries. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 2000;28(SUPPL 1):74.
- Friedman MH, Henderson JM, Aukerman JA, Clingan PA. Effect of periodic alterations in shear on vascular macromolecular uptake. Biorheology (Netherlands). 2000;37(4):265u201377.
- Ding Z, Friedman, H M. Dynamics of human coronary arterial motion and its potential role in coronary atherogenesis. Trans ASME, J Biomech Eng (USA). 2000;122(5):488u201392.
- Clingan PA, Friedman MH. The effect of celiac and renal artery outflows on near-wall velocities in the porcine iliac arteries. Ann Biomed Eng (USA). 2000;28(3):302u20138.
- Banerjee RK, Sohan SS, Huddleston M, Friedman MH. Direct flow analysis on a reconstructed 3D image of a physiologic porcine aortic trifurcation. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division (Publication) BED. 1999;43:81u20132.
- Henderson JM, Aukerman JA, Clingan PA, Friedman MH. Effect of alterations in femoral artery flow on abdominal vessel hemodynamics in swine. Biorheology (Netherlands). 1999;36(3):257u201366.
- Friedman MH, Ding Z, Eaton GM, Seed WA. Relationship between the dynamics of coronary arteries and coronary atherosclerosis. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division (Publication) BED. 1999;42:49u201350.
- Friedman Morton H, Aukerman Jean A, Clingan Paul A, Henderson Joel M, Fry Donald L. Modeling the effect of alternating shear levels on the uptake of albumin by the porcine iliac arteries. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division (Publication) BED. 1999;42:481u20132.
- Gross MF, Friedman MH. Dynamics of coronary artery curvature obtained from biplane cineangiograms. J Biomech (UK). 1998;31(5):479u201384.
- Friedman Morton H, Aukerman Jean A, Clingan Paul A, Henderson Joel M. Estimation of surgically manipulated fluid shear stresses in the abdominal vessels of swine from measured femoral artery flows. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division (Publication) BED. 1998;39:43u20134.
- Friedman MH, Ding Z. Variability of the planarity of the human aortic bifurcation. Medical Engineering & Physics. 1998;20(6):469u201372.
- Perktold K, Hofer M, Rappitsch G, Loew M, Kuban BD, Friedman MH. Validated computation of physiologic flow in a realistic coronary artery branch. J Biomech (UK). 1998;31(3):217u201328.
- Friedman, H M, Ding Z. Relation between the structural asymmetry of coronary branch vessels and the angle at their origin. J Biomech (UK). 1998;31(3):273u20138.
- Ding Z, Friedman MH. Variability in planarity of the aortic bifurcation measured from magnetic resonance images. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division (Publication) BED. 1997;35:211u20132.
- Henderson Joel M, Fry Donald L, Friedman Morton H. Frequency dependence of arterial uptake of macromolecules in response to alternating shear levels. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division (Publication) BED. 1997;35:15u20136.
- Perktold K, Rappitsch G, Hofer M, Low M, Friedman MH. Mathematical modelling of blood flow in arterial bifurcations. Z Angew Math Mech (Germany). 1996;76(5):377u20138.
- Friedman MH, Ding Z. Relation between the structural asymmetry of coronary artery branches and the angle at their origin. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division (Publication) BED. 1996;33:337u20138.
- Gross Mark F, VanFossen Douglas B, Friedman Morton H. Curvature changes of the left anterior descending coronary artery during the cardiac cycle. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division (Publication) BED. 1996;33:463u20134.
- Friedman MH, Biggs T, Ding Z, Seed WA. Influence of turning angle on proximal sudanophilia in the daughter vessels at the bifurcation of the human left main coronary artery - initial results. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division (Publication) BED. 1995;31:191u20132.
- Friedman MH, Kuban BD, Schmalbrock P, Smith K, Altan T. Fabrication of vascular replicas from magnetic resonance images. Trans ASME, J Biomech Eng (USA). 1995;117(3):364u20136.
- Perktold K, Rappitsch G, Low M, Friedman MH, Kuban BD. Computer simulation of pulsatile flow in an anatomically realistic human left coronary artery bifurcation model. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division (Publication) BED. 1995;31:193u20134.
- Waliszewski MW, Fry DL, Friedman MH, von Frese RR. Correlation of in vitro intimal-medial uptake with endothelial shear stress vector fields in an arterial organ support system. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division (Publication) BED. 1995;29:183u20134.
- Henderson Joel M, Fry Donald L, Friedman Morton H. 'Resonant' solute uptake predicted by a model of endothelial permeability dynamics. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division (Publication) BED. 1995;29:185u20136.
- Kuban BD, Friedman MH. The effect of pulsatile frequency on wall shear in a compliant cast of a human aortic bifurcation. Trans ASME, J Biomech Eng (USA). 1995;117(2):219u201323.
- Friedman MH, Baker PB, Ding Z, Kuban BD. Correlation of 3-D coronary arterial geometry and histopathology. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division (Publication) BED. 1995;29:7u20138.
- Sun H, Kuban BD, Schmalbrock P, Friedman MH. Measurement of the geometric parameters of the aortic bifurcation from magnetic resonance images. Ann Biomed Eng (USA). 1994;22(3):229u201339.
- Waliszewski Matthias W, Fry Donald L, Kuban Barry D, Friedman Morton H. Calculation of 3-D, pulsatile velocity fields and endothelial shear stress distributions in and arterial organ support system and validation by LDA. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division (Publication) BED. 1994;28:429u201330.
- Brinkman AM, Baker PB, Newman WP, Vigorito R, Friedman MH. Variability of human coronary artery geometry: an angiographic study of the left anterior descending arteries of 30 autopsy hearts. Ann Biomed Eng (USA). 1994;22(1):34u201344.
- Perktold K, Rappitsch G, Low M, Friedman MH, Kuban BD. Finite element grid generation in computational arterial blood flow dynamics. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division (Publication) BED. 1994;28:427u20138.
- Srivastava YN, Widom A, Friedman MH, Panella O. Compact lattice QED and the Coulomb potential. Phys Lett B (Netherlands). 1993;298(3u20134):405u20138.
- Friedman MH. Arteriosclerosis research using vascular flow models: from 2-D branches to compliant replicas. Trans ASME, J Biomech Eng (USA). 1993;115(4B):595u2013601.
- Schmalbrock P, Rao A, Kuban BD, Friedman MH. Black-blood steady-state magnetic resonance angiography. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division (Publication) BED. 1993;26:31u20134.
- Sun H, Kuban BD, Schmalbrock P, Friedman MH. Effects of age, race and gender on the geometry of the aortic bifurcation as derived from magnetic resonance images. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division (Publication) BED. 1993;26:40u20132.
- Friedman MH, Bargeron CB, Duncan DD, Hutchins GM, Mark FF. Effects of arterial compliance and non-Newtonian rheology on correlations between intimal thickness and wall shear. Trans ASME, J Biomech Eng (USA). 1992;114(3):317u201320.
- Qin JJ, Kuban BD, Van Fossen DB, Friedman MH. Evaluation of the capabilities of a steerable ultrasound Doppler catheter to provide quantitative coronary flow indices. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division (Publication) BED. 1992;22:395u20138.
- Kuban BD, Friedman MH. Effect of pulsatile frequency on wall shear in a compliant cast of a human aortic bifurcation. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division (Publication) BED. 1990;20:13u20136.
- Duncan DD, Bargeron CB, Borchardt SE, Deters OJ, Gearhart SA, Mark FF, et al. The effect of compliance on wall shear in casts of a human aortic bifurcation. Trans ASME, J Biomech Eng (USA). 1990;112(2):183u20138.
- Mark FF, Bargeron CB, Deters OJ, Friedman MH. Variations in geometry and shear rate distribution in casts of human aortic bifurcations. J Biomech (UK). 1989;22(6u20137):577u201382.
- Duncan DD, Bargeron CB, Borchardt SE, Deters OJ, Gearhart SA, Mark FF, et al. Effect of compliance on wall shear in casts of a human aortic bifurcation. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division (Publication) BED. 1988;8:39u201342.
- Friedman MH, Deters OJ. Correlation among shear rate measures in vascular flows. Trans ASME, J Biomech Eng (USA). 1987;109(1):25u20136.
- Geckle WJ, Friedman MH. 3-D RECONSTRUCTION OF CORONARY ARTERY MEDIAL AXES FROM BI-PLANE ANGIOGRAPHY. Computers in Cardiology. 1987;269u201372.
- Deters OJ, Bargeron CB, Mark FF, Friedman MH. Measurement of wall motion and wall shear in a compliant arterial cast. Trans ASME, J Biomech Eng (USA). 1986;108(4):355u20138.
- Widom A, Friedman MH, Srivastava Y. Surface Hall effect in magneto-electric media. J Phys A, Math Gen (UK). 1986;19(3):175u20136.
- Widom A, Friedman MH, Srivastava YN. Implications of the chiral anomaly for quantum Hall-effect devices. Phys Rev B, Condens Matter (USA). 1985;31(10):6588u201391.
- Ehrlich LW, Friedman MH. Computational aspects of aortic bifurcation flows. Comput Fluids (UK). 1985;13(2):177u201383.
- Widom A, Friedman MH, Srivastava Y, Feinberg A. Vacuum spin waves through the chiral anomaly. Phys Lett A (Netherlands). 1985;108A(8):377u20138.
- Friedman MH. Unsteady transport and hydration dynamics in the in vivo cornea. Biophys J (USA). 1985;13(9):890u2013910.
- Srivastava YN, Widom A, Friedman MH. Engineering the chiral anomaly: the quantum Hall effect. Lett Nuovo Cimento (Italy). 1985;42(3):137u201340.
- Widom A, Srivastava YN, Friedman MH. Quantization of the magnetic induction for two-dimensional electronic systems. Phys Rev B, Condens Matter (USA). 1985;32(8):5487u20138.
- Srivastava Y, Widom A, Friedman MH. Microchips as precision quantum-electrodynamic probes. Phys Rev Lett (USA). 1985;55(21):2246u20138.
- Mark FF, Bargeron CB, Deters OJ, Friedman MH. Nonquasi-steady character of pulsatile flow in human coronary arteries. Trans ASME, J Biomech Eng (USA). 1985;107(1):24u20138.
- Deters OJ, Mark FF, Bargeron CB, Friedman MH, Hutchins GM. Comparison of steady and pulsatile flow near the ventral and dorsal walls of casts of human aortic bifurcations. Trans ASME, J Biomech Eng (USA). 1984;106(1):79u201382.
- Haldene FDM, Chen L, Friedman MH, Sokoloff JB, Widom A, Srivastava Y-N. Magnetic flux of `vortices' on the two-dimensional Hall surface [and reply]. Phys Rev Lett (USA). 1984;53(27):2591u20132.
- Friedman MH, Sokoloff JB, Widom A. Chiral anomaly and the rational quantization of the Hall conductance. Phys Rev Lett (USA). 1984;52(18):1587u20139.
- Meyer RA, Mandell JD, Friedman MH. Changes in aortic bifurcation geometry during a cardiac cycle. J Biomech (UK). 1984;17(8):637u20138.
- Friedman MH, Ehrlich LW. Numerical simulation of aortic bifurcation flows: the effect of flow divider curvature. J Biomech (UK). 1984;17(12):881u20138.
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- Friedman Morton H. GEOMETRIC RISK FACTORS FOR ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest (Applied Physics Laboratory). 1983;4(2):85u201395.
- Friedman MH, Yergey AL, Campana JE. Fundamentals of ion motion in electric radio-frequency multipole fields. J Phys E, Sci Instrum (UK). 1982;15(1):53u20136.
- Friedman MH, Campana JE, Kelner L, Seeliger EH, Yergey AL. The inverted pendulum: a mechanical analog of the quadrupole mass filter. Am J Phys (USA). 1982;50(10):924u201331.
- Friedman MH, Hutchins GM, Bargeron CB, Deters OJ, Mark FF. Correlation of human arterial morphology with hemodynamic measurements in arterial casts. Trans ASME, J Biomech Eng (USA). 1981;103(3):204u20137.
- Friedman MH, Meyer RA. Transport across homoporous and heteroporous membranes in nonideal, nondilute solutions. I. Inequality of reflection coefficients for volume flow and solute flow. Biophys J (USA). 1981;34(3):535u201344.
- Friedman MH, Meyer RA. Transport across homoporous and heteroporous membranes in nonideal, nondilute solutions. II. Inequality of phenomenological and tracer solute permeabilities. Biophys J (USA). 1981;34(3):545u201357.
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- Deters OJ, Friedman MH. Simple directionally sensitive two-component laser Doppler anemometer. Appl Opt (USA). 1980;19(8):1221.
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- Friedman MH, Bargeron CB, Deters OJ, Mark FF, Hutchins GM. HEMODYNAMIC MEASUREMENTS IN HUMAN ARTERIAL CASTS: GEOMETRIC EFFECTS AND MORPHOLOGICAL CORRELATES. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Applied Mechanics Division, AMD. 1979;32:165u20138.
- Friedman MH, Srivastava Y. Einstein equations, supersymmetry, and flat limits of curved superspace. Phys Rev D, Part Fields (USA). 1978;18(12):4387u201398.
- Friedman MH, Tanner JT. A computer language for reducing activation analysis data. J Radioanal Chem (Switzerland). 1978;43(2):575u201397.
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- Ehrlich Louis W, Friedman Morton H. STEADY CONVECTIVE DIFFUSION IN A BIFURCATION. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 1977;BME-24(1):12u20138.
- Mark FF, Bargeron CB, Deters OJ, Friedman MH. EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS OF STEADY AND PULSATILE LAMINAR FLOW IN A 90 degree BRANCH. Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions ASME. 1977;44 Ser E(3):372u20137.
- Ehrlich LW, Friedman MH. Particle paths and stasis in unsteady flow through a bifurcation. J Biomech (UK). 1977;10(9):561u20138.
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