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MIDS Cloud Club: AWS Cloud Computing

Curtis Evans, a seasoned systems engineering and enterprise architecture expert from AWS. With 20 years of experience in operations, security, and databases, Curtis brings a wealth of knowledge in cloud […]

Jun 17

June 17, 2024

10:00 am - 10:00 am

  • None

Curtis Evans, a seasoned systems engineering and enterprise architecture expert from AWS. With 20 years of experience in operations, security, and databases, Curtis brings a wealth of knowledge in cloud computing and infrastructure optimization.
Mark your calendars ⎯ this is your chance to engage, ask questions, and gain insights from top industry experts.
RSVP for the event here: https://www.meetup.com/aws-cloud-club-duke-university/events/301509333/
Learn more about Duke’s Cloud Club and join us for more upcoming events: https://www.meetup.com/aws-cloud-club-duke-university