Carly Eckert
Pratt School of Engineering
Adjunct Assistant Prof in the Christensen Family Center for Innovation
- B.A. Duke University, 2004
- M.D. University of Oklahoma, 2009
- M.P.H. University of Washington, 2014
- D.Phil. University of Washington, 2023
- Adjunct Assistant Prof in the Christensen Family Center for Innovation
- Gebauer S, Eckert C. Survey of US physicians' attitudes and knowledge of AI. BMJ evidence-based medicine. 2024 Jul;29(4):279–81.
- Ahmad MA, Eckert CM. Show Your Work: Responsible Model Reporting in Health Care Artificial Intelligence. The Surgical clinics of North America. 2023 Jun;103(2S):e1–11.
- Eckert C. Beyond the Spreadsheet: Data Management for Physicians in the Era of Big Data. The Surgical clinics of North America. 2023 Apr;103(2):335–46.
- Bingham J, Eckert C, Eckert M. Surgical Decision Making, Evidence, and Artificial Intelligence. The Surgical clinics of North America. 2023 Apr;103(2):xv–xvi.
- Ahmad MA, Overman S, Allen C, Kumar V, Teredesai A, Eckert C. Software as a Medical Device: Regulating AI in Healthcare via Responsible AI. In: Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. 2021. p. 4023–4.
- Ahmad MA, Eckert C, Allen C, Kumar V, Hu J, Teredesai A. Fairness in Healthcare AI. In: Proceedings - 2021 IEEE 9th International Conference on Healthcare Informatics, ISCHI 2021. 2021. p. 554–5.
- Kirwa K, Eckert CM, Vedal S, Hajat A, Kaufman JD. Ambient air pollution and risk of respiratory infection among adults: evidence from the multiethnic study of atherosclerosis (MESA). BMJ open respiratory research. 2021 Mar;8(1):e000866.
- Lammers DT, Eckert CM, Ahmad MA, Bingham JR, Eckert MJ. A surgeon’s guide to machine learning. Annals of Surgery. 2021 Jan 1;1–5.
- Ahmad MA, Patel A, Eckert C, Kumar V, Teredesai A. Fairness in Machine Learning for Healthcare. In: Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. 2020. p. 3529–30.
- Padthe KK, Kumar V, Eckert CM, Mark NM, Zahid A, Ahmad MA, et al. Emergency department optimization and load prediction in hospitals. In: CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2020.
- Marenco CW, Do WS, Lammers DT, Morte KR, Eckert MJ, Eckert CM, et al. Big problems in little patients: Nationwide blunt cerebrovascular injury outcomes in the pediatric population. In: The journal of trauma and acute care surgery. 2019. p. 1088–95.
- Eckert C, Nieves-Robbins N, Spieker E, Louwers T, Hazel D, Marquardt J, et al. Development and Prospective Validation of a Machine Learning-Based Risk of Readmission Model in a Large Military Hospital. Applied clinical informatics. 2019 Mar;10(2):316–25.
- Ahmad MA, Eckert C, Teredesai A. The challenge of imputation in explainable artificial intelligence models. In: CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2019.
- Ahmad MA, Teredesai A, Eckert C. Interpretable machine learning in healthcare. In: Proceedings - 2018 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics, ICHI 2018. 2018. p. 447.
- Eckert C, Baker T, Cherry D. Chronic Health Risks in Commercial Fishermen: A Cross-Sectional Analysis from a Small Rural Fishing Village in Alaska. Journal of agromedicine. 2018 Jan;23(2):176–85.
- Ahmad MA, Eckert C, McKelvey G, Zolfagar K, Zahid A, Teredesai A. Death versus data science: Predicting end of life. In: Proceedings of the 30th Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference, IAAI 2018. 2018. p. 7719–26.
- Ahmad MA, Eckert C, McKelvey G, Zolfagar K, Zahid A, Teredesai A. Death versus data science: Predicting end of life. In: 32nd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2018. 2018. p. 7719–26.
- Reeb-Whitaker CK, Eckert CM, Anderson NJ, Bonauto DK. Occupational Hydrofluoric Acid Injury from Car and Truck Washing--Washington State, 2001-2013. MMWR Morbidity and mortality weekly report. 2015 Aug;64(32):874–7.