
DQC Seminar Series

Chesterfield Atrium, 701 W Main St

Duke Quantum Center Seminar Series

Duke Research on Tap

Enjoy drinks and snacks while listening to Phd students and PostDocs share their research for a non-expert audience.

Quantum Process Learning and Variational Quantum Computing


Parameterized quantum circuits serve as ansätze for solving variational problems and provide a flexible paradigm for programming near-term quantum computers. Here we discuss three fundamental criteria for this paradigm to […]

CEE Seminar – Mechanics at the Microscale

Wilkinson Building, room 021 auditorium

This seminar will discuss core opportunities and challenges at the intersection of experimental mechanics and machine learning. The application of data-driven and machine learning approaches to the mechanics of structural […]

Coffee, Bagels, & Chill

Take a break with the engineering master's community and join us in the Teer Student Lounge for some breakfast snacks, coffee, and tea