
CEE Seminar – Mechanics at the Microscale

Wilkinson Building, room 021 auditorium

This seminar will discuss core opportunities and challenges at the intersection of experimental mechanics and machine learning. The application of data-driven and machine learning approaches to the mechanics of structural […]

Coffee, Bagels, & Chill

Take a break with the engineering master's community and join us in the Teer Student Lounge for some breakfast snacks, coffee, and tea

Graduate Student Recruitment Workshop

Fitzpatrick Center Schiciano Auditorium Side B, room 1466

This workshop is open to anyone (graduate students, postdocs, staff, faculty) who is involved in the recruitment process. I will go over various tips for interacting with prospective students. Dinner […]

Pratt 3rd Annual Ugly Sweater Run

Wear your tackiest sweater (holiday or otherwise!) and come out for a low-key run, jog, or walk on a route around Pratt. Meet at Harrington Quad at 3 pm. Race […]