Jen-Tsan Ashley Chi
Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
Professor in Molecular Genetics and Microbiology

Research Interests
We are using functional genomic approaches to investigate the nutrient signaling and stress adaptations of cancer cells when exposed to various nutrient deprivations and microenvironmental stress conditions. Recently, we focus on two areas. First, we are elucidating the genetic determinants and disease relevance of ferroptosis, a newly recognized form of cell death. Second, we have identified the mammalian stringent response pathway which is highly similar to bacterial stringent response, but with some very interesting twists and novel mechanisms.
rnA. The genetic determinants and disease relevance of ferroptosis
rnFerroptosis is a newly recognized form of cell death that is characterized by iron dependency and lipid peroxidation. The importance of ferroptosis is being recognized in many human diseases, including cancers, ischemia injuries, and neurodegeneration. Previously, we have identified the profound cystine addiction of renal cell carcinoma (1), breast cancer cells (2, 3), and ovarian cancer cells (4). Based on the concept that cystine deprivation triggers the ferroptosis due to the unopposed oxidative stresses, we have performed functional genomic screens to identify many novel genetic determinants of ferroptosis. For example, we have found that DNA damage response and ATM kinase regulate ferroptosis via affecting iron metabolism (5). This finding supports the potential of ionizing radiation to trigger DNA damage response and synergize with ferroptosis to treat human cancers. In addition, we found that ferroptosis is highly regulated by cell density. When cells are grown at low density, they are highly susceptible to ferroptosis. In contrast, the same cells become resistant to ferroptosis when grown at high density and confluency. we have found the Hippo pathway effectors TAZ and YAP are responsible for the cell density-dependent ferroptosis (4, 6, 7). Right now, we are pursuing several other novel determinants of ferroptosis that will reveal surprising insights into this new form of cell death.
rnB. A new stress pathway – mammalian stress response
rnAll living organisms encounter a wide variety of nutrient deprivations and environmental stresses. Therefore, all organisms have developed various mechanisms to respond and promote survival under stress. In bacteria, the main strategy is “stringent response” triggered by the accumulation of the alarmone (p)ppGpp (shortened to ppGpp below) via regulation of its synthetase RelA and its hydrolase SpoT (8). The ppGpp binds to the transcription factor DksA and RNA polymerase to orchestrate extensive transcriptional changes that repress proliferation and promote stress survival (8, 9). While highly conserved among bacteria, the stringent response had not been reported in metazoans. However, a recent study identified Drosophila and human MESH1 (Metazoan SpoT Homolog 1) as the homologs of the ppGpp hydrolase domain of the bacterial SpoT (10). Both MESH1 proteins exhibit ppGpp hydrolase activity, and the deletion of Mesh1 in Drosophila led to a transcriptional response reminiscent of the bacterial stringent response (10). Recently, we have found that the genetic removal of MESH1 in tumor cells triggers extensive transcriptional changes and confers protection against oxidative stress-induced ferroptosis (11). Importantly, MESH1 removal also triggers proliferative arrest and other robust anti-tumor effects. Therefore, MESH1 knockdown leads to both stress survival and proliferation arrest, two cardinal features highly reminiscent of the bacterial stringent response. Therefore, we termed this pathway as “mammalian stringent response” (12). We have found that NADPH is the relevant MESH1 in the contexts of ferroptosis (13). Now, we are investigating how MESH1 removal leads to proliferation of arrests and anti-tumor phenotypes. Furthermore, we have found several other substrates of MESH1. We are investigating their function using culture cells, MESH1 KO mice, and other model organisms.
C. Genomic and single cell RNA analysis of Red Blood Cells
rnRed blood cells (RBC) are responsible for oxygen delivery to muscles during vigorous exercise. Therefore, many doping efforts focus on increasing RBC number and function to boost athletic performance during competition. For many decades, RBC were thought to be merely identical “sacs of hemoglobin” with no discernable differences due to factors such as age or pre-transfusion storage time. Additionally, because RBC lose their nuclei during terminal differentiation, they were not believed to retain any genetic materials. These long-held beliefs have now been disproven and the results have significant implications for detecting autologous blood transfusion (ABT) doping in athletes. We were among the first to discover that RBCs contain abundant and diverse species of RNAs. Using this knowledge, we subsequently optimized protocols and performed genomic analysis of the RBC transcriptome in sickle cell disease; these results revealed that heterogeneous RBCs could be divided into several subpopulations, which had implications for the mechanisms of malaria resistance. As an extension of these studies, we used high resolution Illumina RNA-Seq approaches to identify hundreds of additional known and novel microRNAs, mRNAs, and other RNA species in RBCs. This dynamic RBC transcriptome represents a significant opportunity to assess the impact that environmental factors (such as pre-transfusion refrigerate storage) on the RBC transcriptome. We have now identified a >10-fold change in miR-720 as well as several other RNA transcripts whose levels are significantly altered by RBC storage (14) which gained significant press coverage. We are pursuing the genomic and single cell analysis of RNA transcriptome in the context of blood doping, sickle cell diseases and other red cell diseases.
1. Tang X, Wu J, Ding CK, Lu M, Keenan MM, Lin CC, et al. Cystine Deprivation Triggers Programmed Necrosis in VHL-Deficient Renal Cell Carcinomas. Cancer Res. 2016;76(7):1892-903.
rn2. Tang X, Ding CK, Wu J, Sjol J, Wardell S, Spasojevic I, et al. Cystine addiction of triple-negative breast cancer associated with EMT augmented death signaling. Oncogene. 2017;36(30):4379.
rn3. Lin CC, Mabe NW, Lin YT, Yang WH, Tang X, Hong L, et al. RIPK3 upregulation confers robust proliferation and collateral cystine-dependence on breast cancer recurrence. Cell Death Differ. 2020.
rn4. Yang WH, Huang Z, Wu J, Ding C-KC, Murphy SK, Chi J-T. A TAZ-ANGPTL4-NOX2 axis regulates ferroptotic cell death and chemoresistance in epithelial ovarian cancer. Molecular Cancer Research. 2019: molcanres.0691.2019.
rn5. Chen PH, Wu J, Ding CC, Lin CC, Pan S, Bossa N, et al. Kinome screen of ferroptosis reveals a novel role of ATM in regulating iron metabolism. Cell Death Differ. 2019.
rn6. Yang W-H, Chi J-T. Hippo pathway effectors YAP/TAZ as novel determinants of ferroptosis. Molecular & Cellular Oncology. 2019:1699375.
rn7. Yang WH, Ding CKC, Sun T, Hsu DS, Chi JT. The Hippo Pathway Effector TAZ Regulates Ferroptosis in Renal Cell Carcinoma Cell Reports. 2019;28(10):2501-8.e4.
rn8. Potrykus K, Cashel M. (p)ppGpp: still magical? Annu Rev Microbiol. 2008;62:35-51.
rn9. Kriel A, Bittner AN, Kim SH, Liu K, Tehranchi AK, Zou WY, et al. Direct regulation of GTP homeostasis by (p)ppGpp: a critical component of viability and stress resistance. Mol Cell. 2012;48(2):231-41.
rn10. Sun D, Lee G, Lee JH, Kim HY, Rhee HW, Park SY, et al. A metazoan ortholog of SpoT hydrolyzes ppGpp and functions in starvation responses. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2010;17(10):1188-94.
rn11. Dixon SJ, Lemberg KM, Lamprecht MR, Skouta R, Zaitsev EM, Gleason CE, et al. Ferroptosis: an iron-dependent form of nonapoptotic cell death. Cell. 2012;149(5):1060-72.
rn12. Ding C-KC, Rose J, Wu J, Sun T, Chen K-Y, Chen P-H, et al. Mammalian stringent-like response mediated by the cytosolic NADPH phosphatase MESH1. bioRxiv. 2018.
rn13. Ding C-KC, Rose J, Sun T, Wu J, Chen P-H, Lin C-C, et al. MESH1 is a cytosolic NADPH phosphatase that regulates ferroptosis. Nature Metabolism. 2020.
rn14. Yang WH, Doss JF, Walzer KA, McNulty SM, Wu J, Roback JD, et al. Angiogenin-mediated tRNA cleavage as a novel feature of stored red blood cells. Br J Haematol. 2018.
We are using functional genomic approaches to investigate the nutrient signaling and stress adaptations of cancer cells when exposed to various nutrient deprivations and microenvironmental stress conditions. Recently, we focus on two areas. First, we are elucidating the genetic determinants and disease relevance of ferroptosis, a newly recognized form of cell death. Second, we have identified the mammalian stringent response pathway which is highly similar to bacterial stringent response, but with some very interesting twists and novel mechanisms.
A. The genetic determinants and disease relevance of ferroptosis
Ferroptosis is a newly recognized form of cell death that is characterized by iron dependency and lipid peroxidation. The importance of ferroptosis is being recognized in many human diseases, including cancers, ischemia injuries, and neurodegeneration. Previously, we have identified the profound cystine addiction of renal cell carcinoma (1), breast cancer cells (2, 3), and ovarian cancer cells (4). Based on the concept that cystine deprivation triggers the ferroptosis due to the unopposed oxidative stresses, we have performed functional genomic screens to identify many novel genetic determinants of ferroptosis. For example, we have found that DNA damage response and ATM kinase regulate ferroptosis via affecting iron metabolism (5). This finding supports the potential of ionizing radiation to trigger DNA damage response and synergize with ferroptosis to treat human cancers. In addition, we found that ferroptosis is highly regulated by cell density. When cells are grown at low density, they are highly susceptible to ferroptosis. In contrast, the same cells become resistant to ferroptosis when grown at high density and confluency. we have found the Hippo pathway effectors TAZ and YAP are responsible for the cell density-dependent ferroptosis (4, 6, 7). Right now, we are pursuing several other novel determinants of ferroptosis that will reveal surprising insights into this new form of cell death.
B. A new stress pathway – mammalian stress response
All living organisms encounter a wide variety of nutrient deprivations and environmental stresses. Therefore, all organisms have developed various mechanisms to respond and promote survival under stress. In bacteria, the main strategy is “stringent response” triggered by the accumulation of the alarmone (p)ppGpp (shortened to ppGpp below) via regulation of its synthetase RelA and its hydrolase SpoT (8). The ppGpp binds to the transcription factor DksA and RNA polymerase to orchestrate extensive transcriptional changes that repress proliferation and promote stress survival (8, 9). While highly conserved among bacteria, the stringent response had not been reported in metazoans. However, a recent study identified Drosophila and human MESH1 (Metazoan SpoT Homolog 1) as the homologs of the ppGpp hydrolase domain of the bacterial SpoT (10). Both MESH1 proteins exhibit ppGpp hydrolase activity, and the deletion of Mesh1 in Drosophila led to a transcriptional response reminiscent of the bacterial stringent response (10). Recently, we have found that the genetic removal of MESH1 in tumor cells triggers extensive transcriptional changes and confers protection against oxidative stress-induced ferroptosis (11). Importantly, MESH1 removal also triggers proliferative arrest and other robust anti-tumor effects. Therefore, MESH1 knockdown leads to both stress survival and proliferation arrest, two cardinal features highly reminiscent of the bacterial stringent response. Therefore, we termed this pathway as “mammalian stringent response” (12). We have found that NADPH is the relevant MESH1 in the contexts of ferroptosis (13). Now, we are investigating how MESH1 removal leads to proliferation of arrests and anti-tumor phenotypes. Furthermore, we have found several other substrates of MESH1. We are investigating their function using culture cells, MESH1 KO mice, and other model organisms.
C. Genomic and single cell RNA analysis of Red Blood Cells
Red blood cells (RBC) are responsible for oxygen delivery to muscles during vigorous exercise. Therefore, many doping efforts focus on increasing RBC number and function to boost athletic performance during competition. For many decades, RBC were thought to be merely identical “sacs of hemoglobin” with no discernable differences due to factors such as age or pre-transfusion storage time. Additionally, because RBC lose their nuclei during terminal differentiation, they were not believed to retain any genetic materials. These long-held beliefs have now been disproven and the results have significant implications for detecting autologous blood transfusion (ABT) doping in athletes. We were among the first to discover that RBCs contain abundant and diverse species of RNAs. Using this knowledge, we subsequently optimized protocols and performed genomic analysis of the RBC transcriptome in sickle cell disease; these results revealed that heterogeneous RBCs could be divided into several subpopulations, which had implications for the mechanisms of malaria resistance. As an extension of these studies, we used high resolution Illumina RNA-Seq approaches to identify hundreds of additional known and novel microRNAs, mRNAs, and other RNA species in RBCs. This dynamic RBC transcriptome represents a significant opportunity to assess the impact that environmental factors (such as pre-transfusion refrigerate storage) on the RBC transcriptome. We have now identified a >10-fold change in miR-720 as well as several other RNA transcripts whose levels are significantly altered by RBC storage (14) which gained significant press coverage. We are pursuing the genomic and single cell analysis of RNA transcriptome in the context of blood doping, sickle cell diseases and other red cell diseases.
1. Tang X, Wu J, Ding CK, Lu M, Keenan MM, Lin CC, et al. Cystine Deprivation Triggers Programmed Necrosis in VHL-Deficient Renal Cell Carcinomas. Cancer Res. 2016;76(7):1892-903.
2. Tang X, Ding CK, Wu J, Sjol J, Wardell S, Spasojevic I, et al. Cystine addiction of triple-negative breast cancer associated with EMT augmented death signaling. Oncogene. 2017;36(30):4379.
3. Lin CC, Mabe NW, Lin YT, Yang WH, Tang X, Hong L, et al. RIPK3 upregulation confers robust proliferation and collateral cystine-dependence on breast cancer recurrence. Cell Death Differ. 2020.
4. Yang WH, Huang Z, Wu J, Ding C-KC, Murphy SK, Chi J-T. A TAZ-ANGPTL4-NOX2 axis regulates ferroptotic cell death and chemoresistance in epithelial ovarian cancer. Molecular Cancer Research. 2019: molcanres.0691.2019.
5. Chen PH, Wu J, Ding CC, Lin CC, Pan S, Bossa N, et al. Kinome screen of ferroptosis reveals a novel role of ATM in regulating iron metabolism. Cell Death Differ. 2019.
6. Yang W-H, Chi J-T. Hippo pathway effectors YAP/TAZ as novel determinants of ferroptosis. Molecular & Cellular Oncology. 2019:1699375.
7. Yang WH, Ding CKC, Sun T, Hsu DS, Chi JT. The Hippo Pathway Effector TAZ Regulates Ferroptosis in Renal Cell Carcinoma Cell Reports. 2019;28(10):2501-8.e4.
8. Potrykus K, Cashel M. (p)ppGpp: still magical? Annu Rev Microbiol. 2008;62:35-51.
9. Kriel A, Bittner AN, Kim SH, Liu K, Tehranchi AK, Zou WY, et al. Direct regulation of GTP homeostasis by (p)ppGpp: a critical component of viability and stress resistance. Mol Cell. 2012;48(2):231-41.
10. Sun D, Lee G, Lee JH, Kim HY, Rhee HW, Park SY, et al. A metazoan ortholog of SpoT hydrolyzes ppGpp and functions in starvation responses. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2010;17(10):1188-94.
11. Dixon SJ, Lemberg KM, Lamprecht MR, Skouta R, Zaitsev EM, Gleason CE, et al. Ferroptosis: an iron-dependent form of nonapoptotic cell death. Cell. 2012;149(5):1060-72.
12. Ding C-KC, Rose J, Wu J, Sun T, Chen K-Y, Chen P-H, et al. Mammalian stringent-like response mediated by the cytosolic NADPH phosphatase MESH1. bioRxiv. 2018.
13. Ding C-KC, Rose J, Sun T, Wu J, Chen P-H, Lin C-C, et al. MESH1 is a cytosolic NADPH phosphatase that regulates ferroptosis. Nature Metabolism. 2020.
14. Yang WH, Doss JF, Walzer KA, McNulty SM, Wu J, Roback JD, et al. Angiogenin-mediated tRNA cleavage as a novel feature of stored red blood cells. Br J Haematol. 2018.
- M.D. National Taiwan University (Taiwan), 1991
- Ph.D. Stanford University, 2000
Trainings & Certifications
- Postdoctoral Research, Biochemistry (2000 - 2004) Stanford University
- Professor in Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
- Professor of Biomedical Engineering
- Professor in Integrative Immunobiology
- Professor of Cell Biology
- Professor in Radiation Oncology
- Professor of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology
- Professor in Medicine
- Member of the Duke Cancer Institute
Awards, Honors, and Distinctions
- Michael B. Kastan Award for Research Excellence. AACR. 2021
- Member of American Society of Clinical Investigation. American Society of Clinical Investigation. 2011
- Investigators in Pathogenesis of Infectious Diseases. Burroughs Wellcome Fund. 2009
Courses Taught
- MGM 593: Research Independent Study
- MGM 293: Research Independent Study I
- Chen S-Y, Shyu I-L, Chi J-T. NINJ1 in Cell Death and Ferroptosis: Implications for Tumor Invasion and Metastasis. Cancers. 2025 Feb 26;17(5):800u2013800.
- Lee HK, Lin C-C, Dunn DE, Chen Y, Chen S-Y, Marchuk DA, et al. Targeting the ferroptosis pathway: A novel compound, AZD1390, protects the brain after ischemic stroke. bioRxiv. 2025 Feb 25;
- Dome PA, Jeong P, Nam G, Jang H, Rivera A, Floyd Averette A, et al. Structure-guided design and synthesis of C22- and C32-modified FK520 analogs with enhanced activity against human pathogenic fungi. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2025 Jan 7;122(1):e2419883121.
- Dome PA, Jeong P, Nam G, Jang H, Rivera A, Averette AF, et al. Structure-guided design and synthesis of C22- and C32-modified FK520 analogs with enhanced activity against human pathogenic fungi. 2024.
- Chen S-Y, Wu J, Chen Y, Wang Y-E, Setayeshpour Y, Federico C, et al. NINJ1 regulates ferroptosis via xCT antiporter interaction and CoA modulation. Cell Death Dis. 2024 Oct 18;15(10):755.
- Dai E, Chen X, Linkermann A, Jiang X, Kang R, Kagan VE, et al. A guideline on the molecular ecosystem regulating ferroptosis. Nat Cell Biol. 2024 Sep;26(9):1447u201357.
- Chi J-T, Lin CC, Lin Y-T, Chen S-Y, Setayeshpour Y, Chen Y, et al. Coenzyme A protects against ferroptosis via CoAlation of thioredoxin reductase 2. 2024.
- Chen X, Tsvetkov AS, Shen H-M, Isidoro C, Ktistakis NT, Linkermann A, et al. International consensus guidelines for the definition, detection, and interpretation of autophagy-dependent ferroptosis. Autophagy. 2024 Jun;20(6):1213u201346.
- Chen Y, Lin P-H, Freedland SJ, Chi J-T. Metabolic Response to Androgen Deprivation Therapy of Prostate Cancer. Cancers (Basel). 2024 May 24;16(11).
- Wang C, Chang C-C, Chi J-T, Yuan F. Sucrose Treatment Enhances the Electrotransfer of DNA by Activating Phospholipase A2. Pharmaceutics. 2024 Mar 29;16(4).
- Lin C-C, Chi J-T. Abstract 359: The Hippo pathway on breast tumor recurrence <and> collateral vulnerability to ferroptosis. In: Cancer Research. American Association for Cancer Research (AACR); 2024. p. 359u2013359.
- Chen S-Y, Lin C-C, Wu J, Chen Y, Wang Y-E, Setayeshpour Y, et al. NINJ1 regulates ferroptosis via xCT antiporter interaction and CoA modulation. 2024.
- Amaral LJ, Gresham G, Butowski NA, Peters KB, Sharma A, Fonkem E, et al. DIET2TREAT: A randomized, multi-center, phase 2 trial of a ketogenic diet vs standard dietary guidance in combination with standard-of-care treatment for patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma. In: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. 2024.
- Chen Y, Lu X, Whitney RL, Li Y, Robson MJ, Blakely RD, et al. Novel anti-inflammatory effects of the IL-1 receptor in kidney myeloid cells following ischemic AKI. Front Mol Biosci. 2024;11:1366259.
- Huynh DT, Tsolova KN, Watson AJ, Khal SK, Green JR, Li D, et al. O-GlcNAcylation regulates neurofilament-light assembly and function and is perturbed by Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease mutations. Nat Commun. 2023 Oct 17;14(1):6558.
- Setayeshpour Y, Lee Y, Chi J-T. Environmental Determinants of Ferroptosis in Cancer. Cancers (Basel). 2023 Jul 29;15(15).
- Du K, Maeso-Du00edaz R, Oh SH, Wang E, Chen T, Pan C, et al. Targeting YAP-mediated HSC death susceptibility and senescence for treatment of liver fibrosis. In: Hepatology. 2023. p. 1998u20132015.
- Sun T, Ding C-KC, Chi J-T. Data on the transcriptional response to MESH1 knockdown and mammalian stringent response. Data Brief. 2023 Apr;47:108938.
- Byun J-K, Lee SH, Moon EJ, Park M-H, Jang H, Weitzel DH, et al. Manassantin A inhibits tumour growth under hypoxia through the activation of chaperone-mediated autophagy by modulating Hsp90 activity. Br J Cancer. 2023 Apr;128(8):1491u2013502.
- Huynh DT, Hu J, Schneider JR, Tsolova KN, Soderblom EJ, Watson AJ, et al. O-GlcNAcylation regulates neurofilament-light assembly and function and is perturbed by Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease mutations. 2023.
- Chi J-T, Zhou P. From magic spot ppGpp to MESH1: Stringent response from bacteria to metazoa. PLoS Pathog. 2023 Feb;19(2):e1011105.
- Hsieh CH, Huang WY, Hsieh MC, Tai YT, Chi JTA, Dong SJ, et al. A Labchip with Co-Cultured Spheroids Applied for HIPEC Cancer Drug Screening. In: 2023 22nd International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, Transducers 2023. 2023. p. 1288u201391.
- Chien YS, Wang CP, Hsieh MC, Tai YT, Chi JTA, Don SJ, et al. Peritoneal Tumor Microenvironment Labchip For The Selection Of Hipec Drugs. In: 2023 22nd International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, Transducers 2023. 2023. p. 1024u20137.
- Zhang Y, Chi JT. Ferroptosis and Infectious Diseases. In: Ferroptosis in Health and Disease, Second Edition. 2023. p. 347u201367.
- Huynh DT, Hu J, Tsolova K, Zorawski M, Lin CC, Soderblom E, et al. Regulation of Human Neurofilament-light Assembly State by O-GlcNAc and Potential Hypoglycosylation of Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Mutants. In: MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL. 2023. p. 429u2013429.
- Lin C-C, Yan J, Kapur MD, Norris KL, Hsieh C-W, Huang D, et al. Parkin coordinates mitochondrial lipid remodeling to execute mitophagy. EMBO Rep. 2022 Dec 6;23(12):e55191.
- Kovach AR, Oristian KM, Kirsch DG, Bentley RC, Cheng C, Chen X, et al. Identification and targeting of a HES1-YAP1-CDKN1C functional interaction in fusion-negative rhabdomyosarcoma. Mol Oncol. 2022 Oct;16(20):3587u2013605.
- Chi J-T, Lin P-H, Tolstikov V, Howard L, Chen EY, Bussberg V, et al. Serum metabolomic analysis of men on a low-carbohydrate diet for biochemically recurrent prostate cancer reveals the potential role of ketogenesis to slow tumor growth: a secondary analysis of the CAPS2 diet trial. Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis. 2022 Apr;25(4):770u20137.
- Sun T, Ding C-KC, Zhang Y, Lin C-C, Wu J, Setayeshpour Y, et al. MESH1 knockdown triggers proliferation arrest through TAZ repression. Cell Death Dis. 2022 Mar 10;13(3):221.
- Schirmer AU, Driver LM, Zhao MT, Wells CI, Pickett JE, Ou2019Bryne SN, et al. Non-canonical role of Hippo tumor suppressor serine/threonine kinase 3 STK3 in prostate cancer. Mol Ther. 2022 Jan 5;30(1):485u2013500.
- Boyce M, Hu J, Huynh DT, Chen P-H, Chi J-T. O-GlcNAcylation in KLHL proteostasis pathways links upstream signals to downstream cytoskeletal dynamics and ion homeostasis. In: GLYCOBIOLOGY. 2022. p. 1013u20134.
- Chi J-T, Lin P-H, Tolstikov V, Howard L, Chen E, Bussberg V, et al. Serum metabolomic analysis of men on a low-carbohydrate diet for biochemically recurrent prostate cancer reveal the potential role of ketogenesis to slow tumor growth: A secondary analysis of the CAPS2 diet trial. 2022;
- Jain V, Yang W-H, Wu J, Roback JD, Gregory SG, Chi J-T. Single Cell RNA-Seq Analysis of Human Red Cells. Front Physiol. 2022;13:828700.
- Mestre AA, Zhou P, Chi J-T. Metazoan stringent-like response mediated by MESH1 phenotypic conservation via distinct mechanisms. Comput Struct Biotechnol J. 2022;20:2680u20134.
- Wang L, Wu T-H, Hu X, Liu J, Wu D, Miguez PA, et al. Biomimetic polydopamine-laced hydroxyapatite collagen material orients osteoclast behavior to an anti-resorptive pattern without compromising osteoclasts' coupling to osteoblasts. Biomater Sci. 2021 Nov 9;9(22):7565u201374.
- Park H-S, Price H, Ceballos S, Chi J-T, Wax A. Single Cell Analysis of Stored Red Blood Cells Using Ultra-High Throughput Holographic Cytometry. Cells. 2021 Sep 17;10(9).
- Du K, Oh SH, Dutta RK, Sun T, Yang W-H, Chi J-T, et al. Inhibiting xCT/SLC7A11 induces ferroptosis of myofibroblastic hepatic stellate cells but exacerbates chronic liver injury. Liver Int. 2021 Sep;41(9):2214u201327.
- Lin C-C, Ding C-KC, Sun T, Wu J, Chen K-Y, Zhou P, et al. The regulation of ferroptosis by MESH1 through the activation of the integrative stress response. Cell Death Dis. 2021 Jul 22;12(8):727.
- Moon EJ, Mello SS, Li CG, Chi J-T, Thakkar K, Kirkland JG, et al. The HIF target MAFF promotes tumor invasion and metastasis through IL11 and STAT3 signaling. Nat Commun. 2021 Jul 14;12(1):4308.
- Chi J-T, Lin P-H, Tolstikov V, Oyekunle T, Alvarado GCG, Ramirez-Torres A, et al. The influence of low-carbohydrate diets on the metabolic response to androgen-deprivation therapy in prostate cancer. Prostate. 2021 Jul;81(10):618u201328.
- Chen P-H, Chi J-T. Unexpected zinc dependency of ferroptosis: what is in a name? Oncotarget. 2021 Jun 8;12(12):1126u20137.
- Yang W-H, Lin C-C, Wu J, Chao P-Y, Chen K, Chen P-H, et al. The Hippo Pathway Effector YAP Promotes Ferroptosis via the E3 Ligase SKP2. Molecular cancer researchu202f: MCR. 2021 Jun;19(6):1005u201314.
- Sun T, Chi J-T. Regulation of ferroptosis in cancer cells by YAP/TAZ and Hippo pathways: The therapeutic implications. Genes Dis. 2021 May;8(3):241u20139.
- Lin C-C, Yang W-H, Lin Y-T, Tang X, Chen P-H, Ding C-KC, et al. DDR2 upregulation confers ferroptosis susceptibility of recurrent breast tumors through the Hippo pathway. Oncogene. 2021 Mar;40(11):2018u201334.
- Chen P-H, Wu J, Xu Y, Ding C-KC, Mestre AA, Lin C-C, et al. Zinc transporter ZIP7 is a novel determinant of ferroptosis. Cell Death Dis. 2021 Feb 19;12(2):198.
- Slemmons KK, Deel MD, Lin Y-T, Oristian KM, Kuprasertkul N, Genadry KC, et al. A method to culture human alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma cell lines as rhabdospheres demonstrates an enrichment in stemness and Notch signaling. Biol Open. 2021 Feb 9;10(2).
- Park HS, Price H, Ceballos S, Chi J-T, Wax A. Characterizing stored red blood cells using ultra-high throughput holographic cytometry. 2021;
- Setayeshpour Y, Chi J-T. Editorial: Novel Insights Into Ferroptosis. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2021;9:754160.
- Wang L, Lee DJ, Han H, Zhao L, Tsukamoto H, Kim Y-I, et al. Application of bioluminescence resonance energy transfer-based cell tracking approach in bone tissue engineering. J Tissue Eng. 2021;12:2041731421995465.
- Mabe NW, Garcia NMG, Wolery SE, Newcomb R, Meingasner RC, Vilona BA, et al. G9a Promotes Breast Cancer Recurrence through Repression of a Pro-inflammatory Program. Cell Rep. 2020 Nov 3;33(5):108341.
- Chi J-T, Lin P-H, Tolstikov V, Oyekunle T, Galvu00e1n Alvarado GC, Ramirez-Torres A, et al. The effects of low-carbohydrate diets on the metabolic response to androgen-deprivation therapy in prostate cancer. 2020 Sep 25;
- Lin C-C, Chi J-T. Ferroptosis of epithelial ovarian cancer: genetic determinants and therapeutic potential. Oncotarget. 2020 Sep;11(39):3562u201370.
- Chen P-H, Tseng WH-S, Chi J-T. The Intersection of DNA Damage Response and Ferroptosis-A Rationale for Combination Therapeutics. Biology (Basel). 2020 Jul 23;9(8).
- Lin C-C, Mabe NW, Lin Y-T, Yang W-H, Tang X, Hong L, et al. RIPK3 upregulation confers robust proliferation and collateral cystine-dependence on breast cancer recurrence. Cell Death Differ. 2020 Jul;27(7):2234u201347.
- Chi J-T, Lin P-H, Tolstikov V, Oyekunle T, Chen EY, Bussberg V, et al. Metabolomic effects of androgen deprivation therapy treatment for prostate cancer. Cancer Med. 2020 Jun;9(11):3691u2013702.
- Dambal S, Alfaqih M, Sanders S, Maravilla E, Ramirez-Torres A, Galvan GC, et al. 27-Hydroxycholesterol Impairs Plasma Membrane Lipid Raft Signaling as Evidenced by Inhibition of IL6-JAK-STAT3 Signaling in Prostate Cancer Cells. Mol Cancer Res. 2020 May;18(5):671u201384.
- Huynh DT, Chen P-H, Hu J, Smith TJ, Chi J-T, Boyce MS. Kelchu2010like Proteins Have A Sweet Spot: Siteu2010specific Glycosylation Influences Metabolic Regulation and Protein Homeostasis. In: The FASEB Journal. Wiley; 2020. p. 1u20131.
- Ding C-KC, Rose J, Sun T, Wu J, Chen P-H, Lin C-C, et al. MESH1 is a cytosolic NADPH phosphatase that regulates ferroptosis. Nat Metab. 2020 Mar;2(3):270u20137.
- Chen P-H, Wu J, Ding C-KC, Lin C-C, Pan S, Bossa N, et al. Kinome screen of ferroptosis reveals a novel role of ATM in regulating iron metabolism. Cell Death Differ. 2020 Mar;27(3):1008u201322.
- Chen P-H, Hu J, Wu J, Huynh DT, Smith TJ, Pan S, et al. Gigaxonin glycosylation regulates intermediate filament turnover and may impact giant axonal neuropathy etiology or treatment. JCI Insight. 2020 Jan 16;5(1).
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