
DQC Seminar Series

Chesterfield Atrium, 701 W Main St

Duke Quantum Center Seminar Series


Teer 203

Abstract The talk will be self-contained and no background on conformal prediction is required. Conformal prediction is a mathematical framework for uncertainty quantification of machine learning models. Originated from Statistics, […]

Stress Management Wellness Workshop

Teer 203

During the busiest time of the semester, stress increases and rises. Learn how to cope and manage it in healthy ways and the engineering graduate and professional students' shared experiences.

Snack, Chat, and Give Thanks

Pratt School of Engineering

Join us for our last Snack Chat of the season in the Fitzpatrick Atrium on Tuesday, November 19 from 3:30-4:30. Come snack, chat with friends new and old, craft a […]