Dr Jon Viventi, Ph.D.
Biomedical Engineering
Hawkins Family Associate Professor

Research Interests
Using flexible electronics to create new technology for interfacing with the brain at high resolution over large areas. These new tools can help diagnose and treat neurological disorders such as epilepsy, and help improve the performance of brain machine interfaces.
Dr. Viventi’s research uses flexible electronics to create new technology for interfacing with the brain at high resolution over large areas. These new tools can help diagnose and treat neurological disorders such as epilepsy, and help improve the performance of brain machine interfaces.
- Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania, 2010
- Hawkins Family Associate Professor
- Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering
- Assistant Professor in Neurosurgery
- Assistant Professor of Neurobiology
- Faculty Network Member of the Duke Institute for Brain Sciences
Awards, Honors, and Distinctions
- MIT Technology Review Innovators Under 35 List. MIT Technology Review. 2014
- Popular Science Brilliant 10. Popular Science. 2014
Courses Taught
- BME 792: Continuation of Graduate Independent Study
- BME 791: Graduate Independent Study
- BME 505L: Biopotential Amplifiers and Implant Devices (GE, EL, IM)
- BME 464L: Medical Instrument Design (DR)
- BME 354L: Introduction to Medical Instrumentation
- BME 290L: Intermediate Topics with Lab (GE)
- Barth K, Schmitz C, Jochum T, Viventi J. Intan Technologies integrated circuits can produce analog-to-digital conversion artifacts that affect neural signal acquisition. Journal of neural engineering. 2024 Jul;21(4).
- Palopoli-Trojani K, Trumpis M, Chiang C-H, Wang C, Williams AJ, Evans CL, et al. High-density cortical u00b5ECoG arrays concurrently track spreading depolarizations and long-term evolution of stroke in awake rats. Commun Biol. 2024 Mar 4;7(1):263.
- DeAngelo V, Hilliard JD, Chiang C-H, Viventi J, McConnell GC. Cerebellar activity in PINK1 knockout rats during volitional gait. Brain communications. 2024 Jan;6(5):fcae249.
- DeAngelo V, Gehan A, Paliwal S, Ho K, Hilliard JD, Chiang C-H, et al. Cerebellar activity in hemi-parkinsonian rats during volitional gait and freezing. Brain communications. 2024 Jan;6(5):fcae246.
- Duraivel S, Rahimpour S, Chiang C-H, Trumpis M, Wang C, Barth K, et al. High-resolution neural recordings improve the accuracy of speech decoding. Nat Commun. 2023 Nov 6;14(1):6938.
- Barth KJ, Sun J, Chiang C-H, Qiao S, Wang C, Rahimpour S, et al. Flexible, high-resolution cortical arrays with large coverage capture microscale high-frequency oscillations in patients with epilepsy. Epilepsia. 2023 Jul;64(7):1910u201324.
- Seo KJ, Hill M, Ryu J, Chiang C-H, Rachinskiy I, Qiang Y, et al. A Soft, High-Density Neuroelectronic Array. Npj flexible electronics. 2023 Jan;7(1):40.
- Shull G, Shin Y, Viventi J, Jochum T, Morizio J, Seo KJ, et al. Design and Simulation of a Low Power 384-channel Actively Multiplexed Neural Interface. In: IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conferenceu202f: healthcare technologyu202f: [proceedings] IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference. 2022. p. 477u201381.
- Witham NS, Reiche CF, Odell T, Barth K, Chiang C-H, Wang C, et al. Flexural bending to approximate cortical forces exerted by electrocorticography (ECoG) arrays. Journal of neural engineering. 2022 Aug;19(4).
- Aras K, Gams A, Faye NR, Brennan J, Goldrick K, Li J, et al. Electrophysiology and Arrhythmogenesis in the Human Right Ventricular Outflow Tract. Circulation Arrhythmia and electrophysiology. 2022 Mar;15(3):e010630.
- Sun J, Barth K, Qiao S, Chiang C-H, Wang C, Rahimpour S, et al. Intraoperative microseizure detection using a high-density micro-electrocorticography electrode array. Brain Commun. 2022;4(3):fcac122.
- Rachinskiy I, Wong L, Chiang C-H, Wang C, Trumpis M, Ogren JI, et al. High-Density, Actively Multiplexed u03bcECoG Array on Reinforced Silicone Substrate. Frontiers in nanotechnology. 2022 Jan;4:837328.
- Chiang C-H, Wang C, Barth K, Rahimpour S, Trumpis M, Duraivel S, et al. Flexible, high-resolution thin-film electrodes for human and animal neural research. J Neural Eng. 2021 Jun 17;18(4).
- Trumpis M, Chiang C-H, Orsborn AL, Bent B, Li J, Rogers JA, et al. Sufficient sampling for kriging prediction of cortical potential in rat, monkey, and human u00b5ECoG. J Neural Eng. 2021 Mar 8;18(3).
- Chiang C-H, Lee J, Wang C, Williams AJ, Lucas TH, Cohen YE, et al. A modular high-density u03bcECoG system on macaque vlPFC for auditory cognitive decoding. Journal of neural engineering. 2020 Jul;17(4):046008.
- Chiang C-H, Won SM, Orsborn AL, Yu KJ, Trumpis M, Bent B, et al. Development of a neural interface for high-definition, long-term recording in rodents and nonhuman primates. Science translational medicine. 2020 Apr;12(538):eaay4682.
- Li J, Li R, Chiang CH, Zhong Y, Shen H, Song E, et al. Ultrathin, High Capacitance Capping Layers for Silicon Electronics with Conductive Interconnects in Flexible, Long-Lived Bioimplants. Advanced Materials Technologies. 2020 Jan 1;5(1).
- Song E, Chiang C-H, Li R, Jin X, Zhao J, Hill M, et al. Flexible electronic/optoelectronic microsystems with scalable designs for chronic biointegration. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2019 Jul;116(31):15398u2013406.
- Bent B, Chiang CH, Wang C, Lad N, Kent A, Viventi J. Simultaneous Recording and Stimulation Instrumentation for Closed Loop Spinal Cord Stimulation. In: International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, NER. 2019. p. 694u20137.
- Chiang C-H, Viventi J. Artefact-free wireless closed-loop device. Nature biomedical engineering. 2019 Jan;3(1):3u20134.
- Woods V, Trumpis M, Bent B, Palopoli-Trojani K, Chiang C-H, Wang C, et al. Long-term recording reliability of liquid crystal polymer u00b5ECoG arrays. Journal of neural engineering. 2018 Dec;15(6):066024.
- Li J, Song E, Chiang C-H, Yu KJ, Koo J, Du H, et al. Conductively coupled flexible silicon electronic systems for chronic neural electrophysiology. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2018 Oct;115(41):E9542u20139.
- Bent B, Williams AJ, Bolick R, Chiang C-H, Trumpis M, Viventi J. 3D Printed Cranial Window System for Chronic u03bcECoG Recording. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Annual International Conference. 2018 Jul;2018:4591u20134.
- Kleinbart JE, Orsborn AL, Choi JS, Wang C, Qiao S, Viventi J, et al. A Modular Implant System for Multimodal Recording and Manipulation of the Primate Brain. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Annual International Conference. 2018 Jul;2018:3362u20135.
- Williams AJ, Trumpis M, Bent B, Chiang C-H, Viventi J. A Novel u00b5ECoG Electrode Interface for Comparison of Local and Common Averaged Referenced Signals. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Annual International Conference. 2018 Jul;2018:5057u201360.
- Wang R, Song Y, Wang Y, Viventi J. Long-term prediction of u03bceCOG signals with a spatio-temporal pyramid of adversarial convolutional networks. In: Proceedings - International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging. 2018. p. 1313u20137.
- Song Y, Wang Y, Viventi J. Unsupervised Learning of Spike Patterns for Seizure Detection and Wavefront Estimation of High Resolution Micro Electrocorticographic ( $\mu $ ECoG) Data. IEEE transactions on nanobioscience. 2017 Sep;16(6):418u201327.
- Trumpis M, Insanally M, Zou J, Elsharif A, Ghomashchi A, Sertac Artan N, et al. A low-cost, scalable, current-sensing digital headstage for high channel count u03bcECoG. Journal of neural engineering. 2017 Apr;14(2):026009.
- Song Y, Viventi J, Wang Y. Multi Resolution LSTM For Long Term Prediction In Neural Activity Video. CoRR. 2017;abs/1705.02893.
- Fang H, Yu KJ, Gloschat C, Yang Z, Chiang C-H, Zhao J, et al. Capacitively Coupled Arrays of Multiplexed Flexible Silicon Transistors for Long-Term Cardiac Electrophysiology. Nature biomedical engineering. 2017 Jan;1:0038.
- Fang H, Zhao J, Yu KJ, Song E, Farimani AB, Chiang C-H, et al. Ultrathin, transferred layers of thermally grown silicon dioxide as biofluid barriers for biointegrated flexible electronic systems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2016 Oct;113(42):11682u20137.
- Palopoli-Trojani K, Woods V, Chia-Han Chiang, Trumpis M, Viventi J. In vitro assessment of long-term reliability of low-cost u03bcECoG arrays. In: Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Annual International Conference. 2016. p. 4503u20136.
- Yu KJ, Kuzum D, Hwang S-W, Kim BH, Juul H, Kim NH, et al. Bioresorbable silicon electronics for transient spatiotemporal mapping of electrical activity fromu00a0the cerebral cortex. Nature materials. 2016 Jul;15(7):782u201391.
- Insanally M, Trumpis M, Wang C, Chiang C-H, Woods V, Palopoli-Trojani K, et al. A low-cost, multiplexed u03bcECoG system for high-density recordings in freely moving rodents. Journal of neural engineering. 2016 Apr;13(2):26030u201326030.
- Vanleer AC, Blanco JA, Wagenaar JB, Viventi J, Contreras D, Litt B. Millimeter-scale epileptiform spike propagation patterns and their relationship to seizures. Journal of neural engineering. 2016 Apr;13(2):026015.
- Song Y, Viventi J, Wang Y. Seizure detection and prediction through clustering and temporal analysis of micro electrocorticographic data. In: 2015 IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium - Proceedings. 2016.
- Song Y, Viventi J, Wang Y. Diversity encouraged learning of unsupervised LSTM ensemble for neural activity video prediction. CoRR. 2016;abs/1611.04899.
- Fletcher AK, Viventi J, Rangan S. Neural mass spatio-temporal modeling from high-density electrode array recordings. In: 2015 Information Theory and Applications Workshop, ITA 2015 - Conference Proceedings. 2015. p. 319u201321.
- Woods V, Wang C, Bossi S, Insanally M, Trumpis M, Froemke R, et al. A low-cost, 61-channel u03bceCoG array for use in rodents. In: International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, NER. 2015. p. 573u20136.
- Orsborn AL, Wang C, Chiang K, Maharbiz MM, Viventi J, Pesaran B. Semi-chronic chamber system for simultaneous subdural electrocorticography, local field potentials, and spike recordings. In: International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, NER. 2015. p. 398u2013401.
- Escabu00ed MA, Read HL, Viventi J, Kim D-H, Higgins NC, Storace DA, et al. A high-density, high-channel count, multiplexed u03bcECoG array for auditory-cortex recordings. Journal of neurophysiology. 2014 Sep;112(6):1566u201383.
- Schubert T, Trumpis M, Rivilis N, Viventi J. Cross-correlation based u03bcECoG waveform tracking. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Annual International Conference. 2014 Jan;2014:3264u20137.
- Campisi MS, Barbre C, Chola A, Cunningham G, Woods V, Viventi J. Breast cancer detection using high-density flexible electrode arrays and electrical impedance tomography. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Annual International Conference. 2014 Jan;2014:1131u20134.
- Ghomashchi A, Zheng Z, Majaj N, Trumpis M, Kiorpes L, Viventi J. A low-cost, open-source, wireless electrophysiology system. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Annual International Conference. 2014 Jan;2014:3138u201341.
- Wang J, Trumpis M, Insanally M, Froemke R, Viventi J. A low-cost, multiplexed electrophysiology system for chronic u03bcECoG recordings in rodents. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Annual International Conference. 2014 Jan;2014:5256u20139.
- Ha S, Park J, Chi YM, Viventi J, Rogers J, Cauwenberghs G. 85 dB dynamic range 1.2 mW 156 kS/s biopotential recording IC for high-density ECoG flexible active electrode array. In: European Solid-State Circuits Conference. 2013. p. 141u20134.
- Bink H, Wagenaar JB, Viventi J. Data acquisition system for high resolution, multiplexed electrode arrays. In: International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, NER. 2013. p. 1001u20134.
- Akyildiz B, Song Y, Viventi J, Wang Y. Improved clustering of spike patterns through video segmentation and motion analysis of micro electrocorticographic data. In: 2013 IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium, SPMB 2013. 2013.
- Ritaccio A, Beauchamp M, Bosman C, Brunner P, Chang E, Crone N, et al. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Advances in Electrocorticography. Epilepsy & behavioru202f: E&B. 2012 Dec;25(4):605u201313.
- Kim T, Artan NS, Viventi J, Chao HJ. Spatiotemporal compression for efficient storage and transmission of high-resolution electrocorticography data. In: Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Annual International Conference. 2012. p. 1012u20135.
- Viventi J, Blanco JA. Development of high resolution, multiplexed electrode arrays: Opportunities and challenges. In: Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Annual International Conference. 2012. p. 1394u20136.
- Ritaccio A, Boatman-Reich D, Brunner P, Cervenka MC, Cole AJ, Crone N, et al. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Advances in Electrocorticography. Epilepsy & behavioru202f: E&B. 2011 Dec;22(4):641u201350.
- Viventi J, Kim D-H, Vigeland L, Frechette ES, Blanco JA, Kim Y-S, et al. Flexible, foldable, actively multiplexed, high-density electrode array for mapping brain activity in vivo. Nature neuroscience. 2011 Nov;14(12):1599u2013605.
- Blanco JA, Stead M, Krieger A, Stacey W, Maus D, Marsh E, et al. Data mining neocortical high-frequency oscillations in epilepsy and controls. Brainu202f: a journal of neurology. 2011 Oct;134(Pt 10):2948u201359.
- Kim DH, Rogers JA, Viventi J, Litt B. Flexible biomedical devices for mapping cardiac and neural electrophysiology. In: IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings. 2011.
- Kim D-H, Lu N, Ghaffari R, Kim Y-S, Lee SP, Xu L, et al. Materials for multifunctional balloon catheters with capabilities in cardiac electrophysiological mapping and ablation therapy. Nature materials. 2011 Apr;10(4):316u201323.
- Bink H, Lai Y, Saudari SR, Helfer B, Viventi J, Van der Spiegel J, et al. Flexible organic electronics for use in neural sensing. In: Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Annual International Conference. 2011. p. 5400u20133.
- Chamberlain AC, Viventi J, Blanco JA, Kim D-H, Rogers JA, Litt B. Millimeter-scale epileptiform spike patterns and their relationship to seizures. In: Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Annual International Conference. 2011. p. 761u20134.
- Blanco JA, Stead M, Krieger A, Viventi J, Marsh WR, Lee KH, et al. Unsupervised classification of high-frequency oscillations in human neocortical epilepsy and control patients. Journal of neurophysiology. 2010 Nov;104(5):2900u201312.
- Kim D-H, Viventi J, Amsden JJ, Xiao J, Vigeland L, Kim Y-S, et al. Dissolvable films of silk fibroin for ultrathin conformal bio-integrated electronics. Nature materials. 2010 Jun;9(6):511u20137.
- Viventi J, Kim D-H, Moss JD, Kim Y-S, Blanco JA, Annetta N, et al. A conformal, bio-interfaced class of silicon electronics for mapping cardiac electrophysiology. Science translational medicine. 2010 Mar;2(24):24ra22.
- Viventi J, Blanco J, Litt B. Mining terabytes of submillimeter-resolution ECoG datasets for neurophysiologic biomarkers. In: Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Annual International Conference. 2010. p. 3825u20136.
In The News
- Duke Scientists Create Brain Implant That May Enable Communication From Thoughts Alone (Nov 6, 2023 | Duke Today)
- How Duke Researchers Defend the Brain (Sep 6, 2023 | Duke Magazine)
- Jonathan Viventi profiled: The brain implants are coming! (Mar 6, 2015 | OZY)