Mikhail A. Nikiforov
Professor of Pathology
- B.S. Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia), 1992
- M.S. Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia), 1992
- Ph.D. University of Illinois, 1997
- Professor of Pathology
- Professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering
- Member of the Duke Cancer Institute
Courses Taught
- PATHOL 793: Research Independent Study
- BME 792: Continuation of Graduate Independent Study
- BME 791: Graduate Independent Study
- BME 644: Physiology for Engineers
- BME 590: Special Topics in Biomedical Engineering
- BME 570L: Introduction to Biomolecular Engineering (GE, BB, MC)
- BME 494: Projects in Biomedical Engineering (GE)
- BME 493: Projects in Biomedical Engineering (GE)