Avner Vengosh
Earth and Climate Sciences
Nicholas Distinguished Professor of Environmental Quality

Avner Vengosh is a Distinguished Professor and Nicholas Chair of Environmental Quality at the Nicholas School of the Environment. He is the chair of the Division of Earth and Climate Sciences. Professor Vengosh and his team have studied the energy-water nexus, conducting pioneer research on the impact of hydraulic fracturing and coal ash disposal on the quantity and quality of water resources in the U.S. and China. He has also investigated the sources and mechanisms of water contamination in numerous countries across the globe, including salinity and radioactivity in the Middle East, uranium in India, fluoride in Eastern Africa, arsenic in Vietnam, and hexavalent chromium in North Carolina and China. As part of these studies, his team has developed novel geochemical and isotopic tracers that are used as fingerprints to delineate the sources of water contamination and evaluate potential risks for human health. Currently, his team is engaged in studying phosphate rocks geochemistry and the impact of fertilizers on soil and water quality, unconventional sources of critical raw materials, and potential environmental effects of lithium mining from hard rocks and brines. He is a Fellow of the Geological Society of America (GSA) and International Association of Geochemistry (IAGC). In 2019, 2020 and 2021 he was recognized as one of the Web of Science Highly Cited Researchers. He serves as an Editor of GeoHealth and on the editorial board of the journal Environmental Science and Technology. He has published 171 scientific papers in leading international journals. His recent cross-disciplinary book “Water Quality Impacts of the Energy-Water Nexus” (Cambridge University Press, 2020) provides an integrated assessment of the different scientific and policy tools around the energy-water nexus. It focuses on how water use, and wastewater and waste solids produced from fossil fuel energy production affect water quality and quantity. Summarizing cutting edge research, the book describes the scientific methods for detecting contamination sources in the context of policy and regulations.
- B.S. Hebrew University (Israel), 1984
- M.S. Hebrew University (Israel), 1986
- Ph.D. Australian National University (Australia), 1990
- Nicholas Distinguished Professor of Environmental Quality
- Professor of Environmental Quality
- Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Research Professor of Global Health
- Professor of Earth and Ocean Sciences at Duke Kunshan University
Awards, Honors, and Distinctions
- Paper u201cLarge-scale Uranium Contamination of Groundwater Resources in Indiau201d was selected as one of the best papers for 2018 . Editors of Environmental Science & Technology Letters. 2019
- Leadership award by the Water-Rock Interaction (WRI) Working Group, . International Association of Geochemistry. 2019
- Paper u201cThe geochemistry of naturally occurring methane and saline groundwater in an area of unconventional shale gas developmentu201d was selected to be the winner of the 2018 Dalway Swaine Award. Society for Organic Petrology . 2018
- Geological Society of America (GSA) Fellow. Geological Society of America. 2015
Courses Taught
- GLHLTH 534: Water Quality Health
- EOS 524: Water Quality Health
- EOS 220: Water Sciences: Principles and Challenges
- ENVIRON 899: Master's Project
- ENVIRON 524: Water Quality Health
- ENVIRON 220: Water Sciences: Principles and Challenges
- ENERGY 524: Water Quality Health
- ECS 524: Water Quality Health
- ECS 394: Research Independent Study
- ECS 393: Research Independent Study
- ECS 220: Water Sciences: Principles and Challenges
- Williams GDZ, Vengosh A. Quality of Wastewater from Lithium-Brine Mining. Environmental Science and Technology Letters. 2025 Jan 1;
- Williams GDZ, Saltman S, Wang Z, Warren DM, Hill RC, Vengosh A. The potential water quality impacts of hard-rock lithium mining: Insights from a legacy pegmatite mine in North Carolina, USA. The Science of the total environment. 2024 Dec;956:177281.
- Cowan EA, Wang Z, Brachfeld SA, Hageman SJ, Seramur KC, Pearson WF, et al. Role of coal ash morphology and composition in delivery and transport of trace metals in the aquatic environment. Environmental pollution (Barking, Essexu202f: 1987). 2024 Dec;363(Pt 1):124982.
- McDevitt B, Tasker TL, Coyte R, Blondes MS, Stewart BW, Capo RC, et al. Utica/Point Pleasant brine isotopic compositions (u03b47Li, u03b411B, u03b4138Ba) elucidate mechanisms of lithium enrichment in the Appalachian Basin. The Science of the total environment. 2024 Oct;947:174588.
- Hill RC, Wang Z, Williams GDZ, Polyak V, Singh A, Kipp MA, et al. Reconstructing the depositional environment and diagenetic modification of global phosphate deposits through integration of uranium and strontium isotopes. Chemical Geology. 2024 Sep 5;662.
- Zolfaghari A, Gehman J, Kondash AJ, Konhauser KO, Ok YS, Vengosh A, et al. Wastewater production footprint of conventional and unconventional oil and gas wells in North America. Nature Water. 2024 Aug 14;2(8):749u201357.
- Hill RC, Williams GDZ, Wang Z, Hu J, El-Hasan T, Duckworth OW, et al. Tracing the Environmental Effects of Mineral Fertilizer Application with Trace Elements and Strontium Isotope Variations. Environmental Science and Technology Letters. 2024 Jun 11;11(6):604u201310.
- Mukherjee A, Coomar P, Sarkar S, Johannesson KH, Fryar AE, Schreiber ME, et al. Arsenic and other geogenic contaminants in global groundwater. Nature Reviews Earth and Environment. 2024 Apr 1;5(4):312u201328.
- Nguyen TH, Filippelli G, Anenberg SC, Franklin M, Fu TM, Dey S, et al. Thank You to Our GeoHealth 2023 Reviewers. GeoHealth. 2024 Apr 1;8(4).
- Hu J, Wang Z, Williams GDZ, Dwyer GS, Gatiboni L, Duckworth OW, et al. Evidence for the accumulation of toxic metal(loid)s in agricultural soils impacted from long-term application of phosphate fertilizer. The Science of the total environment. 2024 Jan;907:167863.
- Gao J, Zou C, Zhang X, Guo W, Yu R, Ni Y, et al. The water footprint of hydraulic fracturing for shale gas extraction in China. The Science of the total environment. 2024 Jan;907:168135.
- Wang Z, Hill R, Williams G, Dwyer GS, Hu J, Schnug E, et al. Lead isotopes and rare earth elements geochemistry of global phosphate rocks: Insights into depositional conditions and environmental tracing. Chemical Geology. 2023 Nov 20;639.
- Wang Z, Dai S, Cowan EA, Dietrich M, Schlesinger WH, Wu Q, et al. Isotopic Signatures and Outputs of Lead from Coal Fly Ash Disposal in China, India, and the United States. Environmental science & technology. 2023 Aug;57(33):12259u201369.
- Deng H, Giammar D, Li W, Vengosh A. Embracing the Intersections of Environmental Science, Engineering, and Geosciences to Solve Grand Challenges of the 21st Century. Environmental science & technology. 2023 Aug;57(30):10907u201310.
- Filippelli G, Colwell RR, Anenberg S, Ceccarelli D, Franklin M, Dey S, et al. Thank You to Our 2022 Peer Reviewers. GeoHealth. 2023 May 1;7(5).
- Vengosh A, Wang Z, Williams G, Hill R, Coyte R, Dwyer GS. Response to comments on Vengosh et al. (2022): The strontium isotope fingerprint of phosphate rocks mining. The Science of the total environment. 2023 Apr;870:161878.
- Vengosh A, Weinthal E. The water consumption reductions from home solar installation in the United States. The Science of the total environment. 2023 Jan;854:158738.
- Weinberg R, Coyte R, Wang Z, Das D, Vengosh A. Water quality implications of the neutralization of acid mine drainage with coal fly ash from India and the United States. Fuel. 2022 Dec 15;330.
- Ni Y, Yao L, Sui J, Chen J, Liu F, Wang F, et al. Shale gas wastewater geochemistry and impact on the quality of surface water in Sichuan Basin. The Science of the total environment. 2022 Dec;851(Pt 2):158371.
- Vengosh A, Wang Z, Williams G, Hill R, M Coyte R, Dwyer GS. The strontium isotope fingerprint of phosphate rocks mining. The Science of the total environment. 2022 Dec;850:157971.
- Schlesinger WH, Klein EM, Vengosh A. The Global Biogeochemical Cycle of Arsenic. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 2022 Nov 1;36(11).
- Wang Z, Cowan EA, Seramur KC, Dwyer GS, Wilson JC, Karcher R, et al. Legacy of Coal Combustion: Widespread Contamination of Lake Sediments and Implications for Chronic Risks to Aquatic Ecosystems. Environmental science & technology. 2022 Oct;56(20):14723u201333.
- Filippelli G, Colwell R, Anenberg S, Balbus J, Ceccarelli D, Hudson-Edwards K, et al. Thank You to Our 2021 Peer Reviewers. GeoHealth. 2022 May 1;6(5).
- Zhou M, Dai S, Wang Z, Spiro BF, Vengosh A, French D, et al. The Sr isotope signature of Wuchiapingian semi-anthracites from Chongqing, southwestern China: Indication for hydrothermal effects. Gondwana Research. 2022 Mar 1;103:522u201341.
- Vengosh A, Coyte RM, Podgorski J, Johnson TM. A critical review on the occurrence and distribution of the uranium- and thorium-decay nuclides and their effect on the quality of groundwater. The Science of the total environment. 2022 Feb;808:151914.
- Wang Z, Wade AM, Richter DD, Stapleton HM, Kaste JM, Vengosh A. Legacy of anthropogenic lead in urban soils: Co-occurrence with metal(loids) and fallout radionuclides, isotopic fingerprinting, and in vitro bioaccessibility. The Science of the total environment. 2022 Feb;806(Pt 3):151276.
- Vengosh A, Weinthal APOEPE. Water Quality Impacts of the Energy-Water Nexus. 2021.
- Redmon JH, Kondash AJ, Womack D, Lillys T, Feinstein L, Cabrales L, et al. Is Food Irrigated with Oilfield-Produced Water in the California Central Valley Safe to Eat? A Probabilistic Human Health Risk Assessment Evaluating Trace Metals Exposure. Risk analysisu202f: an official publication of the Society for Risk Analysis. 2021 Aug;41(8):1463u201377.
- Whyte CJ, Vengosh A, Warner NR, Jackson RB, Muehlenbachs K, Schwartz FW, et al. Geochemical evidence for fugitive gas contamination and associated water quality changes in drinking-water wells from Parker County, Texas. The Science of the total environment. 2021 Aug;780:146555.
- Wang Z, Coyte RM, Cowan EA, Stapleton HM, Dwyer GS, Vengosh A. Evaluation and Integration of Geochemical Indicators for Detecting Trace Levels of Coal Fly Ash in Soils. Environmental science & technology. 2021 Aug;55(15):10387u201397.
- Schlesinger WH, Klein EM, Wang Z, Vengosh A. Global Biogeochemical Cycle of Lithium. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 2021 Aug;35(8).
- Ni Y, Liao F, Chen J, Yao L, Wei J, Sui J, et al. Multiple geochemical and isotopic (Boron, Strontium, Carbon) indicators for reconstruction of the origin and evolution of oilfield water from Jiuquan Basin, Northwestern China. Applied Geochemistry. 2021 Jul 1;130.
- Kassotis CD, Harkness JS, Vo PH, Vu DC, Hoffman K, Cinnamon KM, et al. Endocrine disrupting activities and geochemistry of water resources associated with unconventional oil and gas activity. The Science of the total environment. 2020 Dec;748:142236.
- Schlesinger WH, Klein EM, Vengosh A. Global Biogeochemical Cycle of Fluorine. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 2020 Dec 1;34(12).
- Kondash AJ, Redmon JH, Lambertini E, Feinstein L, Weinthal E, Cabrales L, et al. The impact of using low-saline oilfield produced water for irrigation on water and soil quality in California. The Science of the total environment. 2020 Sep;733:139392.
- Guo H, Chen Y, Hu H, Zhao K, Li H, Yan S, et al. High Hexavalent Chromium Concentration in Groundwater from a Deep Aquifer in the Baiyangdian Basin of the North China Plain. Environmental science & technology. 2020 Aug;54(16):10068u201377.
- Liu D, Li J, Zou C, Cui H, Ni Y, Liu J, et al. Recycling flowback water for hydraulic fracturing in Sichuan Basin, China: Implications for gas production, water footprint, and water quality of regenerated flowback water. Fuel. 2020 Jul 15;272.
- Wang Z, Coyte RM, Dwyer GS, Ruhl LS, Hsu-Kim H, Hower JC, et al. Distinction of strontium isotope ratios between water-soluble and bulk coal fly ash from the United States. International Journal of Coal Geology. 2020 Apr 1;222.
- Gao J, Zou C, Li W, Ni Y, Liao F, Yao L, et al. Hydrochemistry of flowback water from Changning shale gas field and associated shallow groundwater in Southern Sichuan Basin, China: Implications for the possible impact of shale gas development on groundwater quality. The Science of the total environment. 2020 Apr;713:136591.
- Coyte RM, Vengosh A. Factors Controlling the Risks of Co-occurrence of the Redox-Sensitive Elements of Arsenic, Chromium, Vanadium, and Uranium in Groundwater from the Eastern United States. Environmental science & technology. 2020 Apr;54(7):4367u201375.
- Coyte RM, McKinley KL, Jiang S, Karr J, Dwyer GS, Keyworth AJ, et al. Occurrence and distribution of hexavalent chromium in groundwater from North Carolina, USA. The Science of the total environment. 2020 Apr;711:135135.
- Filippelli G, Colwell RR, Anenberg S, Balbus J, Ceccarelli D, Hudson-Edwards KA, et al. Thank You to Our 2019 Peer Reviewers. GeoHealth. 2020 Mar 1;4(3).
- Wang Z, Dwyer GS, Coleman DS, Vengosh A. Lead Isotopes as a New Tracer for Detecting Coal Fly Ash in the Environment. Environmental Science and Technology Letters. 2019 Dec 10;6(12):714u20139.
- Kondash AJ, Patino-Echeverri D, Vengosh A. Quantification of the water-use reduction associated with the transition from coal to natural gas in the US electricity sector. Environmental Research Letters. 2019 Dec 4;14(12).
- Furst KE, Coyte RM, Wood M, Vengosh A, Mitch WA. Disinfection Byproducts in Rajasthan, India: Are Trihalomethanes a Sufficient Indicator of Disinfection Byproduct Exposure in Low-Income Countries? Environmental science & technology. 2019 Oct;53(20):12007u201317.
- Tomlinson MS, Bommarito P, George A, Yelton S, Cable P, Coyte R, et al. Assessment of inorganic contamination of private wells and demonstration of effective filter-based reduction: A pilot-study in Stokes County, North Carolina. Environmental research. 2019 Oct;177:108618.
- Vengosh A, Cowan EA, Coyte RM, Kondash AJ, Wang Z, Brandt JE, et al. Evidence for unmonitored coal ash spills in Sutton Lake, North Carolina: Implications for contamination of lake ecosystems. The Science of the total environment. 2019 Oct;686:1090u2013103.
- Coyte RM, Singh A, Furst KE, Mitch WA, Vengosh A. Co-occurrence of geogenic and anthropogenic contaminants in groundwater from Rajasthan, India. The Science of the total environment. 2019 Oct;688:1216u201327.
- Furst K, Coyte R, Smith D, Davis J, Vengosh A, Mitch W. Is it time to move beyond the trihalomethane paradigm in developing countries? Lessons learned from wastewater-impacted drinking waters in South Asia. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2019.
- McMahon PB, Vengosh A, Davis TA, Landon MK, Tyne RL, Wright MT, et al. Occurrence and Sources of Radium in Groundwater Associated with Oil Fields in the Southern San Joaquin Valley, California. Environmental science & technology. 2019 Aug;53(16):9398u2013406.
- House JS, Hall J, Park SS, Planchart A, Money E, Maguire RL, et al. Cadmium exposure and MEG3 methylation differences between Whites and African Americans in the NEST Cohort. Environ Epigenet. 2019 Jul;5(3):dvz014.
- Erratum for the Research Article: "The intensification of the water footprint of hydraulic fracturing" by A. J. Kondash, N. E. Lauer and A. Vengosh. Science advances. 2019 May;5(5):eaax8764.
- Filippelli G, Colwell R, Anenberg SC, Balbus JM, Ceccarelli D, Hudson-Edwards K, et al. Thank You to Our 2018 Peer Reviewers. GeoHealth. 2019 Apr 1;3(4):82u20133.
- Correction for Drollette et al., Elevated levels of diesel range organic compounds in groundwater near Marcellus gas operations are derived from surface activities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2019 Apr;116(18):9135.
- Plata DL, Jackson RB, Vengosh A, Mouser PJ. More than a decade of hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling research. Environmental science Processes & impacts. 2019 Feb;21(2):193u20134.
- Tasker TL, Burgos WD, Ajemigbitse MA, Lauer NE, Gusa AV, Kuatbek M, et al. Accuracy of methods for reporting inorganic element concentrations and radioactivity in oil and gas wastewaters from the Appalachian Basin, U.S. based on an inter-laboratory comparison. Environmental science Processes & impacts. 2019 Feb;21(2):224u201341.
- Burke K. First Person: Avner Vengosh. American Scientist. 2019;107(5):282u2013282.
- Brandt JE, Lauer NE, Vengosh A, Bernhardt ES, Di Giulio RT. Strontium Isotope Ratios in Fish Otoliths as Biogenic Tracers of Coal Combustion Residual Inputs to Freshwater Ecosystems. Environmental Science and Technology Letters. 2018 Dec 11;5(12):718u201323.
- Ni Y, Zou C, Cui H, Li J, Lauer NE, Harkness JS, et al. Origin of Flowback and Produced Waters from Sichuan Basin, China. Environmental science & technology. 2018 Dec;52(24):14519u201327.
- McMahon PB, Kulongoski JT, Vengosh A, Cozzarelli IM, Landon MK, Kharaka YK, et al. Regional patterns in the geochemistry of oil-field water, southern San Joaquin Valley, California, USA. Applied Geochemistry. 2018 Nov 1;98:127u201340.
- Coyte RM, Vengosh A. Response to Comments on "large-Scale Uranium Contamination of Groundwater Resources in India". Environmental Science and Technology Letters. 2018 Sep 11;5(9):593u20134.
- Kondash AJ, Lauer NE, Vengosh A. The intensification of the water footprint of hydraulic fracturing. Science advances. 2018 Aug;4(8):eaar5982.
- Schwartz GE, Hower JC, Phillips AL, Rivera N, Vengosh A, Hsu-Kim H. Ranking Coal Ash Materials for Their Potential to Leach Arsenic and Selenium: Relative Importance of Ash Chemistry and Site Biogeochemistry. Environmental engineering science. 2018 Jul;35(7):728u201338.
- Zou C, Ni Y, Li J, Kondash A, Coyte R, Lauer N, et al. The water footprint of hydraulic fracturing in Sichuan Basin, China. The Science of the total environment. 2018 Jul;630:349u201356.
- Coyte RM, Jain RC, Srivastava SK, Sharma KC, Khalil A, Ma L, et al. Large-Scale Uranium Contamination of Groundwater Resources in India. Environmental Science and Technology Letters. 2018 Jun 12;5(6):341u20137.
- Vinson DS, Lundy JR, Dwyer GS, Vengosh A. Radium isotope response to aquifer storage and recovery in a sandstone aquifer. Applied Geochemistry. 2018 Apr 1;91:54u201363.
- Lauer N, Vengosh A, Dai S. Naturally occurring radioactive materials in coals and coal ash in China. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2018.
- Vengosh A, Kondash A. Risks for reuse of unconventional oil and gas wastewater. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2018.
- Vengosh A. Water quality as an additional factor for the energy-water nexus: Distribution of contaminants in water impacted by fossil fuels activities. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2018.
- Harkness JS, Swana K, Eymold WK, Miller J, Murray R, Talma S, et al. Pre-drill Groundwater Geochemistry in the Karoo Basin, South Africa. Ground water. 2018 Mar;56(2):187u2013203.
- Schlesinger WH, Klein EM, Vengosh A. Reply to Selin: Human impacts on the atmospheric burden of trace metals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2018 Mar;115(12):E2668.
- Kreuzer RL, Darrah TH, Grove BS, Moore MT, Warner NR, Eymold WK, et al. Structural and Hydrogeological Controls on Hydrocarbon and Brine Migration into Drinking Water Aquifers in Southern New York. Ground water. 2018 Mar;56(2):225u201344.
- Harkness JS, Warner NR, Ulrich A, Millot R, Kloppmann W, Ahad JME, et al. Characterization of the boron, lithium, and strontium isotopic variations of oil sands process-affected water in Alberta, Canada. Applied Geochemistry. 2018 Mar 1;90:50u201362.
- Eymold WK, Swana K, Moore MT, Whyte CJ, Harkness JS, Talma S, et al. Hydrocarbon-Rich Groundwater above Shale-Gas Formations: A Karoo Basin Case Study. Ground water. 2018 Mar;56(2):204u201324.
- Lauer NE, Warner NR, Vengosh A. Sources of Radium Accumulation in Stream Sediments near Disposal Sites in Pennsylvania: Implications for Disposal of Conventional Oil and Gas Wastewater. Environmental science & technology. 2018 Feb;52(3):955u201362.
- Schlesinger WH, Klein EM, Vengosh A. Global biogeochemical cycle of vanadium. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2017 Dec;114(52):E11092u2013100.
- Lauer N, Vengosh A, Dai S. Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials in Uranium-Rich Coals and Associated Coal Combustion Residues from China. Environmental science & technology. 2017 Nov;51(22):13487u201393.
- Harkness JS, Darrah TH, Moore MT, Whyte CJ, Mathewson PD, Cook T, et al. Naturally Occurring versus Anthropogenic Sources of Elevated Molybdenum in Groundwater: Evidence for Geogenic Contamination from Southeast Wisconsin, United States. Environmental science & technology. 2017 Nov;51(21):12190u20139.
- Neville KJ, Baka J, Gamper-Rabindran S, Bakker K, Andreasson S, Vengosh A, et al. Debating Unconventional Energy: Social, Political, and Economic Implications. Annual Review of Environment and Resources. 2017 Oct 17;42:241u201366.
- Szczuka A, Parker KM, Harvey C, Hayes E, Vengosh A, Mitch WA. Regulated and unregulated halogenated disinfection byproduct formation from chlorination of saline groundwater. Water research. 2017 Oct;122:633u201344.
- Rango T, Vengosh A, Jeuland M, Whitford GM, Tekle-Haimanot R. Biomarkers of chronic fluoride exposure in groundwater in a highly exposed population. The Science of the total environment. 2017 Oct;596u2013597:1u201311.
- Vengosh A, Mitch WA, McKenzie LM. Environmental and Human Impacts of Unconventional Energy Development. Environmental science & technology. 2017 Sep;51(18):10271u20133.
- Bouchaou L, Warner NR, Tagma T, Hssaisoune M, Vengosh A. The origin of geothermal waters in Morocco: Multiple isotope tracers for delineating sources of water-rock interactions. Applied Geochemistry. 2017 Sep 1;84:244u201353.
- Harkness JS, Darrah TH, Warner NR, Whyte CJ, Moore MT, Millot R, et al. The geochemistry of naturally occurring methane and saline groundwater in an area of unconventional shale gas development. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 2017 Jul 1;208:302u201334.
- Luo Y, McCullough LE, Tzeng J-Y, Darrah T, Vengosh A, Maguire RL, et al. Maternal blood cadmium, lead and arsenic levels, nutrient combinations, and offspring birthweight. BMC Public Health. 2017 Apr 24;17(1):354.
- Kondash AJ, Albright E, Vengosh A. Quantity of flowback and produced waters from unconventional oil and gas exploration. The Science of the total environment. 2017 Jan;574:314u201321.
- Vengosh A, Kondash A, Harkness J, Lauer N, Warner N, Darrah TH. The Geochemistry of Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids. In: Procedia Earth and Planetary Science. Elsevier BV; 2017. p. 21u20134.
- Vengosh A, Coyte R, Karr J, Harkness JS, Kondash AJ, Ruhl LS, et al. Origin of Hexavalent Chromium in Drinking Water Wells from the Piedmont Aquifers of North Carolina. Environmental Science and Technology Letters. 2016 Dec 13;3(12):409u201314.
- Schwartz GE, Redfern LK, Ikuma K, Gunsch CK, Ruhl LS, Vengosh A, et al. Impacts of coal ash on methylmercury production and the methylating microbial community in anaerobic sediment slurries. Environmental science Processes & impacts. 2016 Nov;18(11):1427u201339.
- Harkness JS, Sulkin B, Vengosh A. Evidence for Coal Ash Ponds Leaking in the Southeastern United States. Environmental science & technology. 2016 Jun;50(12):6583u201392.
- Lauer N, Vengosh A. Age Dating Oil and Gas Wastewater Spills Using Radium Isotopes and Their Decay Products in Impacted Soil and Sediment. Environmental Science and Technology Letters. 2016 May 10;3(5):205u20139.
- Lauer NE, Harkness JS, Vengosh A. Brine Spills Associated with Unconventional Oil Development in North Dakota. Environmental science & technology. 2016 May;50(10):5389u201397.
- Schwartz GE, Rivera N, Lee SW, Harrington JM, Hower JC, Levine KE, et al. Leaching potential and redox transformations of arsenic and selenium in sediment microcosms with fly ash. Applied Geochemistry. 2016 Apr 1;67:177u201385.
- Lauer N, Harkness J, Vengosh A. Geochemical characterization of brine spills associated with hydraulic fracturing in North Dakota. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2016.
- Darrah T, Jackson R, Poreda R, Muehlenbachs K, Warner N, Whyte C, et al. Using noble gas geochemistry to determine the source and mechanism of natural gas leakage into shallow aquifers near unconventional drilling. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2016.
- Esser B, Beller H, Carroll S, Cherry J, Gillespie J, Jackson R, et al. Groundwater monitoring for oil and gas development under California SB4. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2016.
- Yu M, Weinthal E, Patiu00f1o-Echeverri D, Deshusses MA, Zou C, Ni Y, et al. Water Availability for Shale Gas Development in Sichuan Basin, China. Environmental science & technology. 2016 Mar;50(6):2837u201345.
- Di Giulio RT, Bernhardt ES, Vengosh A, Hsu-Kim H, Brandt JE. Legacy impacts of coal combusion residues in freshwater ecosystems in North Carolina. Water Resources Research Institute News of the University of North Carolina. 2016 Mar 1;(464).
- Schlesinger WH, Vengosh A. Global boron cycle in the Anthropocene. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 2016 Feb 1;30(2):219u201330.
- Jackson RB, Vengosh A, Carey JW, Davies RJ, Darrah TH, Ou2019Sullivan F, et al. The environmental costs and benefits of fracking. Petroleum Abstracts. 2016 Jan p. 101.
- Vengosh A, weinthal E, Neville KJ. The Nexus of Energy and Water Quality. In: The Oxford Handbook of Water Politics and Policy. 2016.
- Down A, Schreglmann K, Plata DL, Elsner M, Warner NR, Vengosh A, et al. Ground water: Pre-drilling background groundwater quality in the Deep River Triassic Basin of central North Carolina, USA. Petroleum Abstracts. 2016 Jan p. 92.
- Darrah TH, Jackson RB, Vengosh A, Warner NR, Whyte CJ, Walsh TB, et al. The evolution of Devonian hydrocarbon gases in shallow aquifers of the northern Appalachian Basin: Insights from integrating noble gas and hydrocarbon geochemistry. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 2015 Dec 1;170:321u201355.
- King KE, Darrah TH, Money E, Meentemeyer R, Maguire RL, Nye MD, et al. Geographic clustering of elevated blood heavy metal levels in pregnant women. BMC Public Health. 2015 Oct 9;15:1035.
- Drollette BD, Hoelzer K, Warner NR, Darrah TH, Karatum O, Ou2019Connor MP, et al. Elevated levels of diesel range organic compounds in groundwater near Marcellus gas operations are derived from surface activities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2015 Oct;112(43):13184u20139.
- Kondash A, Vengosh A. Water Footprint of Hydraulic Fracturing. Environmental Science and Technology Letters. 2015 Sep 15;2(10):276u201380.
- Down A, Schreglmann K, Plata DL, Elsner M, Warner NR, Vengosh A, et al. Pre-drilling background groundwater quality in the Deep River Triassic Basin of central North Carolina, USA. Applied Geochemistry. 2015 Sep 1;60:3u201313.
- Burke KL, Vengosh A. First Person: Avner Vengosh. AMERICAN SCIENTIST. 2015 Sep 1;103(5):10u20134.
- Lauer NE, Hower JC, Hsu-Kim H, Taggart RK, Vengosh A. Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials in Coals and Coal Combustion Residuals in the United States. Environmental science & technology. 2015 Sep;49(18):11227u201333.
- Vidal AC, Semenova V, Darrah T, Vengosh A, Huang Z, King K, et al. Maternal cadmium, iron and zinc levels, DNA methylation and birth weight. BMC Pharmacol Toxicol. 2015 Jul 15;16:20.
- Elsner M, Schreglmann K, Calmano W, Bergmann A, Vieth-Hillebrand A, Wilke FDH, et al. Comment on the German draft legislation on hydraulic fracturing: the need for an accurate state of knowledge and for independent scientific research. Environmental science & technology. 2015 Jun;49(11):6367u20139.
- Merola RB, Hien TT, Quyen DTT, Vengosh A. Arsenic exposure to drinking water in the Mekong Delta. The Science of the total environment. 2015 Apr;511:544u201352.
- Drollette B, Schreglmann K, Warner N, Darrah T, Ou2019Connor M, Karatum O, et al. Trace levels of diesel range organic compounds in shallow groundwater wells in northeastern Pennsylvania elevated near Marcellus shale gas wells. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2015.
- Nir O, Vengosh A, Harkness JS, Dwyer GS, Lahav O. Direct measurement of the boron isotope fractionation factor: Reducing the uncertainty in reconstructing ocean paleo-pH. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2015 Mar 5;414:1u20135.
- Harkness JS, Dwyer GS, Warner NR, Parker KM, Mitch WA, Vengosh A. Iodide, bromide, and ammonium in hydraulic fracturing and oil and gas wastewaters: environmental implications. Environmental science & technology. 2015 Feb;49(3):1955u201363.
- Vengosh A, Warner NR, Kondash A, Harkness JS, Lauer N, Millot R, et al. Isotopic Fingerprints for Delineating the Environmental Effects of Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids. In: Procedia Earth and Planetary Science. Elsevier BV; 2015. p. 244u20137.
- Warner NR, Kresse TM, Hays PD, Down A, Karr JD, Jackson RB, et al. Geochemical and Isotopic Variations in Shallow Groundwater in Areas of the Fayetteville Shale Development, North-Central Arkansas. In: Wastewater and Shale Formation Development: Risks, Mitigation, and Regulation. 2015. p. 81u2013113.
- Eilers A, Miller J, Swana K, Botha R, Talma S, Newman R, et al. Characterisation of Radon Concentrations in Karoo Groundwater, South Africa, as a Prelude to Potential Shale-gas Development. In: Procedia Earth and Planetary Science. Elsevier BV; 2015. p. 269u201372.
- Hamouda MFB, Kondash AJ, Lauer N, Mejri L, Tarhouni J, Vengosh A. Assessment of Groundwater Salinity Mechanisms in the Coastal Aquifer of El Haouaria, Northern Tunisia. In: Procedia Earth and Planetary Science. Elsevier BV; 2015. p. 194u20138.
- Harkness JS, Ruhl LS, Millot R, Kloppman W, Hower JC, Hsu-Kim H, et al. Lithium Isotope Fingerprints in Coal and Coal Combustion Residuals from the United States. In: Procedia Earth and Planetary Science. Elsevier BV; 2015. p. 134u20137.
- Darrah TH, Jackson RB, Vengosh A, Warner NR, Poreda RJ. Noble gases: a new technique for fugitive gas investigation in groundwater. Ground water. 2015 Jan;53(1):23u20138.
- Tarhouni J, Hamouda MFB, Kondash AJ, Mejri L, Vengosh A. Modeling the Recharge and the Renewal Rate Based on 3H and 14C Isotopes in the Coastal Aquifer of El Haouaria, Northern Tunisia. In: Procedia Earth and Planetary Science. Elsevier BV; 2015. p. 199u2013202.
- Miller J, Swana K, Talma S, Vengosh A, Tredoux G, Murray R, et al. O, H, CDIC, Sr, B and 14C Isotope Fingerprinting of Deep Groundwaters in the Karoo Basin, South Africa as a Precursor to Shale Gas Exploration. In: Procedia Earth and Planetary Science. Elsevier BV; 2015. p. 211u20134.
- Lgourna Z, Warner N, Bouchaou L, Boutaleb S, Hssaisoune M, Tagma T, et al. Elucidating the sources and mechanisms of groundwater salinization in the Ziz Basin of southeastern Morocco. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2015 Jan 1;73(1):77u201393.
- Ruhl LS, Dwyer GS, Hsu-Kim H, Hower JC, Vengosh A. Boron and strontium isotopic characterization of coal combustion residuals: validation of new environmental tracers. Environmental science & technology. 2014 Dec;48(24):14790u20138.
- Warner NR, Darrah TH, Jackson RB, Millot R, Kloppmann W, Vengosh A. New tracers identify hydraulic fracturing fluids and accidental releases from oil and gas operations. Environmental science & technology. 2014 Nov;48(21):12552u201360.
- Leslie D, Berry Lyons W, Warner N, Vengosh A, Olesik J, Welch K, et al. Boron isotopic geochemistry of the McMurdo Dry Valley lakes, Antarctica. Chemical Geology. 2014 Oct 29;386:152u201364.
- Rango T, Vengosh A, Jeuland M, Tekle-Haimanot R, Weinthal E, Kravchenko J, et al. Fluoride exposure from groundwater as reflected by urinary fluoride and children's dental fluorosis in the Main Ethiopian Rift Valley. Sci Total Environ. 2014 Oct 15;496:188u201397.
- Jackson RB, Vengosh A, Carey JW, Davies RJ, Darrah TH, Ou2019Sullivan F, et al. The environmental costs and benefits of fracking. Vol. 39. 2014.
- Parker KM, Zeng T, Harkness J, Vengosh A, Mitch WA. Enhanced formation of disinfection byproducts in shale gas wastewater-impacted drinking water supplies. Environmental science & technology. 2014 Oct;48(19):11161u20139.
- Darrah TH, Vengosh A, Jackson RB, Warner NR, Poreda RJ. Noble gases identify the mechanisms of fugitive gas contamination in drinking-water wells overlying the Marcellus and Barnett Shales. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2014 Sep;111(39):14076u201381.
- Parker KM, Zeng T, Vengosh A, Mitch WA. Increased formation of brominated disinfection by-products in shale gas wastewater-impacted surface drinking water supplies. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2014.
- Schwartz GE, Hsu-Kim H, Vengosh A. Trace element toxins in coal ash: New considerations for identifying environmental risks. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2014.
- Vengosh A, Hirschfeld D, Vinson D, Dwyer G, Raanan H, Marie A, et al. Response to Comment on "High naturally occurring radioactivity in fossil groundwater from the Middle East". Environmental science & technology. 2014 Aug;48(16):9946u20137.
- Kravchenko J, Darrah TH, Miller RK, Lyerly HK, Vengosh A. A review of the health impacts of barium from natural and anthropogenic exposure. Environ Geochem Health. 2014 Aug;36(4):797u2013814.
- Kravchenko J, Rango T, Akushevich I, Atlaw B, McCornick PG, Merola RB, et al. The effect of non-fluoride factors on risk of dental fluorosis: evidence from rural populations of the Main Ethiopian Rift. Sci Total Environ. 2014 Aug 1;488u2013489:595u2013606.
- Ou2019Connor MP, Plata DL, Warner NR, Vengosh A, Deshusses MA, Schreglmann K, et al. Identifying needs for novel water treatment technologies for flowback water from natural gas extraction. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2014.
- Vengosh A, Jackson RB, Warner N, Darrah TH, Kondash A. A critical review of the risks to water resources from unconventional shale gas development and hydraulic fracturing in the United States. Environmental science & technology. 2014 Jan;48(15):8334u201348.
- Merola RB, Kravchenko J, Rango T, Vengosh A. Arsenic exposure of rural populations from the Rift Valley of Ethiopia as monitored by keratin in toenails. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol. 2014;24(2):121u20136.
- Merola RB, Kravchenko J, Rango T, Vengosh A. Arsenic exposure of rural populations from the Rift Valley of Ethiopia as monitored by keratin in toenails. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology. 2014;24(2):121u20136.
- Kondash AJ, Warner NR, Lahav O, Vengosh A. Radium and barium removal through blending hydraulic fracturing fluids with acid mine drainage. Environmental science & technology. 2014 Jan;48(2):1334u201342.
- Liu Y-T, Chen T-Y, Mackebee WG, Ruhl L, Vengosh A, Hsu-Kim H. Selenium speciation in coal ash spilled at the Tennessee Valley Authority Kingston site. Environmental science & technology. 2013 Dec;47(24):14001u20139.
- Foster GL, Hu00f6nisch B, Paris G, Dwyer GS, Rae JWB, Elliott T, et al. Interlaboratory comparison of boron isotope analyses of boric acid, seawater and marine CaCO
3 by MC-ICPMS and NTIMS. Chemical Geology. 2013 Nov 4;358:1u201314. - Vinson DS, Tagma T, Bouchaou L, Dwyer GS, Warner NR, Vengosh A. Occurrence and mobilization of radium in fresh to saline coastal groundwater inferred from geochemical and isotopic tracers (Sr, S, O, H, Ra, Rn). Applied Geochemistry. 2013 Nov 1;38:161u201375.
- Rango T, Vengosh A, Dwyer G, Bianchini G. Mobilization of arsenic and other naturally occurring contaminants in groundwater of the Main Ethiopian Rift aquifers. Water research. 2013 Oct;47(15):5801u201318.
- Warner NR, Christie CA, Jackson RB, Vengosh A. Impacts of shale gas wastewater disposal on water quality in western Pennsylvania. Environmental science & technology. 2013 Oct;47(20):11849u201357.
- Jackson RB, Vengosh A, Darrah TH, Warner NR, Down A. Shale Gas, Hydraulic Fracturing, and Environmental Health: An Overview. In: ENVIRONMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MUTAGENESIS. WILEY-BLACKWELL; 2013. p. S13u2013S13.
- Vengosh A, Lindberg TT, Merola BR, Ruhl L, Warner NR, White A, et al. Isotopic imprints of mountaintop mining contaminants. Environmental science & technology. 2013 Sep;47(17):10041u20138.
- Warner NR, Kresse TM, Hays PD, Down A, Karr JD, Jackson RB, et al. Geochemical and isotopic variations in shallow groundwater in areas of the Fayetteville Shale development, north-central Arkansas. Applied Geochemistry. 2013 Aug 1;35:207u201320.
- Jackson RB, Vengosh A, Darrah TH, Warner NR, Down A, Poreda RJ, et al. Increased stray gas abundance in a subset of drinking water wells near Marcellus shale gas extraction. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2013 Jul;110(28):11250u20135.
- Warner N, Lgourna Z, Bouchaou L, Boutaleb S, Tagma T, Hsaissoune M, et al. Integration of geochemical and isotopic tracers for elucidating water sources and salinization of shallow aquifers in the sub-Saharan Dru00e2a Basin, Morocco. Applied Geochemistry. 2013 Jul 1;34:140u201351.
- Ruhl LS, Vengosh A, Dwyer GS, Hsu-Kim H, Schwartz GE. Impact of coal combustion residues on water quality. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. AMER CHEMICAL SOC; 2013.
- Bartov G, Deonarine A, Johnson TM, Ruhl L, Vengosh A, Hsu-Kim H. Environmental impacts of the Tennessee Valley Authority Kingston coal ash spill. 1. Source apportionment using mercury stable isotopes. Environmental science & technology. 2013 Feb;47(4):2092u20139.
- Deonarine A, Bartov G, Johnson TM, Ruhl L, Vengosh A, Hsu-Kim H. Environmental impacts of the Tennessee Valley Authority Kingston coal ash spill. 2. Effect of coal ash on methylmercury in historically contaminated river sediments. Environmental science & technology. 2013 Feb;47(4):2100u20138.
- Vengosh A, Warner N, Jackson R, Darrah T. The Effects of Shale Gas Exploration and Hydraulic Fracturing on the Quality of Water Resources in the United States. In: Procedia Earth and Planetary Science. Elsevier BV; 2013. p. 863u20136.
- Vengosh A. Salinization and Saline Environments. 2013 Jan 1;11:325u201378.
- Warner NR, Jackson RB, Darrah TH, Osborn SG, Down A, Zhao K, et al. Reply to Engelder: Potential for fluid migration from the Marcellus Formation remains possible. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2012 Dec 26;109(52).
- Vinson DS, Lundy JR, Dwyer GS, Vengosh A. Implications of carbonate-like geochemical signatures in a sandstone aquifer: Radium and strontium isotopes in the Cambrian Jordan aquifer (Minnesota, USA). Chemical Geology. 2012 Dec 12;334:280u201394.
- Rango T, Kravchenko J, Atlaw B, McCornick PG, Jeuland M, Merola B, et al. Groundwater quality and its health impact: An assessment of dental fluorosis in rural inhabitants of the Main Ethiopian Rift. Environ Int. 2012 Aug;43:37u201347.
- Warner NR, Jackson RB, Darrah TH, Osborn SG, Down A, Zhao K, et al. Geochemical evidence for possible natural migration of Marcellus Formation brine to shallow aquifers in Pennsylvania. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2012 Jul;109(30):11961u20136.
- Adair SK, Pearson BR, Monast J, Vengosh A, Jackson RB. Considering shale gas extraction in North Carolina: Lessons from other states. Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum. 2012 Jun 21;22(2):257u2013301.
- Ettayfi N, Bouchaou L, Michelot JL, Tagma T, Warner N, Boutaleb S, et al. Geochemical and isotopic (oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, strontium) constraints for the origin, salinity, and residence time of groundwater from a carbonate aquifer in the Western Anti-Atlas Mountains, Morocco. Journal of Hydrology. 2012 May 17;438u2013439:97u2013111.
- Ruhl L, Vengosh A, Dwyer G, Hsu Kim H, Schwartz G, Romanski A, et al. The impact of coal combustion residue effluent on water resources: a North Carolina example. Environmental Science & Technology. 2012;46(21):12226u201333.
- Lindberg TT, Bernhardt ES, Bier R, Helton AM, Merola RB, Vengosh A, et al. Cumulative impacts of mountaintop mining on an Appalachian watershed. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2011 Dec;108(52):20929u201334.
- Jackson RB, Osborn SG, Vengosh A, Warner NR. Reply to Davies: Hydraulic fracturing remains a possible mechanism for observed methane contamination of drinking water. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2011 Oct 25;108(43).
- Plikunas S, Pearson BR, Monast J, Vengosh A, Jackson RB. Working paper from Duke University identifies environmental issues related to shale gas for focus of regulatory action in North Carolina. Water Resources Research Institute News of the University of North Carolina. 2011 Oct 1;(376):7.
- Osborn SG, Vengosh A, Warner NR, Jackson RB. Reply to Saba and Orzechowski and Schon: Methane contamination of drinking water accompanying gaswell drilling and hydraulic fracturing. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2011 Sep 13;108(37).
- Vinson DS, Mcintosh JC, Dwyer GS, Vengosh A. Arsenic and other oxyanion-forming trace elements in an alluvial basin aquifer: Evaluating sources and mobilization by isotopic tracers (Sr, B, S, O, H, Ra). Applied Geochemistry. 2011 Aug 1;26(8):1364u201376.
- Vengosh A, Vinson DS, Schwartz HG, Dwyer GS. Evaluating salinity sources of groundwater and implications for sustainable reverse osmosis desalination in coastal North Carolina, USA. Hydrogeology Journal. 2011 Aug 1;19(5):981u201394.
- Osborn SG, Vengosh A, Warner NR, Jackson RB. Methane contamination of drinking water accompanying gas-well drilling and hydraulic fracturing. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2011 May;108(20):8172u20136.
- Sowers J, Vengosh A, Weinthal E. Climate change, water resources, and the politics of adaptation in the Middle East and North Africa. Climatic Change. 2011 Feb 1;104(3u20134):599u2013627.
- Osborn S, Vengosh A, Warner N, Jackson R. Reply to Saba and Orzechowski and Schon: Methane contamination of drinking water accompanying gas- well drilling and hydraulic fracturing. PNAS. 2011;108:8172u20136.
- Weinthal E, Vengosh A. Water and Conflict: Moving from the Global to the Local. In: Parker R, Sommer M, editors. Routledge Handbook of Global Public Health. Taylor & Francis; 2010.
- Vengosh A. Boron isotopes as a proxy for carbonate dissolution in groundwater - Radiocarbon correction models. Water-Rock Interaction - Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Water-Rock Interaction, WRI-13. 2010 Dec 1;107u201310.
- Vengosh A. The tennessee valley authority's kingston ash slide: Potential water quality impacts of coal combustion waste storage. 2010 Dec 1;113u201320.
- Vinson DS, Lundy JR, Dwyer GS, Vengosh A. Sr isotopes, hydrogeologic setting, and water-rock interaction in the Mt. Simon sandstone (Minnesota, USA). Water-Rock Interaction - Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Water-Rock Interaction, WRI-13. 2010 Dec 1;111u20134.
- Ruhl, L, Vengosh A, Dwyer, G S, Hsu-Kim, et al. The Environmental Impacts of the Coal Ash Spill in Kingston, Tennessee: An Eighteen-Month Survey. Environ Sci & Technol. 2010 Nov;44:9272u20138.
- Ruhl LS, Vengosh A, Dywer GS. Isotopic and geochemical tracers for evaluating the environmental impact of the Tennessee Valley Authority coal ash spill in Kingston, TN. In: GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA. PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD; 2010. p. A889u2013A889.
- Warner NR, Nunnery A, Dwyer GS, Baker PA, Fritz SC, Vengosh A. Boron isotopic ratios from the Salar de Uyuni, Bolivian Altiplano as a paleoenvironmental indicator. In: GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA. PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD; 2010. p. A1114u2013A1114.
- Leslie D, Warner N, Vengosh A, Olesik J, Welch K, Lyons WB. Boron isotopic geochemistry of the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. In: GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA. PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD; 2010. p. A582u2013A582.
- Bartov G, Johnson TM, Ruhl L, Vengosh A, Southworth G. Mercury stable isotope tracing of multiple Mercury sources in the Tennessee River system. In: GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA. PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD; 2010. p. A57u2013A57.
- Deonarine A, Hsu-Kim H, Ruhl L, Vengosh A. Riverine mercury contamination after the 2008 coal ash spill at the Kingston Fossil Plant, TN. In: GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA. PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD; 2010. p. A223u2013A223.
- Vinson DS, Mcintosh JC, Vengosh A. Sr isotope constraints on natural oxy-anionic contaminants in a basin-fill aquifer (Arizona, USA). In: GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA. PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD; 2010. p. A1083u2013A1083.
- Merola RB, Vengosh A. Low-level arsenic contamination of groundwater with biomarker monitoring in Union County, NC. In: GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA. PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD; 2010. p. A700u2013A700.
- Vengosh A. Boron isotopes as a proxy for carbonate dissolution in groundwateru2014radiocarbon correction models. In: Water-Rock Interaction. 2010. p. 107u201310.
- Pratson E, Vengosh A, Dwyer G, Pratson L, Klein E. The Effectiveness of Arsenic Remediation from Groundwater in a Private Home. GROUND WATER MONITORING AND REMEDIATION. 2010;30(1):87u201393.
- Vinson DS, Lundy JR, Dwyer GS, Vengosh A. Sr isotopes, hydrogeologic setting, and water-rock interaction in the Mt. Simon Sandstone (Minnesota, USA). In: Water-Rock Interaction. 2010. p. 111u20134.
- Bouchaou L, Michelot JL, Qurtobi M, Zine N, Gaye CB, Aggarwal PK, et al. Origin and residence time of groundwater in the Tadla basin (Morocco) using multiple isotopic and geochemical tools. Journal of Hydrology. 2009 Dec 30;379(3u20134):323u201338.
- Ruhl L, Vengosh A, Dwyer GS, Hsu-Kim H, Deonarine A, Bergin M, et al. Survey of the potential environmental and health impacts in the immediate aftermath of the coal ash spill in Kingston, Tennessee. Environ Sci Technol. 2009 Aug 15;43(16):6326u201333.
- Vinson DS, Lundy JR, Dwyer GS, Vengosh A. Coupled use of Sr and Ra isotopes to assess Ra mobility and water-rock interaction in sandstone aquifers. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA. 2009 Jun 1;73(13):A1387u2013A1387.
- Dieck R, Marie A, Vengosh A, Hasan J. Ra-226/Rn-222 in groundwater of the Mountain Aquifer and Ein-Feshcha Spring: West Bank. In: GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA. PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD; 2009. p. A292u2013A292.
- Tagma T, Bouchaou L, Nathaniel W, Vison D, Hsissou Y, Boutaleb S, et al. Water quality and radium isotope results from the Souss-Massa basin, Morocco. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA. 2009 Jun 1;73(13):A1305u2013A1305.
- Vengosh A, Dwyer GS, Rimawi O, Al-Zoubi A, Marie A, Ganor J. The origin of fossil groundwater from the Nubian sandstone aquifers in the Middle East: A multi-isotope (Ra, B, Sr, S, O, H) investigation. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA. 2009 Jun 1;73(13):A1377u2013A1377.
- Vinson DS, Vengosh A, Hirschfeld D, Dwyer GS. Relationships between radium and radon occurrence and hydrochemistry in fresh groundwater from fractured crystalline rocks, North Carolina (USA). Chemical Geology. 2009 Mar 30;260(3u20134):159u201371.
- Raanan H, Vengosh A, Paytan A, Nishri A, Kabala Z. Quantifying saline groundwater flow into a freshwater lake using the Ra isotope quartet: A case study from the Sea of Galilee (Lake Kinneret), Israel. Limnology and Oceanography. 2009 Jan 1;54(1):119u201331.
- Vengosh A, Hirschfeld D, Vinson DS, Dwyer GS, Raanan H, Rimawi O, et al. High Naturally Occurring Radioactivity in Fossil Groundwater in the Middle East. Environ Sci & Technol. 2009;
- Vinson DS, Campbell TR, Vengosh A. Radon transfer from groundwater used in showers to indoor air. Applied Geochemistry. 2008 Sep 1;23(9):2676u201385.
- Kloppmann W, Vengosh A, Guerrot C, Millot R, Pankratov I. Isotope and ion selectivity in reverse osmosis desalination: geochemical tracers for man-made freshwater. Environmental science & technology. 2008 Jul;42(13):4723u201331.
- Bouchaou L, Michelot JL, Vengosh A, Hsissou Y, Qurtobi M, Gaye CB, et al. Application of multiple isotopic and geochemical tracers for investigation of recharge, salinization, and residence time of water in the Souss-Massa aquifer, southwest of Morocco. Journal of Hydrology. 2008 May 15;352(3u20134):267u201387.
- Weinthal E, Vengosh A, Marei A, Gutierrez A, Kloppmann W. Authors' reply. Ground Water. 2007 Nov 1;45(6):662u20133.
- Weinthal E, Vengosh A, Marei A, Gutierrez A, Kloppmann W. The water crisis in the Gaza strip: Prospects for resolution. GROUND WATER. 2007 Nov 1;45(6):661-U1.
- Vengosh A, Hening S, Ganor J, Mayer B, Weyhenmeyer CE, Bullen TD, et al. New isotopic evidence for the origin of groundwater from the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer in the Negev, Israel. Applied Geochemistry. 2007 May 1;22(5):1052u201373.
- Farber E, Vengosh A, Gavrieli I, Marie A, Bullen TD, Mayer B, et al. The geochemistry of groundwater resources in the Jordan Valley: The impact of the Rift Valley brines. Applied Geochemistry. 2007 Mar 1;22(3):494u2013514.
- Vengosh A. Rooting out radioactive groundwater. Geotimes. 2006 May 1;51(5):18u201321.
- Farber E, Vengosh A, Gavrieli I, Marie A, Bullen TD, Mayer B, et al. Management scenarios for the Jordan River salinity crisis. Applied Geochemistry. 2005 Nov 1;20(11):2138u201353.
- Weinthal E, Vengosh A, Marei A, Kloppmann W. The water crisis in the gaza strip: prospects for resolution. Ground water. 2005 Sep;43(5):653u201360.
- Farber E, Vengosh A, Gavrieli I, Marie A, Bullen TD, Mayer B, et al. The relationships between groundwater discharge and the Lower Jordan River. In: GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA. PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD; 2005. p. A813u2013A813.
- Holtzman R, Shavit U, Segal-Rozenhaimer M, Gavrieli I, Marei A, Farber E, et al. Quantifying ground water inputs along the Lower Jordan River. Journal of environmental quality. 2005 May;34(3):897u2013906.
- Kass A, Gavrieli I, Yechieli Y, Vengosh A, Starinsky A. The impact of freshwater and wastewater irrigation on the chemistry of shallow groundwater: A case study from the Israeli Coastal Aquifer. Journal of Hydrology. 2005 Jan 10;300(1u20134):314u201331.
- Weinthal E, Parag Y, Vengosh A, Muti A, Kloppmann W. The EU Drinking Water Directive: The Boron standard and scientific uncertainty. European Environment. 2005 Jan 1;15(1):1u201312.
- Vengosh A, Kloppmann W, Marei A, Livshitz Y, Gutierrez A, Banna M, et al. Sources of salinity and boron in the Gaza strip: Natural contaminant flow in the southern Mediterranean coastal aquifer. Water Resources Research. 2005 Jan 1;41(1):1u201319.
- Segal-Rozenhaimer M, Shavit U, Vengosh A, Gavrieli I, Farber E, Holtzman R, et al. Sources and transformations of nitrogen compounds along the Lower Jordan River. Journal of environmental quality. 2004 Jul;33(4):1440u201351.
- Vengosh A, Weinthal E, Kloppmann W. Natural boron contamination in Mediterranean groundwater. Geotimes. 2004 May 1;49(5):20u20135.
- Farber E, Vengosh A, Gavrieli I, Marie A, Bullen TD, Mayer B, et al. The origin and mechanisms of salinization of the Lower Jordan River. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 2004 May 1;68(9):1989u20132006.
- Vengosh A, Weinthal E, Kloppmann W. Natural boron contamination. GEOTIMES. 2004 May 1;49(5):20u20135.
- Lubick N. Natural boron contamination in Mediterranean groundwater. GEOTIMES. 2004 May 1;49(5):22u20133.
- Polat H, Vengosh A, Pankratov I, Polat M. A new methodology for removal of boron from water by coal and fly ash. Desalination. 2004 Apr 1;164(2):173u201388.
- SHAVIT URI, HOLTZMAN RAN, SEGAL M, GAVRIELI I, FARBER E, VENGOSH A. THE LOWER JORDAN RIVER. In: International Seminar on Nuclear War and Planetary Emergencies u2014 30th Session. WORLD SCIENTIFIC; 2004. p. 275u201388.
- Vengosh A. Salinization and Saline Environments. In: Treatise on Geochemistry. 2003. p. 1u201335.
- Henig S, Vengosh A, Ganor J, Bullen TD. Geochemical and isotopic (Sr, B, O, H) characterization of groundwater from the Lower Cretaceous sandstone aquifer in the Negev and Arava Valley, Israel. In: GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA. PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD; 2003. p. A144u2013A144.
- Roded D, Vengosh A, Mayer B. Identification of sources of nitrate in the coastal aquifer of Israel: New insights from nitrogen and oxygen isotope measurements. In: GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA. PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD; 2003. p. A400u2013A400.
- Vengosh A, Helvaci C, Karamanderesi IH. Reply to the comment on "Geochemical constraints for the origin of thermal waters from western Turkey" by Umran Serpen and Tahir u00d6ngu00fcr. Applied Geochemistry. 2003 Jul 1;18(7):1117u20139.
- Vengosh A, Marei A, Guerrot C, Pankratov I, Kloppmann W. An enigmatic salinity source in the Mediterranean coastal aquifer and Gaza Strip: Utilization of isotopic (B, Sr, O) constraints for searching the sources of groundwater contamination. In: GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA. PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD; 2002. p. A804u2013A804.
- Segal-Rozenhaimer M, Holtzman R, Shaviv A, Vengosh A, Farber E, Gavrieli I, et al. Sources and processes of nitrogen along the lower Jordan River. In: GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA. PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD; 2002. p. A695u2013A695.
- Vengosh A, Gill J, Davisson ML, Hudson GB. A multi-isotope (B, Sr, O, H, and C) and age dating (3H-3He and 14C) study of groundwater from Salinas Valley, California: Hydrochemistry, dynamics, and contamination processes. Water Resources Research. 2002 Mar 14;38(1):91u2013917.
- Vengosh A, Helvaci C, Karamanderesi IH. Geochemical constraints for the origin of thermal waters from western Turkey. Applied Geochemistry. 2002 Mar 11;17(3):163u201383.
- Shavit U, Holtzman R, Segal M, Vengosh A, Farber E, Gavrieli I, et al. Water sources and quality along the Lower Jordan River, regional study. In: Rubin H, Nachtnebel P, Shamir U, Furst J, editors. WATER RESOURCES QUALITY. SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN; 2002. p. 127u201348.
- Vengosh A, Gill J, Davisson ML, Hudson GB. A multi-isotope (B, Sr, O, H, and C) and age dating (3H-3He and 14C) study of groundwater from Salinas Valley, California: Hydrochemistry, dynamics, and contamination processes. Water Resources Research. 2002;38(1):91u2013917.
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