Eric Brubaker
Engineering Graduate and Professional Programs
Adjunct Associate Professor in the Engineering Graduate and Professional Programs

- B.S. Ohio State University, 2009
- M.S. Stanford University, 2018
- M.A. Stanford University, 2022
- Ph.D. Stanford University, 2022
- Adjunct Associate Professor in the Engineering Graduate and Professional Programs
Courses Taught
- DESIGNTK 540: Design Ethics & Social Innovation
- Ma K, Moore G, Shyam V, Villarrubia J, Goucher-Lambert K, Brubaker ER. Human-AI Collaboration Among Engineering and Design Professionals: Three Strategies of Generative AI Use. In: No DETC2024-143560. 2024.
- Rieken E, Bond K, Best RM, Burleson G, Brubaker ER. A Spectrum of Stakeholder Perspective Taking in Early-Stage Design. In: Proceedings of the Design Society. Cambridge University Press; 2023. p. 395u2013404.
- Brubaker ER, Sheppard SD, Hinds PJ, Yang MC. Objects of Collaboration: Roles and Sequences of Objects in Spanning Knowledge Group Boundaries in Design. Journal of Mechanical Design. 2023 Mar 1;145(3).
- Rieken EF, Brubaker ER, Best RM, Bond KH, Burleson GE, Simpson TW. Approaching Complex Societal Problems Tied to Aviation. In: AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition, AIAA AVIATION Forum 2023. 2023.
- Brubaker ER, Trego M, Cohen S, Taha K. Partnerships Compass: Guiding Questions for Equitable and Impactful Engineering Community- Engaged Learning. Advances in Engineering Education. 2022 Jan 1;10(1).
- Brubaker ER, Sheppard SD, Hinds PJ, Yang MC. OBJECTS OF COLLABORATION: ROLES OF OBJECTS IN SPANNING KNOWLEDGE BOUNDARIES IN A DESIGN COMPANY. In: Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference. 2022.
- Sheppard SD, Bju00f6rklund T, Chen HL, Gilmartin SK, Atwood S, Brubaker ER, et al. Connecting people and ideas: Making sense of a research lab through creating a shared frame. International Journal of Engineering Education. 2020 Jan 1;36(2):796u2013813.
- Brubaker ER, Maturi VR, Karanian BA, Sheppard S, Beach D. Integrating mind, hand, and heart: How students are transformed by hands-on designing and making. In: ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. 2019.
- Brubaker ER, Schar M, Sheppard S. Impact-driven engineering students: Contributing behavioral correlates. In: ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. 2017.
- Rameseder G, Sheppard S, Reithmann Mr M, Brubaker ER. The roots of entrepreneurial career goals among today's engineering undergraduate students. In: ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. 2017.