
Exploring the tumor-immune ecosystem using multi-scale computational modeling

Computational Health Seminar featuring Dr. Stacey Finley. Speaker Biography: Dr. Stacey Finley is holder of the Nichole A. and Thuan Q. Pham Professorship and Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Southern California. Dr. Finley received her B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Florida A & M University and obtained her Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering […]

The Quantitative Finance and Analytics Club at Duke University First Meeting

Gross Hall 103

We're thrilled to announce the launch of the Quantitative Finance and Analytics Club at Duke University! At our core, we're committed to making Duke Graduate Students a pivotal player in the quantitative finance community. Our mission is to empower members with the knowledge and skills needed to lead in the world of finance, regardless of […]

Career Coach Drop-In Hours for Engineering Master’s Students


All engineering Master's students are invited to use this weekday service to have an individual conversation with a career coach about any topic. No appointment is needed and the conversation length will vary based on the number of students waiting. Also, check out the CSPD website. There's lots to help you if office hours aren't […]

Career Coach Group Drop-In Hours for Engineering Master’s Students


All engineering Master's students are invited to use this weekly group session service to have a conversation with a career coach and other students about multiple topics. No appointment is needed and the conversation length will vary based on the number of students participating. Also, check out the CSPD website. There's lots to help you […]


Teer 203

Rydberg atoms in fundamental physics and quantum-technology applications Georg Raithel, Professor of Physics, University of Michigan Rydberg atoms, which are atoms with a tenuously bound valence electron, are highly sensitive to external electromagnetic fields and to other atoms. Fundamental work on cold Rydberg atoms and ions includes the study of molecular bonding based on low-energy […]

Expanding Your Network: Intercultural Tips for Enhancing Engagement

Teer 203

This workshop aims to help graduate students overcome intercultural barriers and build strong relationships across diverse cultures and engineering disciplines. Participants will engage in activities to explore their own cultural lens and develop plans to expand their networks beyond their own communities. Whether you're a seasoned networker or just starting out, this workshop provides actionable […]

Career Coach Drop-In Hours for Engineering Master’s Students


All engineering Master's students are invited to use this weekday service to have an individual conversation with a career coach about any topic. No appointment is needed and the conversation length will vary based on the number of students waiting. Also, check out the CSPD website. There's lots to help you if office hours aren't […]

CEE Seminar – Building an emergency well water surveillance system for North Carolina

Wilkinson Building, room 021 auditorium

Natural hazards magnify drinking water contamination disparities, as inequities in hazard risks, infrastructure recovery, and social support systems can render well-reliant populations more vulnerable and less resilient. The impact of natural disasters on the private well community is a serious public health issue as exposure to contaminated well water has been linked to waterborne disease […]

How to Ace Your Engineering Interview Utilizing Exponent


Learn how to ace your engineering interview with our virtual workshop! This session is open to students in any Pratt Masters of Engineering Program and will include: • Core concepts and algorithms frequently tested in technical interviews • Hands-on coding exercises that simulate real interview scenarios • Tips for effective communication with Interviewers • Common […]