
Snack, Chat, and Give Thanks

Pratt School of Engineering

Join us for our last Snack Chat of the season in the Fitzpatrick Atrium on Tuesday, November 19 from 3:30-4:30. Come snack, chat with friends new and old, craft a […]

Duke Advanced Multifunctional Metamaterials Workshops 2024

JB Duke Hotel

The inaugural International Duke AMM Workshop aims to foster cutting-edge research and real-world applications of electromagnetic, acoustical, mechanical, and quantum metamaterials. The two-day meeting will facilitate collaboration and coordination, present […]

CEE Seminar – Concrete and the Environment

Wilkinson Building, room 021 auditorium

It is widely known today that portland cement concrete is the most commonly used manufactured material. It is also well-known that portland cement production contributes approximately 8 to 10 percent […]

DMI/MEMS Seminar Presented by Prof. Markus J. Buehler

Wilkinson Building, room 021 auditorium

Abstract: For centuries, researchers have sought out ways to connect disparate areas of knowledge. With the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI), we can now rigorously explore relationships that span across […]

Invented at Duke 2024

Penn Pavilion

Duke's Office for Translation & Commercialization would like to invite you to the 6th Invented at Duke, a special Centennial edition of the annual celebration and showcase of Duke inventors […]

DQC Seminar Series

Chesterfield Atrium, 701 W Main St

Duke Quantum Center Seminar Series

Duke Research on Tap

Enjoy drinks and snacks while listening to Phd students and PostDocs share their research for a non-expert audience.