Duke ECE Highlights: 2020-2021

10/5/21 Duke ECE Magazine

National accolades, multiple early career awards, and professional recognitions. See who captured top honors in 2021

illustration of a trophy
Duke ECE Highlights: 2020-2021

Major Awards & Honors

Additional Accolades

Maiken Mikkelsen

American Chemical Society (ACS) Photonics Young Investigator Award Lectureship

Boyla Mainsah

Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowship

Robert Calderbank

Fellow, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

Krishnendu Chakrabarty

IEEE-HKN Asad M. Madni Outstanding Technical Achievement and Excellence Award

Yiran Chen

Mid-Career Award, IEEE Technical Committee on Cyber-Physical Systems

Lisa Huettel

2021 ASEE Southeast Section Outstanding Teaching Award

Helen Li

Outstanding Leadership Award, IEEE Technical Committee on Secure and Dependable Measurement; IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on VLSI Distinguished Research Award

Henry Pfister

IEEE Information Society’s Most Influential Paper Award

Facts & Stats


major research centers

in advanced computing and intelligent systems, materials discovery and development, and personal, environmental, and population health


in new funding in FY 2021

The level of new funding this year marks an all-time high for Duke ECE.


in U.S. faculty research productivity in computer engineering

Source: Academic Analytics v. 2020


in U.S. faculty research productivity in electrical engineering

Source: Academic Analytics v. 2020

2021-2022 Duke ECE Magazine