Ana P. Barros
NAE MemberCivil and Environmental Engineering
Edmund T. Pratt, Jr. School Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Research Interests
Physics of water cycle processes in mountainous regions with a focus on cloud formation and precipitation; remote sensing of the environment using microwave and infrared sensors; long– range predictability and risk analysis of natural hazards; computational environmental fluid mechanics and nonlinear dynamics; and the development and application of information technology as a research tool and in the operation of complex engineering systems.
Professor Ana Barros was born in Africa, grew up in Angola and Portugal, and has lived almost all of her adult life in the United States. She attended the Faculty of Engineering of the University of O’Porto where she obtained a summa cum laude Diploma in Civil Engineering with majors in Structures and Hydraulics in 1985, and a M.Sc. degree in Ocean Engineering in 1988 with a thesis focusing on numerical modeling of sediment transport in estuaries and coastal regions. In 1990, Dr. Barros completed and M.Sc. degree in Environmental Science Engineering at the OHSU/OGI School of Science and Engineering. She earned a Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Washington, Seattle in 1993. Her graduate studies were supported in part by fellowships from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT/JNICT), and NASA’s Graduate Fellowship program. She is registered with the Portuguese Order of Professional Engineers since 1986.
Dr. Barros was in the engineering faculty at the University of Porto, PeState University, and Harvard University before joining Duke University in 2004. Her primary research interests are in Hydrology, Hydrometeorology and Environmental Physics with a focus on water-cycle processes in the coupled land-atmosphere-biosphere system particularly in regions of complex terrain, the study of multi-scale interface phenomena in complex environments across the Earth Sciences, remote sensing of the environment (precipitation, clouds, soil moisture, and vegetation), climate predictability, extreme events and risk assessment of natural hazards. Prof. Barros is especially proud of having involved dozens of students in undergraduate research, a great majority of which continued their studies to earn graduate degrees in science and engineering. Over recent years her work has focused on precipitation processes including microphysics and dynamics or orographic precipitation, and land-atmosphere interactions in mountainous regions from the Himalayas to the Andes and the Southern Appalachians including Land-Use Land-Cover Change impacts on regional climate. Her research relies on intensive field and laboratory experiments, large–scale computational modeling, nonlinear data analysis and environmental informatics.
Prof. Barros served in the Space Studies Board of the National Research Council, and in several committees of the Water Science and Technology Board and the Board of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate including the Climate Research Committee, and she was a member of the US National Committee for the International Hydrology Program (IHP) of the UNESCO. She served as an elected member of the Council of the American Meteorological Society, and serves and served in several committees within the American Meteorological Society and the American Geophysical Union. Prof. Barros was a member of the NOAA’s Climate and Global Change Program and serves or has served in several working groups at NASA, NSF and DOE-ARM. She has been an active member of several professional organizations including the IEEE, ASCE, AGU, AMS, AAAS, EGS, ASEE, and AWRA, and she currently serves in the ASCE committee on Climate Change and Adaptation. Prof. Barros was the Chief Editor of the Journal of Hydrometeorology for five years, and she was an AE of the Journal of Hydrology until 2015 among other editor posts. She has been a Senior Fellow who the Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA) since 2011.
Prof. Barros received Early Career Investigator awards from NSF and NASA in 1995 and 1996. She was a George W. Merck Faculty Fellow at Harvard University 1999-2003, and Packard Fellow nominee from PeState University. She received the Prize Foundation A. Almeida in Engineering in 1985, and the Lorenz G. Straub Award for her Ph.D. thesis in 1993, and the NASA GSFC Robert H. Goddard Award (GPM GV Team), Category of Exceptional Achievement in Science in 2014 for contributions in support of the Global Precipitation Measurement Mission. Dr. Barros is a Member of the ASCE, Senior Member of the IEEE, a Fellow of the American Meteorological Society, and a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union. She was the AMS Sigma-Xi Distinguished Lecturer 2014-2015.
- M.S. Oregon Institute of Technology, 1990
- Ph.D. University of Washington, 1993
- Edmund T. Pratt, Jr. School Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Professor Emeritus in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Adjunct Professor in the Division of Earth and Climate Science
Awards, Honors, and Distinctions
- Borland Hydrology Award. AGU Hydrology Days and Colorado State University. 2020
- Member. National Academy of Engineering. 2019
- Fellow. American Association for the Advancement of Science. 2017
- Fellow. American Society of Civil Engineers. 2016
- Agency Group Achievement Award (to Global Precipitation Measurement Post-Launch Team). NASA . 2015
- Fellow. American Geophysical Union. 2014
- WIMEK Research Fellowship. Wageningen University. 2014
- Fellow. American Meteorological Society. 2007
- Professional Grade Member. American Society of Civil Engineers. 2000
- George W. Merck Faculty Fellowship. Harvard University. 1999
- New Investigator Award-MTPE. NASA. 1996
- Member. Portuguese Order of Engineers. 1996
- CAREER Award. National Science Foundation. 1995
- Member. European Geophysical Union. 1992
- Member. American Geophysical Union. 1991
- Member. American Meteorological Society. 1991
- EOS Global Climate Change Fellowship. NASA. 1990
- Science Program Scholarship. JNICT. 1990
- Shrestha P, Barros AP. Multi-Physics Data Assimilation Framework for Remotely Sensed Snowpacks to Improve Water Prediction. Water Resources Research. 2025 Feb 1;61(2).
- Ji L, Barros AP. Toward Building a Virtual Laboratory to Investigate Rainfall Microphysics at Process Scales. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 2024 Jun 1;81(6):999u20131017.
- Barros A, Becker T, Cardenas MB, Davidson E, Gruber N, Hofmann E, et al. Thank You to Our 2023 Peer Reviewers. AGU Advances. 2024 Jun 1;5(3).
- Singh S, Durand M, Kim E, Barros AP. Bayesian physical-statistical retrieval of snow water equivalent and snow depth from X- and Ku-band synthetic aperture radar - demonstration using airborne SnowSAr in SnowEx'17. Cryosphere. 2024 Feb 20;18(2):747u201373.
- Liu Q, Barros AP. The role of root dynamics on the climate sensitivity of ecohydrological processes of over- and understory in a semi-arid groundwater-dependent ecosystem. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 2024 Jan 1;12.
- Liao M, Barros AP. Toward Optimal Rainfall for Flood Prediction in Headwater Basinsu2014Orographic QPE Error Modeling Using Machine Learning. Water Resources Research. 2023 Nov 1;59(11).
- Trumbore S, Barros A, Becker T, Cardenas MB, Davidson E, Gruber N, et al. Thank You to Our 2022 Peer Reviewers. AGU Advances. 2023 Jun 1;4(3).
- Chavez SP, Barros AP. Aerosol indirect effects on orographic clouds and precipitation. Frontiers in Earth Science. 2023 Jan 1;11.
- Singh S, Durand M, Kim E, Pan J, Kang DH, Barros AP. A Physical-Statistical Retrieval Framework to Estimate SWE from X and Ku-Band SAR Observations. In: International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). 2023. p. 17u201320.
- Cao Y, Barros AP. Indirect Estimation of Vegetation Contribution to Microwave Backscatter Via Triple-Frequency SAR Data. In: International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). 2023. p. 3114u20137.
- Cao Y, Barros AP. Topographic controls on active microwave behavior of mountain snowpacks. Remote Sensing of Environment. 2023 Jan 1;284.
- Liao M, Barros AP. Toward optimal rainfall u2013 Hydrologic QPE correction in headwater basins. Remote Sensing of Environment. 2022 Sep 15;279.
- Tsang L, Durand M, Derksen C, Barros AP, Kang DH, Lievens H, et al. Review article: Global monitoring of snow water equivalent using high-frequency radar remote sensing. Cryosphere. 2022 Sep 2;16(9):3531u201373.
- Eghdami M, Barros AP, Jimu00e9nez PA, Juliano TW, Kosovic B. Diagnosis of Second-Order Turbulent Properties of the Surface Layer for Three-Dimensional Flow Based on the Mellor-Yamada Model. Monthly Weather Review. 2022 May 1;150(5):1003u201321.
- Trumbore S, Barros AP, Becker TW, Davidson EA, Ehlmann BL, Gruber N, et al. Thank You to Our 2021 Peer Reviewers. AGU Advances. 2022 Apr 1;3(2).
- Cao Y, Barros AP. High-Resolution Forward Modeling of Sentinel-1 Observations at High Altitude in Complex Topography. In: International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). 2022. p. 6833u20135.
- Borah FK, Tsang L, Kang DK, Kim E, Siqueira P, Barros A, et al. Data Analysis and SWE Retrieval of Airborne SAR Data AT X Band and KU Bands. In: International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). 2022. p. 4252u20135.
- Wei TM, Barros AP. Prospects for long-term agriculture in southern africa: Emergent dynamics of savannah ecosystems from remote sensing observations. Remote Sensing. 2021 Aug 1;13(15).
- Arulraj M, Barros AP. Automatic detection and classification of low-level orographic precipitation processes from space-borne radars using machine learning. Remote Sensing of Environment. 2021 May 1;257.
- Kim RS, Kumar S, Vuyovich C, Houser P, Lundquist J, Mudryk L, et al. Snow Ensemble Uncertainty Project (SEUP): Quantification of snow water equivalent uncertainty across North America via ensemble land surface modeling. Cryosphere. 2021 Feb 17;15(2):771u201391.
- Chavez SP, Silva Y, Barros AP. High-Elevation Monsoon Precipitation Processes in the Central Andes of Peru. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2020 Dec 27;125(24).
- Eghdami M, Barros AP. Deforestation Impacts on Orographic Precipitation in the Tropical Andes. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 2020 Nov 20;8.
- Cao Y, Barros AP. Weather-dependent nonlinear microwave behavior of seasonal high-elevation snowpacks. Remote Sensing. 2020 Oct 2;12(20):1u201337.
- Foufoula-Georgiou E, Guilloteau C, Nguyen P, Aghakouchak A, Hsu K-L, Busalacchi A, et al. Advancing Precipitation Estimation, Prediction, and Impact Studies. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 2020 Sep;101(9):E1584u201392.
- Ruti P, Tarasova O, Keller J, Carmichael G, Hov u00d8, Jones S, et al. All kinds of integration: WMO's strategy for seamless prediction. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 2020 Jun 1;101(6):509u201312.
- Kosoviu0107 B, Jimenez Munoz P, Juliano TW, Martilli A, Eghdami M, Barros AP, et al. Three-Dimensional Planetary Boundary Layer Parameterization for High-Resolution Mesoscale Simulations. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2020.
- Manickam S, Barros A. Parsing synthetic aperture radar measurements of snow in complex terrain: Scaling behaviour and sensitivity to snow wetness and landcover. Remote Sensing. 2020 Feb 1;12(3).
- Ruti PM, Tarasova O, Keller JH, Carmichael G, Hov u00d8, Jones SC, et al. Advancing research for seamless earth system prediction. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 2020 Jan 1;101(1):E23u201335.
- Barros AP, Arulraj M. Remote sensing of orographic precipitation. In: Advances in Global Change Research. 2020. p. 559u201382.
- Protat A, Klepp C, Louf V, Petersen WA, Alexander SP, Barros A, et al. The Latitudinal Variability of Oceanic Rainfall Properties and Its Implication for Satellite Retrievals: 1. Drop Size Distribution Properties. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2019 Dec 16;124(23):13291u2013311.
- Protat A, Klepp C, Louf V, Petersen WA, Alexander SP, Barros A, et al. The Latitudinal Variability of Oceanic Rainfall Properties and Its Implication for Satellite Retrievals: 2. The Relationships Between Radar Observables and Drop Size Distribution Parameters. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2019 Dec 16;124(23):13312u201324.
- Eghdami M, Barros AP. Vertical Dependence of Horizontal Scaling Behavior of Orographic Wind and Moisture Fields in Atmospheric Models. Earth and Space Science. 2019 Oct 1;6(10):1957u201375.
- Arulraj M, Barros AP. Improving quantitative precipitation estimates in mountainous regions by modelling low-level seeder-feeder interactions constrained by Global Precipitation Measurement Dual-frequency Precipitation Radar measurements. Remote Sensing of Environment. 2019 Sep 15;231.
- Barros A, Eghdami M. Namelists and scripts from: Vertical Dependence of Horizontal Scaling Behavior of Orographic Wind and Moisture Fields in Atmospheric Models. 2019.
- Aide TM, Grau HR, Graesser J, Andrade-Nuu00f1ez MJ, Aru00e1oz E, Barros AP, et al. Woody vegetation dynamics in the tropical and subtropical Andes from 2001 to 2014: Satellite image interpretation and expert validation. Global change biology. 2019 Jun;25(6):2112u201326.
- Tao J, Barros AP. Multi-year surface radiative properties and vegetation parameters for hydrologic modeling in regions of complex terrainu2014Methodology and evaluation over the Integrated Precipitation and Hydrology Experiment 2014 domain. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies. 2019 Apr 1;22.
- Miller DK, Miniat CF, Wooten RM, Barros AP. An expanded investigation of atmospheric rivers in the southern Appalachian Mountains and their connection to landslides. Atmosphere. 2019 Feb 9;10(2).
- Duan Y, Petters MD, Barros AP. Understanding aerosol-cloud interactions through modeling the development of orographic cumulus congestus during IPHEx. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2019 Feb 4;19(3):1413u201337.
- Vuyovich C, Kumar S, Mudryk L, Kim R, Lundquist J, Durand M, et al. Evaluation of seasonal water budget components over the major drainage basins of north america using an ensemble-based land surface model approach. In: International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). 2019. p. 5617u201320.
- Eghdami M, Barros AP. Extreme orographic rainfall in the eastern Andes tied to cold air intrusions. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 2019 Jan 1;7(JUL).
- Tao J, Barros AP. Multi-year atmospheric forcing datasets for hydrologic modeling in regions of complex terrain u2013 Methodology and evaluation over the Integrated Precipitation and Hydrology Experiment 2014 domain. Journal of Hydrology. 2018 Dec 1;567:824u201342.
- Lowman LEL, Wei TM, Barros AP. Rainfall variability, wetland persistence, and water-carbon cycle coupling in the Upper Zambezi River Basin in Southern Africa. Remote Sensing. 2018 May 1;10(5).
- Eghdami M, Bhushan S, Barros AP. Direct numerical simulations to investigate energy transfer between meso- and synoptic scales. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 2018 Apr 1;75(4):1163u201371.
- Lowman LEL, Barros AP. Predicting canopy biophysical properties and sensitivity of plant carbon uptake to water limitations with a coupled eco-hydrological framework. Ecological Modelling. 2018 Mar 24;372:33u201352.
- Barros A, Arulraj M, Wilson AM, Miller D, Cutrell G, Super P, et al. IPHEx-Southern Appalachian Mountains -- Rainfall Data 2008-2014. 2017.
- Barros AP, Hodes JL, Arulraj M. Decadal climate variability and the spatial organization of deep hydrological drought. Environmental Research Letters. 2017 Oct 3;12(10).
- Duan Y, Barros AP. Understanding how low-level clouds and fog modify the diurnal cycle of orographic precipitation using in situ and satellite observations. Remote Sensing. 2017 Sep 1;9(9).
- Arulraj M, Barros AP. Shallow precipitation detection and classification using multifrequency radar observations and model simulations. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. 2017 Sep 1;34(9):1963u201383.
- Eghdami M, Kim EJ, Barros AP. High-resolution mapping and scaling behavior of passive L-band measurements and soil moisture retrieval in complex terrain. In: Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium. 2017. p. 1438u201341.
- Wilson AM, Barros AP. Orographic land-atmosphere interactions and the diurnal cycle of low-level clouds and fog. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 2017 May 1;18(5):1513u201333.
- Ayyub BM, Wright RN, Barros AP, Rolf Olsen J, Vinson TS, Walker D. Adaptive risk management for future climate/weather extremes. In: International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure 2017: Technology - Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure 2017. 2017. p. 76u201387.
- Kang DH, Barros AP, Kim EJ. Evaluating Multispectral Snowpack Reflectivity with Changing Snow Correlation Lengths. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2016 Dec 1;54(12):7378u201384.
- Tao J, Wu D, Gourley J, Zhang SQ, Crow W, Peters-Lidard C, et al. Operational Hydrological Forecasting during the IPHEx-IOP Campaign - Meet the Challenge. Journal of hydrology. 2016 Oct;541(Pt A):434u201356.
- Lowman LEL, Barros AP. Interplay of drought and tropical cyclone activity in SE U.S. gross primary productivity. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 2016 Jun 1;121(6):1540u201367.
- Wilson AM, Barros AP. Landform controls on low level moisture convergence and the diurnal cycle of warm season orographic rainfall in the Southern Appalachians. Journal of Hydrology. 2015 Dec 1;531:475u201393.
- Nogueira M, Barros AP. Transient stochastic downscaling of quantitative precipitation estimates for hydrological applications. Journal of Hydrology. 2015 Oct 1;529:1407u201321.
- Sun X, Barros AP. Impact of Amazonian evapotranspiration on moisture transport and convection along the eastern flanks of the tropical Andes. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 2015 Oct 1;141(693):3325u201343.
- Dimri AP, Niyogi D, Barros AP, Ridley J, Mohanty UC, Yasunari T, et al. Western Disturbances: A review. Reviews of Geophysics. 2015 Jun 1;53(2):225u201346.
- Duan Y, Wilson AM, Barros AP. Scoping a field experiment: Error diagnostics of TRMM precipitation radar estimates in complex terrain as a basis for IPHEx2014. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 2015 Mar 25;19(3):1501u201320.
- Angulo-Martu00ednez M, Barros AP. Measurement uncertainty in rainfall kinetic energy and intensity relationships for soil erosion studies: An evaluation using PARSIVEL disdrometers in the Southern Appalachian Mountains. Geomorphology. 2015 Jan 1;228:28u201340.
- Sun X, Barros AP. Isolating the role of surface evapotranspiration on moist convection along the eastern flanks of the tropical Andes using a quasi-idealized approach. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 2015 Jan 1;72(1):243u201361.
- Nogueira M, Barros AP. The nonconvective/convective structural transition in stochastic scaling of atmospheric fields. Journal of Geophysical Research. 2014 Nov 27;119(22):13771u201394.
- Barros AP, Duan Y, Brun J, Medina MA. Flood nonstationarity in the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic Regions of the United States. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. 2014 Oct 1;19(10).
- Barros A, Nogueira M. The Integrated Precipitation and Hydrology Experiment - Hydrologic applications for the Southeast US (IPHEx-H4SE) Part III: High-resolution ensemble rainfall products. 2014.
- Barros A, Tao J. The Integrated Precipitation and Hydrology Experiment. Part I: Quality High-Resolution Landscape Attributes Datasets. 2014.
- Barros A, Tao J. The Integrated Precipitation and Hydrology Experiment - Hydrologic applications for the Southeast US (IPHEx-H4SE) Part IV: Soil Hydraulic Parameters. 2014.
- Barros A, Tao J. The Integrated Precipitation and Hydrology Experiment - Hydrologic Applications for the Southeast US (IPHEx-H4SE) Part II: Atmospheric Forcing and Topographic Corrections. 2014.
- Brun J, Barros AP. Mapping the role of tropical cyclones on the hydroclimate of the southeast United States: 2002-2011. International Journal of Climatology. 2014 Feb 1;34(2):494u2013517.
- Tao J, Barros AP. Coupled prediction of flood response and debris flow initiation during warm-and cold-season events in the Southern Appalachians, USA. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 2014 Jan 31;18(1):367u201388.
- Wilson AM, Barros AP. An investigation of warm rainfall microphysics in the southern Appalachians: Orographic enhancement via low-level seeder-feeder interactions. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 2014 Jan 1;71(5):1783u2013805.
- Band LE, McDonnell JJ, Duncan JM, Barros A, Bejan A, Burt T, et al. Ecohydrological flow networks in the subsurface. Ecohydrology. 2014 Jan 1;7(4):1073u20138.
- Lowman LEL, Barros AP. Investigating links between climate and orography in the central Andes: Coupling erosion and precipitation using a physical-statistical model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. 2014 Jan 1;119(6):1322u201353.
- Kang DH, Barros AP, Du00e9ry SJ. Evaluating passive microwave radiometry for the dynamical transition from dry to wet snowpacks. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2014 Jan 1;52(1):3u201315.
- Erlingis JM, Barros AP. A Study of the role of daytime land-atmosphere interactions on nocturnal convective activity in the southern great plains during CLASIC. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 2014 Jan 1;15(5):1932u201353.
- Tao J, Barros AP. Prospects for flash flood forecasting in mountainous regions - An investigation of Tropical Storm Fay in the Southern Appalachians. Journal of Hydrology. 2013 Dec 9;506:69u201389.
- Nogueira M, Barros AP, Miranda PMA. Multifractal properties of embedded convective structures in orographic precipitation: Toward subgrid-scale predictability. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics. 2013 Sep 20;20(5):605u201320.
- Shrestha P, Barros AP, Khlystov A. CCN estimates from bulk hygroscopic growth factors of ambient aerosols during the pre-monsoon season over Central Nepal. Atmospheric Environment. 2013 Mar 1;67:120u20139.
- Barros AP. Orographic Precipitation, Freshwater Resources, and Climate Vulnerabilities in Mountainous Regions. 2013 Jan 1;5:57u201378.
- Brun J, Barros AP. Vegetation activity monitoring as an indicator of eco-hydrological impacts of extreme events in the southeastern USA. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2013 Jan 1;34(2):519u201344.
- Sun X, Barros AP. High resolution simulation of tropical storm Ivan (2004) in the Southern Appalachians: Role of planetary boundary-layer schemes and cumulus parametrization (Accepted). Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 2013;
- Tao J, Barros AP. Prospects for flash flood forecasting in mountainous regions - An investigation of Tropical Storm Fay in the Southern Appalachians. Journal of Hydrology. 2013;
- Brun J, Barros AP. Mapping the role of tropical cyclones on the hydroclimate of the southeast United States: 2002-2011. International Journal of Climatology. 2013;
- Sun X, Barros AP. The impact of forcing datasets on the high-resolution simulation of tropical storm ivan (2004) in the southern appalachians. Monthly Weather Review. 2012 Oct 1;140(10):3300u201326.
- Wohl E, Barros A, Brunsell N, Chappell NA, Coe M, Giambelluca T, et al. The hydrology of the humid tropics. Nature Climate Change. 2012 Sep 1;2(9):655u201362.
- Kang DH, Barros AP. Observing system simulation of snow microwave emissions over data sparse regions part I: Single layer physics. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2012 May 1;50(5 PART 2):1785u2013805.
- Kang DH, Barros AP. Observing system simulation of snow microwave emissions over data sparse regions-part II: Multilayer physics. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2012 May 1;50(5 PART 2):1806u201320.
- Prat OP, Barros AP, Testik FY. On the influence of raindrop collision outcomes on equilibrium drop size distributions. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 2012 May 1;69(5):1534u201346.
- Tapiador FJ, Hou AY, De Castro M, Checa R, Cuartero F, Barros AP. Precipitation estimates for hydroelectricity. Energy and Environmental Science. 2011 Nov 1;4(11):4435u201348.
- Brun J, Shrestha P, Barros AP. Mapping aerosol intrusion in Himalayan valleys using the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation (CALIPSO). Atmospheric Environment. 2011 Nov 1;45(35):6382u201392.
- Testik FY, Barros AP, Bliven LF. Toward a physical characterization of raindrop collision outcome regimes. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 2011 May 1;68(5):1097u2013113.
- Kang DH, Barros AP. Full-system testing in laboratory conditions of an L-band snow sensor system for in situ monitoring of snow-water content. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2011 Mar 1;49(3):908u201319.
- Li L, Li W, Barros AP. Atmospheric moisture budget and its regulation of the summer precipitation variability over the Southeastern United States (Submitted). Climate Dynamics. 2011;
- Shrestha P, Barros AP, Khlystov A. Chemical composition and aerosol size distribution of the middle mountain range in the Nepal Himalayas during the 2009 pre-monsoon season. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2010 Dec 15;10(23):11605u201321.
- Prat OP, Barros AP. Assessing satellite-based precipitation estimates in the Southern Appalachian mountains using rain gauges and TRMM PR. Advances in Geosciences. 2010 Dec 1;25:143u201353.
- Shrestha P, Barros AP. Joint spatial variability of aerosol, clouds and rainfall in the Himalayas from satellite data. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2010 Sep 14;10(17):8305u201317.
- Prat OP, Barros AP. Ground observations to characterize the spatial gradients and vertical structure of orographic precipitation - Experiments in the inner region of the Great Smoky Mountains. Journal of Hydrology. 2010 Sep 1;391(1u20132):141u201356.
- Sun X, Barros AP. An evaluation of the statistics of rainfall extremes in rain gauge observations, and satellite-based and reanalysis products using universal multifractals. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 2010 Apr 1;11(2):388u2013404.
- Tao K, Barros AP. Using fractal downscaling of satellite precipitation products for hydrometeorological applications. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. 2010 Mar 1;27(3):409u201327.
- Barros AP. Reply to comment by Qingyuan Han on "metrics to describe the dynamical evolution of atmospheric moisture: Intercomparison of model (NARR) and observations (ISCCP)". Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 2010 Jan 1;115(14).
- Barros AP, Prat OP, Testik FY. Size distribution of raindrops. Nature Physics. 2010 Jan 1;6(4):232.
- Sun X, Barros P. Corrigendum. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 2010;11(5):1199u20131199.
- Prat OP, Barros AP. Exploring the transient behavior of Z-R relationships: Implications for radar rainfall estimation. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 2009 Oct 1;48(10):2127u201343.
- Prat OP, Barros AP. Combining a rain microphysical model and observations: Implications for radar rainfall estimation. IEEE National Radar Conference - Proceedings. 2009 Sep 11;
- Giovannettone JP, Barros AP. Probing regional orographic controls of precipitation and cloudiness in the Central Andes using satellite data. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 2009 May 5;10(1):167u201382.
- Yildiz O, Barros AP. Evaluating spatial variability and scale effects on hydrologic processes in a midsize river basin. Scientific Research and Essays. 2009 Apr 1;4(4):217u201325.
- Barros AP, Prat OP, Shrestha P, Testik FY, Bliven LF. Revisiting low and list (1982): Evaluation of raindrop collision parameterizations using laboratory observations and modeling. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 2008 Dec 4;65(9):2983u201393.
- Giovannettone JP, Barros AP. A remote sensing survey of the role of land form on the organization of orographic precipitation in Central and Southern Mexico. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 2008 Dec 1;9(6):1267u201383.
- Barros AP, Tao K. A space-filling algorithm to extrapolate narrow-swath instantaneous TRMM microwave rain-rate estimates using thermal IR imagery. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. 2008 Dec 1;25(11):1901u201320.
- Brun J, Barros AP. Mapping the history of environmental impacts of land-falling hurricanes in the Southeastern United States - A demonstration for Isabel. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). 2008 Dec 1;4(1).
- Prat OP, Barros AP, Williams CR. An intercomparison of model simulations and VPR estimates of the vertical structure of warm stratiform rainfall during TWP-ICE. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 2008 Dec 1;47(11):2797u2013815.
- Barros AP. Prospecting for freshwater: Hydro-meteo-bio-geo-physical controls of surface water-groundwater interactions. IAHS-AISH Publication. 2008 Nov 17;(321):85u201393.
- Barros AP, Bowden GJ. Toward long-lead operational forecasts of drought: An experimental study in the Murray-Darling River Basin. Journal of Hydrology. 2008 Aug 15;357(3u20134):349u201367.
- Tao K, Barros AP. Metrics to describe the dynamical evolution of atmospheric moisture: Intercomparison of model (NARR) and observations (ISCCP). Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 2008 Jan 1;113(14).
- Barros AP. Water for food production - opportunities for sustainable land-water management using remote sensing. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). 2008 Jan 1;4(1):271u20134.
- Bhushan S, Barros AP. A numerical study to investigate the relationship between moisture convergence patterns and orography in Central Mexico. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 2007 Dec 1;8(6):1264u201384.
- Cairns M, Seidel D, Atlas RM, Baker B, Barros AP, Changnon D, et al. 2007 annual meeting organizing committee. 87th AMS Annual Meeting. 2007 Dec 1;
- Peters-Lidard CD, Barros AP. 87th AMS Annual Meeting - 2nd Symposium on Policy and Socio-Economic Research: Foreword. 87th AMS Annual Meeting. 2007 Dec 1;
- Prat OP, Barros AP. Erratum: "A robust numerical solution of the stochastic collection-breakup equation for warm rain" (Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology vol. 46 (9) (1480-1497)). Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 2007 Nov 1;46(11):2014.
- Prat OP, Barros AP. A robust numerical solution of the stochastic collection-breakup equation for warm rain. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 2007 Sep 1;46(9):1480u201397.
- Testik FY, Barros AP. Toward elucidating the microstructure of warm rainfall: A survey. Reviews of Geophysics. 2007 Jun 1;45(2).
- Yildiz O, Barros AP. Elucidating vegetation controls on the hydroclimatology of a mid-latitude basin. Journal of Hydrology. 2007 Feb 15;333(2u20134):431u201348.
- Simoes SJ, Barros AP. Regional hydroclimatic variability and Brazil's 2001 energy crisis. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal. 2007 Jan 1;18(3):263u201373.
- Chiao S, Barros AP. A numerical study of the hydrometeorological dryline in Northwest India during the monsoon. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. 2007 Jan 1;85 A(SPEC. ISS.):337u201361.
- Prat OP, Barros AP. Exploring the use of a column model for the characterization of microphysical processes in warm rain: Results from a homogeneous rainshaft model. Advances in Geosciences. 2007 Jan 1;10:145u201352.
- Gebremichael M, Barros AP. Evaluation of MODIS Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) in tropical monsoon regions. Remote Sensing of Environment. 2006 Jan 30;100(2):150u201366.
- Yildiz O, Barros AP. Climate Variability, Water Resources, and Hydrologic Extremes - Modeling the Water and Energy Budgets. 2006 Jan 27;291u2013306.
- Higgins W, Ahijevych D, Amador J, Barros A, Berbery EH, Caetano E, et al. The NAME 2004 field campaign and modeling strategy. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 2006 Jan 1;87(1):79u201394.
- Barros AP, Chiao S, Lang TJ, Burbank D, Putkonen J. From weather to climate - Seasonal and interannual variability of storms and implications for erosion processes in the Himalaya. Special Paper of the Geological Society of America. 2006 Jan 1;398:17u201338.
- Testik FY, Barros AP, Bliven LF. Field observations of multimode raindrop oscillations by high-speed imaging. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 2006 Jan 1;63(10):2663u20138.
- Wu S, Bras RL, Barros AP. Sensitivity of channel profiles to precipitation properties in mountain ranges. J Geophys Res, F, Earth Surf (USA). 2006;111(F1):13pp.
- Barros AP. Environmental informatics - Long-lead flood forecasting using Bayesian neural networks. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. 2005 Dec 1;5:3133u20137.
- Peters-Lidard CD, Barros AP, Brubaker KL, Davis RS, Dirmeyer PA, Fulton RA, et al. 85th AMS Annual Meeting, American Meteorological Society - Combined Preprints: Foreword. 85th AMS Annual Meeting, American Meteorological Society - Combined Preprints. 2005 Dec 1;
- Barros A, Rasmussen R. 85th AMS Annual Meeting, American Meteorological Society - Combined Preprints: Foreword. 85th AMS Annual Meeting, American Meteorological Society - Combined Preprints. 2005 Dec 1;
- Garcia-Quijano JF, Barros AP. Incorporating canopy physiology into a hydrological model: Photosynthesis, dynamic respiration, and stomatal sensitivity. Ecological Modelling. 2005 Jun 10;185(1):29u201349.
- Gochis D, Anderson B, Barros A, Gettelman A, Wang J, Braun J, et al. The water cycle across scales. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 2005;86(12):1743u20136.
- Lang TJ, Barros AP. Winter storms in the central Himalayas. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. 2004 Jun 1;82(3):829u201344.
- Duta FP, De Franca FP, Servulo EFC, De Almeida Lopes LM, Da Costa ACA, Barros A. Effect of process parameters on production of a biopolymer by Rhizobium sp. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology - Part A Enzyme Engineering and Biotechnology. 2004;113u2013116:639u201352.
- Barros AP, Kim G, Williams E, Nesbitt SW. Probing orographic controls in the Himalayas during the monsoon using satellite imagery. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science. 2004 Jan 1;4(1):29u201351.
- Magagi R, Barros AP. Estimation of latent heating of rainfall during the onset of the Indian Monsoon using TRMM PR and radiosonde data. Journal of Applied Meteorology. 2004;43(2):328u201349.
- Burbank DW, Blythe AE, Putkonen J, Pratt-Sitaula B, Gabet E, Oskin M, et al. Decoupling of erosion and precipitation in the Himalayas. Nature. 2003 Dec 11;426(6967):652u20135.
- Barros AP, Eltahir E. Foreword to special section on observation, estimation, and prediction of precipitation variability at all scales: Seventh international conference on precipitation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2003 Apr 27;108(8).
- Barros Ana P, Lang Timothy J. Monitoring the monsoon in the Himalayas: Observations in Central Nepal, June 2001. Monthly Weather Review. 2003;131(7):1408u201327.
- Barros AP, Lang TJ. Monitoring the monsoon in the Himalayas: Observations in Central Nepal, June 2001. Monthly Weather Review. 2003;131(7):1408u201327.
- Douglas EM, Barros AP. Probable maximum precipitation estimation using multifractals: Application in the eastern United States. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 2003;4(6):1012u201324.
- Kim G, Barros AP. Downscaling of remotely sensed soil moisture with a modified fractal interpolation method using contraction mapping and ancillary data. Remote Sensing of Environment. 2002 Dec 1;83(3):400u201313.
- Barros AP, Gordon SJ. Assessing the linkages among climate variability, land-use change and the sedimentary regime of the Upper Chesapeake Bay. Environmental Studies. 2002 Dec 1;8:183u201392.
- Devonec E, Barros AP. Exploring the transferability of a land-surface hydrology model. Journal of Hydrology. 2002 Aug 30;265(1u20134):258u201382.
- Bindlish R, Barros AP. Subpixel variability of remotely sensed soil moisture: An inter-comparison study of SAR and ESTAR. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2002 Feb 1;40(2):326u201337.
- Laurance WF, Fearnside PM, Nepstad D, Mcgrath D, Alencar A, Barros AC, et al. Issues in Amazonian development [1] (multiple letters). Science. 2002;295(5560):1643u20134.
- Barros AP, Hwu W. A study of land-atmosphere interactions during summertime rainfall using a mesoscale model. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 2002 Jan 1;107(14):ACL17-1-ACL17-18.
- Barros AP, Hwu W. A study of land-atmosphere interactions during summertime rainfall using a mesoscale model. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 2002 Jan 1;107(14).
- Lang TJ, Barros AP. An investigation of the onsets of the 1999 and 2000 monsoons in central Nepal. Monthly Weather Review. 2002 Jan 1;130(5):1299u2013316.
- Barros, P A, Hwu W. A study of land-atmosphere interactions during summertime rainfall using a mesoscale model. J Geophys Res (USA). 2002;107(D14).
- Kim G, Barros AP. Space-time characterization of soil moisture from passive microwave remotely sensed imagery and ancillary data. Remote Sensing of Environment. 2002 Jan 1;81(2u20133):393u2013403.
- Kim G, Barros AP. Quantitative flood forecasting using multisensor data and neural networks. Journal of Hydrology. 2001 Jun 1;246(1u20134):45u201362.
- Bindlish R, Barros AP. Parameterization of vegetation backscatter in radar-based, soil moisture estimation. Remote Sensing of Environment. 2001 May 3;76(1):130u20137.
- Kuligowski RJ, Barros AP. Combined IR-microwave satellite retrieval of temperature and dewpoint profiles using artificial neural networks. Journal of Applied Meteorology. 2001 Jan 1;40(11):2051u201367.
- Kuligowski RJ, Barros AP. Blending multiresolution satellite data with application to the initialization of an orographic precipitation model. Journal of Applied Meteorology. 2001 Jan 1;40(9):1592u2013606.
- Barros AP, Colello JD. Surface Roughness for Shallow Overland Flow on Crushed Stone Surfaces. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 2001 Jan 1;127(1):38u201352.
- Barros Ana P, Colello Jeremy D. Surface roughness for shallow overland flow on crushed stone surfaces. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 2001;127(1):38u201352.
- Niemeier D, Boulanger RW, Bayly PV, Schmid SR, Muraleetharan KK, Barros A. Integration of engineering education and research: Perspectives from the NSF Civil and mechanical systems 1998 CAREER workshop. Journal of Engineering Education. 2001 Jan 1;90(2):199u2013202.
- Bindlish R, Barros AP. Including vegetation scattering effects in a radar based soil moisture estimation model. IAHS-AISH Publication. 2000 Dec 1;(267):354u201361.
- Barros AP, Joshi M, Putkonen J, Burbank DW. A study of 1999 monsoon rainfall in a mountainous region in central Nepal using TRMM products and rain gauge observations. Geophysical Research Letters. 2000 Nov 15;27(22):3683u20136.
- Bindlish R, Barros AP. Disaggregation of rainfall for one-way coupling of atmospheric and hydrological models in regions of complex terrain. Global and Planetary Change. 2000 Jul 1;25(1u20132):111u201332.
- Bindlish R, Barros AP. Multifrequency soil moisture inversion from SAR measurements with the use of IEM. Remote Sensing of Environment. 2000 Jan 1;71(1):67u201388.
- Evtiouguina M, Barros AM, Cruz-Pinto JJ, Neto CP, Belgacem N, Pavier C, et al. Oxypropylation of cork residues: Preliminary results. Bioresource Technology. 2000;73(2):187u20139.
- Kuligowski RJ, Barros AP. High-resolution short-term quantitative precipitation forecasting in mountainous regions using a nested model. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 1999 Dec 27;104(D24):31553u201364.
- Bindlish R, Barros AP. Sub-pixel variability of remotely sensed soil moisture: an inter-comparison study of SAR and ESTAR. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). 1999 Dec 1;4:1917u201320.
- Barros AP, Knapton D, Wang MC, Kuo CY. Runoff in shallow soils under laboratory conditions. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. 1999 Jan 1;4(1):28u201337.
- Barros AP, Knapton D, Wang MC, Kuo CY. Runoff in shallow soils under laboratory conditions. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. 1999;4(1):28u201337.
- Kuligowski RJ, Barros AP. Experiments in short-term precipitation forecasting using artificial neural networks. Monthly Weather Review. 1998 Jan 1;126(2):470u201382.
- Kuligowski RJ, Barros AP. Localized precipitation forecasts from a numerical weather prediction model using artificial neural networks. Weather and Forecasting. 1998 Jan 1;13(4):1194u2013204.
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