Royston Edwin Carter
Engineering Graduate and Professional Programs
Adjunct Instructor in the Engineering Graduate and Professional Programs

- Ph.D. University of Nottingham (United Kingdom), 1984
- Adjunct Instructor in the Engineering Graduate and Professional Programs
- Huang F, Nesterov A, Carter RE, Sorkin A. Trafficking of yellow-fluorescent-protein-tagged mu1 subunit of clathrin adaptor AP-1 complex in living cells. Traffic (Copenhagen, Denmark). 2001 May;2(5):345u201357.
- Sorkin A, McClure M, Huang F, Carter R. Interaction of EGF receptor and grb2 in living cells visualized by fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) microscopy. Current biologyu202f: CB. 2000 Nov;10(21):1395u20138.
- Nesterov A, Carter RE, Sorkina T, Gill GN, Sorkin A. Inhibition of the receptor-binding function of clathrin adaptor protein AP-2 by dominant-negative mutant mu2 subunit and its effects on endocytosis. The EMBO journal. 1999 May;18(9):2489u201399.
- Carter RE, Sorkin A. Endocytosis of functional epidermal growth factor receptor-green fluorescent protein chimera. The Journal of biological chemistry. 1998 Dec;273(52):35000u20137.
- de Beer T, Carter RE, Lobel-Rice KE, Sorkin A, Overduin M. Structure and Asn-Pro-Phe binding pocket of the Eps15 homology domain. Science (New York, NY). 1998 Aug;281(5381):1357u201360.
- Tebar F, Confalonieri S, Carter RE, Di Fiore PP, Sorkin A. Eps15 is constitutively oligomerized due to homophilic interaction of its coiled-coil region. The Journal of biological chemistry. 1997 Jun;272(24):15413u20138.
- Riley HT, Bryant DM, Carter RE, Parkin DT. Extra-pair fertilizations and paternity defence in house martins, Delichon urbica. Animal Behaviour. 1995 Jan 1;49(2):495u2013509.
- Warkentin IG, Curzon AD, Carter RE, Wetton JH, James PC, Oliphant LW, et al. No evidence for extrapair fertilizations in the merlin revealed by DNA fingerprinting. Molecular ecology. 1994 Jun;3(3):229u201334.
- Austin JJ, Carter RE, Parkin DT. Genetic evidence for extra.pair fertilisations in socially monogamous short.tailed shearwaters, puffinus tenuirostris (Procellariif ormes: Procellariidae), using DNA fingerprinting. Australian Journal of Zoology. 1993 Jan 1;41(1):1u201311.
- BROOKFIELD JFY, CARTER RE, MAIR GC, SKIBINSKI DOF. A case study of the interpretation of linkage data using DNA fingerprinting probes. Molecular Ecology. 1993 Jan 1;2(4):209u201318.
- Wetton JH, Parkin DT, Carter RE. The use of genetic markers for parentage analysis in Passer domesticus (house sparrows). Heredity. 1992 Jan 1;69(3):243u201354.
- Carter RE, Mair GC, Skibinski DOF, Parkin DT, Beardmore JA. The application of DNA fingerprinting in the analysis of gynogenesis in tilapia. Aquaculture. 1991 Jun 1;95(1u20132):41u201352.
- Meng A, Carter RE, Parkin DT. The variability of DNA fingerprints in three species of swan. Heredity. 1990 Jan 1;64(1):73u201380.
- Carter RE, Wetton JH, Parkin DT. Improved genetic fingerprinting using RNA probes. Nucleic acids research. 1989 Jul;17(14):5867.
- Wetton JH, Carter RE, Parkin DT, Walters D. Demographic study of a wild house sparrow population by DNA fingerprinting. Nature. 1987 May;327(6118):147u20139.