DukEngineer Magazine 2020

In this issue: Using CRISPR to Explore the Dark Genome, Privacy and Versatility in Machine Learning, New Master’s Program in Financial Technology and more

Editor-in-Chief: Sabrina Qi E’20

Faculty Innovation

A blue digitalized human head with lots of numbers and lines flowing around it
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Machine Learning Protecting Human Privacy

Duke Engineers are pioneering techniques to scan a person’s face while ignoring certain sensitive features that someone might not want their device to access

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Versatility of Machine Learning

David Carlson is helping colleagues across campus use machine learning in their own fields of expertise while removing the “black box” from the equation

The Undergraduate Experience

Four people standing on top of the Duke Chapel looking up into the camera
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First-Year Students Learn to Thrive

New zero-credit course ‘Thrive’ arms first-year students with tools to seamlessly transition into college, understand one another and realize resilience

Graduate Opportunities

students gather around an electron microscope at Duke University
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Finding Your Place in Research

Master’s students stress the importance of doing homework on research labs before deciding to join one

Peering into Tomorrow

Workers line one side of tables while visitors line the other at an information fair
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GREENgineering: Duke Bleeds GREEN

Initiated by Dean Ravi Bellamkonda, GREENgineering is working toward a greener and more sustainable Pratt School of Engineering