Becca Lau: Pandemic Pivot Enables Materials Science for Future Nanomaterials
The Pratt Fellow and Grand Challenges Scholar developed a computational focus, leading to materials science research in a faculty lab.
Through engaging and interdisciplinary experiences, you’ll widen your global mindset and social consciousness to tackle one of humanity’s biggest challenges.
Duke was a pioneer in tying the National Academy of Engineering’s Grand Challenges for Engineering to the undergraduate experience. This concept has since spread to more than 90 engineering schools worldwide.
Each scholar receives faculty mentorship and up to $5,000 toward completing a detailed scholarship portfolio.
From making solar energy economical to engineering better medicines to securing cyberspace, the 14 Grand Challenges are must-do tasks to secure a better future for humanity.
The Pratt Fellow and Grand Challenges Scholar developed a computational focus, leading to materials science research in a faculty lab.
Katsouleas NAE Grand Challenges Scholar Profile: Restoring and Improving Urban Infrastructure
The program is an intentional series of courses, independent study and engaging experiences related to your Grand Challenges focus.
The experiences are organized into five competencies. The program is capped by a senior thesis.
As a scholar, you will create an online, public e-portfolio that describes and documents your GCS experiences. You’ll select the digital platform you prefer.
Research and interdisciplinary competencies are considered in-depth experiences, while Entrepreneurship, Global, and Service Learning can be medium- or minimum-depth experiences.
Either (but not both) of the in-depth experiences in Research and Interdisciplinary may directly incorporate the Entrepreneurial, Global or Service-Learning components, and thus can be “double-counted” as an additional component depending on the GC focus, the engineering and non-engineering courses taken, the nature of the research/project/curriculum and the extent of engagement.
Note: Your GC Research experiences may also count toward Global, Entrepreneurial, or Service-Learning minimum-depth experiences. See restrictions below.
Note: GC interdisciplinary experiences may also count as minimum-depth experiences in Global, Entrepreneurial, or Service-Learning areas. See restrictions below.
For the remaining three competencies–Entrepreneurship, Global and Service Learning–one (1) must be at medium-depth level (or higher) and related to your GC focus.
The remaining two (2) components may be minimum-depth (or higher) and related to any of the 14 Grand Challenges.
Medium Depth is defined as a practicum, immersion experience or research activity that spans an eight-week summer or a regular semester, or one (1) regular semester class or independent study
Minimum Depth is defined as a semester or less extra-curricular experience such as a volunteer activity, short course, workshop, seminar series or conference
An entrepreneurship experience outside the classroom or lab.
A cross-cultural experience outside the classroom or lab. For students from the United States, the experience should be outside North America. For international students, the experience should be outside the United States. See guidelines and restrictions above.
A service-learning experience outside of the classroom that deepens social awareness and heightens motivation to develop practical solutions for society’s problems.
To complete the program, students submit a thesis that describes their experiences and how these experiences were related to each other and their GC focus.
The thesis should include a reflection of how the GCS program added to their education and provided a wide range of experiences that shaped their understanding of the world and their future.
The thesis is due before the end of the last day of classes of your final semester at Duke.
First, contact the program coordinator to discuss if the program is right for you. Then, before the end of sophomore year, submit your application.
This program at Duke is named in honor of former Vinik Dean of Engineering Tom Katsouleas, who played a leadership role in founding and launching the Grand Challenges Scholars Program on a national scale.
Professor of the Practice of Civil and Environmental Engineering